




      2018-06-26 06:36葉夢(mèng)嬌
      校園英語(yǔ)·下旬 2018年2期

      【Abstract】Semantics is essential to English learning and it can be simply defined as the study of meaning. Sense relations, componential analysis and predication analysis are three main concepts. Learning semantics enables language learners to classify words, master different parts of the sentence and learn English well.

      【Key words】 semantics; English learning; sense relations; componential analysis; predication


      1. Introduction

      The effects of semantics in English learning contains the classification of different types of words, the analysis of words meaning and relation, and the guidance of semantic meaning of sentences. A better understanding of the relative theory of modern semantics is conducive to the improvement of the comprehension thinking ability. Through learning semantics, learners minds can be well organized.

      2. The effects of semantics in English learning

      2.1 The advantage of using sense relations

      2.1.1 The usage of synonymy and antonymy

      English learners can use the comprehensive understanding of synonymy or antonymy to remember two or more words at one time. For example, words Biscuit and Cracker, Bakery and Bakehouse are two sets of synonyms. By giving the illustrative sentence “The British go into the bakery to buy some biscuits while the Americans go into the bakehouse to buy some crackers”, it will become much easier for language learners to classify these words and bear them in minds.

      2.1.2 The usage of hyponymy

      In English learning, similarly, learners are able to learn and master a large amount of words by using classification. Hyponymy is a common sense-relation, its definition is often taken for granted. For instance, when students see a group of words such as pen, pencil, eraser, crayon, hyponymy teaches them to classify words into a class. After learning it, learners will know the words above are covered in a superordinate Stationery. Hyponymy is spontaneous for English learners to connect words in mind after learning sense relations.

      2.2 The advantage of using componential analysis

      Semantics teaches English learners to analyse word meaning and words relation. In English learning, componential analysis lets learners completely clear the relationship between words. If learners use one formula of it to specify two words which possess certain semantic features, the formula will show how these words are related in meaning. Take the following formula as an example. “man” and “woman”: +HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +(-)MALE.

      However, in the practical English studying and learning, Some semantic components are seen as binary taxonomies, like MALE and FEMALE, ADULT and YOUNG. When come across this phenomenon, in order not to be leaded into the blind alley in semantic meaning learning, learners should not be entangled with them and whats wise is to simply divide them into two groups, and classify these words according to the comprehension of the words meanings. Analysis provides an insight into the words meaning, thus learners are able to see through legibly the formation of the semantic features of the whole word.

      2.3 The advantage of using predication analysis

      Predication analysis instructs us to analyse semantic meaning of sentences in English learning. There is a formula: A predication= Argument(s) + Predicate. To analyse the sentence, an argument is the nominal element(s), and as a general rule, a predicate consists the verb and its complements. They are the foundation of the predication.

      Here is an example: the sentence “Kids like apples.”

      the arguments “KID”, “APPLE”

      the predicate “LIKE”

      the predication: KID, APPLE (LIKE)

      Predication analysis guides language learners to analyse semantic meaning of sentences in English learning. No matter how different the grammatical meanings are, the semantic meanings are always the same. For example, sentences like “ Mary runs. Mary is running. Mary has been running. Mary, run! Does Mary run?” These five sentences can all be described by the same semantic predication: MARY (RUN). In English learning, through predication analysis, learners can use argument(s) and predicate to express sentences in a clear way.

      3. Conclusion

      Semantics is the study of the communication of linguistic meaning. In the analysis of semantics, sense relations, composition and prediction analysis enable learners to classify words, master different parts of the meaning towards sentences. And the limitation of grammar can be bypassed and even more complex structure can be processed. Whats the most significant is that the analysis of meaning is a highly abstract and sophisticated problem, so what we have done is just the preliminary study of this task.


      [1]Zhu F.Semantics in English Listening Learning[J].Journal of Shaoyang University,2004.

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