



      The Functions of Figures of Speech in Writing

      2017-11-25 05:42:05王學(xué)紅
      長(zhǎng)江叢刊 2017年2期


      The Functions of Figures of Speech in Writing


      The paper gives a brief introduction to the figures of speech. They can make the articles vivid and express some meanings clearly and easily. It gives some examples of the use of the main figures of speech: simile, metaphor, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, irony and euphemism. They are very useful in writing, so we should master them well and use them properly.

      Figures of Speech Writing Vivid Impressive

      The figures of speech is very important in writing. They can make the articles vivid and impressive. And sometimes we can’t express an idea well. But by using the figures of speech, we can do it clearly and easily. Words used in their original meanings are used literally, while words used in extended meanings for the calling up pictures in the reader’s or listener’s mind are used figuratively. The most common figures of speech are simile, metaphor, personification, euphemism and irony etc.

      Simile is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like. For example, the sentence “He told her all about the digging and everything, and Aunt Sally’s mouth was opening and closing like a fish.”①From this expression, we can know that Aunt Sally is very surprised and angry. But the author doesn’t use the dull sentence. By the simile we can just like seeing Aunt Sally. Sentence “He seemed as tall as a mountain, and every one of his steps measured about ten meters.”②After reading these sentences, we are clear about Gulliver’s smallness and the giant’s hugeness. We also get the information about the giants exactly. “ The prisoner ran like a wild goat.”③We almost see the prisoner by this sentence, he ran so fast. Maybe he is young and strong. There are also some examples in our daily oral speech. The child’s face is like a red apple. The girl is as beautiful as a flower. By using the simile, we can get more information. And the sentences can arouse our interest.

      Metaphor is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word as or like. Here is a sentence, “San Francisco, then and now a hotbed of hopeful young writers.”④The word hotbed refers to the importance of San Francisco. It is a place where many young writers grow up. We can understand this meaning easily. “All would resurface in his books, together with the colorful language that he soaked up with a memory that seemed phonographic.”⑤When we read this sentence we can know Mark Twain has an extensive experience and he can master plenty of words and use them well. “but her mobile peony mouth and large innocent eyes added eloquence to color and shape.”⑥This sentence describes that Tess is very charming from many points. It makes the readers can’t help wondering at Tess’s beauty. “And he laugh at him, a skinny collection of bones in filthy canvas.”⑦Now, we can get a conclusion-he is very thin. The writer use a metaphor to express that wonderfully.

      Metonymy is substituting the name of one thing for that of another with which it is closely associated. Its character is brief and vivid. We can use it from different aspects. First, use a name to refer to something. “Have you read any Mars?”⑧Here Marx means Marx’ work. Second, use an animal to refer to a certain country or people“. Dragon-China.”⑧Third, use a place to refer to a government organization. “The white House awarded the astronaut a medal.”⑧White House is instead of American government here. Fourth, use one thing to refer to the other thing. “And while the steamer worked and sweated in the sun, the retired artist sat on a barrel in the shade close by, eating his apple.”⑨Steamer in the sentence refers to a boy-Ben. Because he was rowing at that time. The writer use metonymy to express his opinion clearly and freely. It can save the author’s many words but express magically.

      Personification is to treat a lifeless thing or an abstract concept as if it were human or had human qualities and feelings. This one is very easy and we usually use it more. Such as“ Half an hour later the angry sea turned our boat over and we were all in the water.”⑩Here the sea is angry just like a person. It’s very interesting but we know there are big waves on the sea, it’s not calm and quiet. We often meet these sentences. Such as “Time waits for no man. The night has thousands of eyes. Thunder roared and pouring rain started.” They all use the personification. They are vivid.

      Hyperbole is used to impress the sentence’s meaning, so that to make the expressions more emotional. We usually use it in our oral English. In Huckleberry Finn, there is a sentence,“Once he was away for three days and I thought I was never going to get out again.”11It expresses Huckleberry’s hopelessness strongly. Another sentence “It sounds like twelve machines running at the same time. I turned my head and saw a huge cat, three times larger than one of our cows.”12Here the hugeness of the cat is expressed figuratively.

      Irony is the use of words which are clearly opposite to what is meant, in order to achieve a special effect. By it we can get the purpose of impression. Usually it is satirical. Now we can from some examples to feel its usefulness. “You are really a good friend, aren’t you?” In fact, you’re not a good friend. “You are really a fine gentleman. How unselfish you are!” In fact the man is selfish. The effect using an irony is better than direct description. It can give us a deep impression.

      Euphemism is the substitution of a mild or vagueexpression for a harsh or unpleasant one. Use it, we can avoid using the rude and impolite language. We also can avoid hurting the other’s feeling. For example, if we want to say that somebody is dead. We may change other ways to indicate. “He passed away. He has gone west. He has gone to heaven. He has left us. His heart has stopped beating. Ect.”13Also“ concentration— strategic hamlets, invasion—military action.”14It is obvious that those euphemism used by the ordinary people are meant to soften harsh reality, but those used by politicians may aim at deceiving the public.

      The paper has discussed some figures of speech and their functions. In fact there are still some other rhetoric. They are very useful in our writing. So we should master them well and use them in suitable occasions. Then we can improve our expressing ability in English language.


      ①M(fèi)ark Twain, Huckleberry Finn. P46.

      ②Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels. P47.

      ③Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe. P42

      ④Zhang Hanxi, Advanced English. P151.

      ⑤Zhang Hanxi, Advanced English. P152.

      ⑥Thomas Hardy, Tess of the D’urbervilles. P51.

      ⑦Colleen McCullough, The Thorn Bird. P31.

      ⑧Zhu Baoxiong, English Writing. P61.

      ⑨Xu Guozhang, Xu Guozhang English Volume IV. P115.

      ⑩Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe. P16

      11Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn. P14

      12Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels. P52.

      13Zhu Baoxiong, English Writing. P70

      14Ding Wangdao, A Handbook of Writing. P26.


      [1]Colleen McCullough, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 1992.

      [2]Daniel Defoe, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press. Oxford University Press, 1999.

      [3]Jonathan Swift, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 1998.

      [4]Mark Twain, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, Oxford University Press, 1998.

      [5]Thomas Hardy, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 1992.

      [6]Zhang Hanxi, Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Press, 1995.

      [7]Zhu Baoxiong, Huadong Teachers College Press, 1993.



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