



      天文學報第59卷 (2018)總目次

      2018-01-27 03:46:02
      天文學報 2018年6期


      黑洞超吸積與伽瑪射線暴................................................劉 彤 (45)


      雙星對早型星系化學演化和冷卻函數的影響...............................王 浪 (4)

      費米耀變體的X射線輻射.......楊江河 樊軍輝 張月蓮 楊如曙 庹滿先 聶建軍 (38)

      DBSCAN聚類算法在Gaia-DR2中檢測疏散星團的研究...........................................................................徐守坤 王 超 莊麗華 高新華 (43)

      超大質量黑洞存在逆向吸積的可能證據..................王 凱 黃正鵬 王建民 (44)


      疏散星團NGC 6866視場中5顆類太陽振動紅巨星的星震學研究............................................................................蓋 寧 唐延柯 黃 樣 (20)

      中子星質量分布與誕生方式的研究.....................................................................劉 鵬 張 潔 支啟軍 王德華 尚倫華 楊佚沿 潘元月 (27)

      低分辨率恒星光譜的[α/Fe]估計方法研究........盧 瑜 李鄉(xiāng)儒 林揚濤 邱凱斌 (35)

      雙星觀測量計算方法的改進及應用......................陳 健 夏 芳 傅燕寧 (48)

      慢脈動B型星KIC 8324482的星震學研究........鄧真敏 李 焱 吳 濤 陳興浩 (49)

      探究雙脈沖星候選體PSR J1906+0746的物理性質.......楊佚沿 李 菂 陳 黎 (55)


      磁制動作用下太陽在主序階段質量流失對自轉角速度減速的影響.........李林森 (12)

      Ca波段下黑子本影振蕩的統(tǒng)計特征.....何小輝 梁莎莎 段雅丹 梁周渝 梁紅飛 (26)

      尖峰爆發(fā)標度律及其對新一代太陽射電望遠鏡參數的約束........................................................................譚寶林 程 俊 譚程明 寇洪祥 (37)

      空間分辨率對磁場無力性判斷的影響............................蔣成清 張 枚 (39)


      扁率對行星自由核章動與低階本征模耦合影響的初步研究.........張 冕 黃乘利 (1)

      風暴洋晚期玄武巖厚度及規(guī)模研究..............................................................................胡曉依 陳 媛 張迅與 李少林 夏學齊 吳昀昭 (14)

      海王星特洛伊:回顧與新成員...........................武瑞君 周 磊 周禮勇 (36)

      小行星(58)Concordia測光研究..................................蔣攀飛 王曉彬 (46)

      月球澄海玄武巖礦物成分研究..................蔡 偉 李少林 盧 瑜 吳昀昭 (51)


      地球特洛伊天體穩(wěn)定區(qū)域研究....................................夏睿奇 周禮勇 (8)

      基于二叉樹的太陽系小天體數值歷表建立方法....................胡壽村 季江徽 (9)

      雙行根數編目體系軌道誤差研究.................................許曉麗 熊永清 (24)

      地-月系平動點軌道的特征及其相關問題.................劉 林 湯靖師 侯錫云 (29)


      導航衛(wèi)星自主時間維持算法影響因素分析........欽偉瑾 韋 沛 楊旭海 任曉乾 (2)

      一種基于小波變換的氫銫聯合守時算法研究......................................................................宋會杰 董紹武 姜 萌 王燕平 漆 溢 屈俐俐 (5)

      北斗三號試驗衛(wèi)星的鐘差評估及預報....毛 亞 王潛心 胡 超 張銘彬 陳雄川 (6)

      BDS/GPS星載原子鐘的短期鐘差預報模型研究..布金偉 左小清 常 軍 李小龍 (7)

      天王星5顆主要衛(wèi)星CCD定位觀測試驗..........謝華嬌 彭青玉 王 娜 馬 帥 (10)

      Crab脈沖星X射線計時觀測數據處理與分析.....楊廷高 童明雷 趙成仕 高玉平 (13)

      基于Vondr′ak濾波1階差分灰色模型的衛(wèi)星鐘差預報方法.........................................................于 燁 張慧君 李孝輝 肖 波 陳婧亞 葛玉龍 (19)

      基于GM(1,1)和MECM組合模型的GPS衛(wèi)星鐘差中短期預報.............................................................于 燁 張慧君 李孝輝 肖 波 陳婧亞 (23)

      《明實錄》天象記錄的統(tǒng)計分析..................................劉次沅 馬莉萍 (28)

      經驗模態(tài)分解方法在脈沖星計時殘差分析及預報中的應用................................................................高 峰 高玉平 童明雷 楊廷高 趙成仕 (32)

      同波束VLBI雙差分電離層電子總量抖動天頂方向統(tǒng)計特性研究..馬俊武 劉慶會 (33)

      一種基于差分的長波授時方法研究..............燕保榮 李 云 郭 偉 華 宇 (54)

      主動型氫原子鐘性能監(jiān)測及評估方法研究.......白杉杉 董紹武 趙書紅 張繼海 (56)


      德令哈13.7 m望遠鏡譜線OTF觀測系統(tǒng)..................................................................孫繼先 逯登榮 楊 戟 蘇 揚 張少博 周 鑫 林鎮(zhèn)輝 (3)

      關于射電望遠鏡臺址航空信號處理方法的研究..........................................................許紅瑞 陳卯蒸 劉 奇 尹 航 王 軍 劉 璇 袁 力(15)

      掠入射聚焦型脈沖星探測器在軌有效面積標定及靈敏度分析.....................................................................石永強 鄧樓樓 呂政欣 梅志武 (16)

      南極5 m太赫茲望遠鏡指向與調焦校準精度分析.................................................................................康浩然 左營喜 婁 錚 何茜茹 (17)

      一種新型副鏡調整機構的位姿誤差分析與測試研究......葉 宇 樂中宇 顧伯忠 (18)

      大視場巡天望遠鏡探測器響應與濾光片優(yōu)化分析................................................師冬冬 鄭憲忠 趙海斌 婁 錚 王海仁 錢 元 劉 偉 姚大志 (22)

      暗物質粒子探測衛(wèi)星有效載荷綜合測試系統(tǒng)的設計與實現.......................................徐遵磊 張永強 張 哲 藏京京 張云龍 郭建華 蔡明生 常 進 (25)

      基于支持向量機的云圖自動識別和提取方法.....王利文 賈 鵬 蔡冬梅 劉慧根 (34)

      射電天文毫米波接收機強度校準.................................................................................王 凱 陳卯蒸 馬 軍 李笑飛 閆 浩 項斌斌 (42)

      基于調頻廣播信號的空間碎片探測方法..........................................................張 翔 HANCOCK Paul WAYTH Randall 季江徽 馬月華 (47)

      極大望遠鏡桁架式鏡筒設計及優(yōu)化......................徐潔倩 王國民 崔向群 (52)

      利用GPS數據標校水汽輻射計的方法研究..............................................................竇世標 宋淑麗 周偉莉 劉智敏 陳欽明 鄭為民 陳后財 (53)

      射電天文圖像的反卷積算法研究................張 利 徐 龍 米立功 馬家君 (57)


      超新星遺跡伽瑪射線起源的研究.........................................張 瀟 (11)

      Ia型超新星多樣性的觀測研究............................................張居甲 (21)

      SONG自動觀測輔助系統(tǒng)的研發(fā).........................................田健峰 (30)

      射電天文干涉圖像的快速高保真重建.....................................張 利 (31)

      射電星系的中央引擎和統(tǒng)一模型研究.....................................胡京馥 (40)

      觸發(fā)式恒星形成特征的搜尋和1.3 cm波段的譜線巡測.....................龔 龑 (41)

      近鄰盤星系的演化及恒星形成歷史研究..................................康曉宇 (50)

      分子云的天體化學觀測和模擬研究.......................................葛繼興 (58)

      基于Fermi-LAT數據的暗物質湮滅線譜搜尋及悟空號的伽馬射線分析軟件開發(fā)............................................................................梁云峰 (59)



      Black Hole Hyperaccretion and Gamma-ray Bursts...................LIU Tong(45)


      Binary Interactions on the Early-type Galaxy Chemical Evolution and Gas Cooling Function...........................................................WANG Lang(4)

      X-ray Emissions for Fermi Blazars...................................YANG Jiang-he

      FAN Jun-hui ZHANG Yue-lian YANG Ru-shu TUO Man-xian NIE Jian-jun(38)

      DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm for Detection of Nearby Open Clusters Based on Gaia-DR2.............XU Shou-kun WANG Chao ZHUANG Li-hua GAO Xin-hua(43)

      Evidence for Retrograde Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes..........................................WANG Kai HUANG Zheng-peng WANG Jian-min(44)


      Asteroseismic Analysis of Five Red Giants with Solar-like Oscillations in the Field of Open Cluster NGC 6866..............GAI Ning TANG Yan-ke HUANG Yang(20)

      Study on Mass Distribution and Birth Mode of Neutron Star.....LIU Peng ZHANG

      Jie ZHI Qi-jun WANG De-hua SHANG Lun-hua YANG Yi-yan PAN Yuan-yue(27)

      A Method of Estimating the[α/Fe]Ratios from Low-resolution Stellar Spectra.................................LU Yu LI Xiang-ru LIN Yang-tao QIU Kai-bin(35)

      A New Algorithm in Computations of Binary Stars’Observed Quantities and Its Application..................................CHEN Jian XIA Fang FU Yan-ning(48)

      Asteroseismic Analysis of the Slowly Pulsating B Star KIC 8324482........................................DENG Zhen-min LI Yan WU Tao CHEN Xing-hao(49)

      Study on Physical Properties of the Double Pulsar Candidate J1906+0746......................................................YANG Yi-yan LI Di CHEN Li(55)

      THE SUN

      In fluence of Mass Loss Due to Solar Wind on the Retardation of the Rotation Angular Velocity of the Sun on the Main Sequence under the Action of the Magnetic Braking.................................................................LI Lin-sen(12)

      Statistical Characteristics of Umbra Oscillation of Sunspots in Ca Band...........HE Xiao-huiLIANG Sha-shaDUAN Ya-danLIANG Zhou-yuLIANG Hong-fei(26)

      Scaling-laws of Radio Spike Bursts and Their Constraints on New Solar Radio Telescopes.........TAN Bao-lin CHENG Jun TAN Cheng-ming KOU Hong-xiang(37)

      The In fluence of Spatial Resolution on Estimating the Force-Freeness of Magnetic Field..........................................JIANG Cheng-qing ZHANG Mei(39)


      The Preliminary Study of the effect of the Oblateness on the Free Core Nutation and the Coupling of the Lower Degree Normal Modes...............................................................................ZHANG Mian HUANG Cheng-li(1)

      The Thickness and Scale of Late-stage Basalts in Oceanus Procellarum...........HU

      Xiao-yi CHEN Yuan ZHANG Xun-yu LI Shao-lin XIA Xue-qi WU Yun-zhao(14)

      Neptune Trojans:a Revisit and a New Member.........................................................................WU Rui-jun ZHOU Lei ZHOU Li-yong(36)

      Photometric Study on Asteroid(58)Concordia................................................................................JIANG Pan-fei WANG Xiao-bin(46)

      Study on Basalt Mineral Composition of Mare Serenitatis..........................................................CAI Wei LI Shao-lin LU Yu WU Yun-zhao(51)


      Stability Regions for Earth Trojans..................XIA Rui-qi ZHOU Li-yong(8)

      The Design of Ephemerides for Solar System Minor Bodies Based on Binary Tree.....................................................HU Shou-cun JI Jiang-hui(9)

      Study on Orbit Error of TLE Catalogue System.XU Xiao-li XIONG Yong-qing(24)

      The Characteristics and Related Problems of the Orbits Around the Earth-Moon Libration Points..........................LIU Lin TANG Jing-shi HOU Xi-yun(29)


      Analysis of In fluence Factors on Autonomous Time-maintenance Algorithm of Navigation Satellites............QIN Wei-jin WEI Pei YANG Xu-hai REN Xiao-qian(2)

      An Algorithm Research Based on Wavelet Transforms about Hydrogen Masers and Cesium Clocks in Time Keeping..................................................SONG Hui-jieDONG Shao-wuJIANG MengWANG Yan-pingQI YiQU Li-li(5)

      Performance Analysis and Prediction of Clock Off sets for the BDS-3 Test Satellites...MAO Ya WANG Qian-xin HU Chao ZHANG Ming-bin CHEN Xiong-chuan(6)

      Study on the Prediction Model of Short-term Clock difference for the Atomic Clock Onboard BDS/GPS Satellite.............................................................................BU Jin-wei ZUO Xiao-qing CHANG Jun LI Xiao-long(7)

      Experimental CCD Positional Observations of the Five Major Uranian Satellites..........................XIE Hua-jiao PENG Qing-yu WANG Na MA Shuai(10)

      Process and Analysis of X-ray Timing Data for Crab Pulsar..................................YANG Ting-gao TONG Ming-lei ZHAO Cheng-shi GAO Yu-ping(13)

      Prediction Method of Satellite Clock Bias Based on Grey Model of First-order difference of Vondr′ak Filter....................................................................

      YU YeZHANG Hui-junLI Xiao-huiXIAO BoCHEN Jing-yaGE Yu-long(19)Short-and Mid-term Prediction of GPS Satellite Clock Bias Based on GM(1,1)and

      MECM Combination Model....................................................................YU Ye ZHANG Hui-jun LI Xiao-hui XIAO Bo CHEN Jing-ya(23)

      Statistical Analysis on the Astronomical Records ofMing Shilu......................................................................LIU Ci-yuan MA Li-ping(28)

      Application of Analysis and Prediction of Pulsar Timing Residuals Based on the Method of Empirical Mode Decomposition...................................................

      GAO Feng GAO Yu-ping TONG Ming-lei YANG Ting-gao ZHAO Cheng-shi(32)

      The Study of Statistical Characteristics of Fluctuation of Double differential Total Electron Content in Ionosphere Observed by Same-beam VLBI in the Zenith Direction.................................................MA Jun-wu LIU Qing-hui(33)

      A Method of Long-wave Timing Based on difference...............................................................YAN Bao-rong LI Yun GUO Wei HUA Yu(54)

      Research on the Method of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation for Active Hydrogen Maser...BAI Shan-shan DONG Shao-wu ZHAO Shu-hong ZHANG Ji-hai(56)


      Spectral Line On-The-Fly Observing System of the Delingha 13.7 m Telescope.......................................................................SUN Ji-xian LU Deng-rong YANG Ji SU Yang ZHANG Shao-bo ZHOU Xin LIN Zhen-hui(3)

      A Study of Aeronautical Signal Processing Method for Radio Telescope Station..........................................................................XU Hong-rui

      CHEN Mao-zhengLIU QiYIN HangWANG JunLIU XuanYUAN Li(15)

      The In-orbit effective Area Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of FXPT..........................SHI Yong-qiang DENG Lou-lou LV Zheng-xin MEI Zhi-wu(16)

      Accuracy Analysis of the Pointing and Focusing Calibration of the 5 m Terahertz Telescope for Dome A in Antarctica........................................................................KANG Hao-ran ZUO Ying-xi LOU Zheng HE Qian-ru(17)

      Research on Position-orientation Error Analysis and Test for a New-style Adjustment Mechanism of Secondary Mirror..........YE Yu YUE Zhong-yu GU Bo-zhong(18)

      A Study of Detector Response and Filter Optimization for the Wide Field Survey Telescope.......................................SHI Dong-dong ZHENG Xian-zhong

      ZHAO Hai-bin LOU Zheng WANG Hai-ren QIAN Yuan LIU Wei YAO Da-zhi(22)

      The Design and Realization of the Payload Integrated Test System for DAMPE........................................XU Zun-lei ZHANG Yong-qiang ZHANG Zhe

      ZANG Jing-jing ZHANG Yun-long GUO Jian-hua CAI Ming-sheng CHANG Jin(25)

      Automatic Identi fication and Extraction Clouds from Astronomical Images Based onSupport Vector Machine................................................................................WANG Li-wen JIA Peng CAI Dong-mei LIU Hui-gen(34)

      The Amplitude Calibration of Radio Astronomy Millimeter Wave Receiver...........WANG Kai CHEN Mao-zheng MA Jun LI Xiao-fei YAN Hao XIANG Bin-bin(42)

      A Method of Detecting Space Debris with FM Radio Signals.........................ZHANG Xiang HANCOCK Paul WAYTH Randall JI Jiang-hui MA Yue-hua(47)

      Design and Optimization of Truss Tube Based on Giant Telescope...............................................XU Jie-qian WANG Guo-min CUI Xiang-qun(52)

      Study on the Water Vapor Radiometer Calibration with GPS Data..............................................................DOU Shi-biao SONG Shu-li ZHOU Wei-li LIU Zhi-min CHEN Qin-ming ZHENG Wei-min CHEN Hou-cai(53)

      Study on Deconvolution Algorithm of Radio Astronomical Images................................................ZHANG Li XU Long MI Li-gong MA Jia-jun(57)


      The Origin ofγ-ray Emission from Supernova Remnants..........ZHANG Xiao(11)

      Observational Study of the Diversity of Type Ia Supernovae.....ZHANG Ju-jia(21)

      Research and Development of Automatic Observation Support System for SONG...............................................................TIAN Jian-feng(30)

      Fast High- fidelity Reconstruction of Radio Astronomical Interferometric Images......................................................................ZHANG Li(31)

      Studies of the Central Engine in Radio Galaxies and the Uni fied Model..............................................................................HU Jing-fu(40)

      A Search for Triggered Star Formation and a 1.3 cm Spectral Line Survey............................................................................GONG Yan(41)

      The Evolution and Star Formation History of Nearby Disk Galaxies..............................................................................KANG Xiao-yu(50)

      Observational and Simulation Studies of Molecular Cloud Chemistry.................................................................................GE Ji-xing(58)

      Search for Gamma-ray Line Features with Fermi-LAT Data and Development of DAMPE

      Gamma-ray Science Analysis Software.........................LIANG Yun-feng(59)

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