



      Take a Step Back

      2018-08-03 07:32:12ByLiYu
      Special Focus 2018年7期

      By Li Yu

      There is no other way for the poor to enjoy themselves but to “take a step back.”I feel poor, but there are others poorer than me in the world; I see myself as a humble person, but there are others who are humbler than me. My wife and children can be a terrible burden, yet there are homeless people who have lost their wives and children and can receive no support from them; I have suffered from the calluses on my hands and feet caused by long-time labor, but there are also people in prison who cannot work freely. If you always think in this way, the seemingly sea of suffering will become a land of paradise.If you always compare yourself with those who are better than you, you will be endlessly insecure and fall into a state of despair and depression.

      One midsummer night, a rich man sojourned at a post house during his journey. Mosquitoes swarmed into his bed-curtain and he couldn’t drive them out.Memories of the sumptuous living conditions of his home came flooding back: memories of his spacious living room, his crisp, cool pillow mat and the many lovely concubines fanning him as he slept the night away in luxuriant indulgence. He didn’t have even the slightest inkling of how blazingly hot summer could be back then. The only thing on his mind as he lay there perspiring in the sultry heat was how badly he was suffering. And it was his pleasant memories of comfort and luxury that annoyed him all the more and kept him wide awake throughout the night.

      This article was originally written by Li Yu (1611-1680), a Chinese playwright,novelist and publisher in the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties, and translated into Modern Chinese by Han Zhonghua. The English version was translated by Qin Run according to Han’s Modern Chinese version


      文/[清]李漁 譯/韓中華





      There was a courier station chief sleeping on the steps of a pavilion who was attacked by a swarm of mosquitoes.He was forced to run around the yard, in the hope of avoiding being bitten from head to toe. Though he was running so hard, his signs of enjoyment would have made one think it was pleasure mixed with pain. The rich man felt puzzled and asked, “You have suffered 10 or 100 times more than I have. I’m in great pain, but why are you enjoying the torment?” He replied, “I remember a time when I was framed by my enemy and put in prison. It was also in summer when the jailer was afraid that I would run away and tied my arms and legs every night so that I couldn’t move a muscle. There were twice as many mosquitoes as tonight, and having been bound up, it was impossible to keep from being bitten. Not only can I run around tonight, but my limbs can also drive away mosquitoes freely. This situation is pure heaven compared to that.” Hearing this, the rich man was suddenly enlightened.He had discovered the poor’s secret to happiness. For example, it is very hot in a small room in the summer. If you walk in the scorching sun for a while and then return to the room, the heat won’t feel as intense as before. If you cannot take the heat in the small room and run to a breezy place to cool down,when you come back, the heat will feel ten times more intense. In the deep chill of winter, if you know that the thin walls and drafty conditions are the source of your misery, then run deliberately into the biting wind and freezing snow for a while. When returning to the house,you will feel that the room is very warm,and not nearly as cold as it was when you left. If you avoid the cold of the old house and get warm in a mansion with central heating, you will not even be able to imagine how bitterly cold it will be when you return. The rest goes on in the same manner. What I call “taking a step back” is something that is done everywhere on a daily basis. Everyone has done it at least once. If you take a step back, happiness will be yours. I am the one who have suffered most in the world, yet I neither die from sorrow nor pine away from misery, for I use this way to find joy.

      Just like the secret of happiness revealed by the courier station chief, we don’t have to draw on others’ examples to “take a step back.” We’ve all faced adversity before. It is the same from disaster to calamity or from illness to grief. To quote the Book of Songs, “How shalt thou fashion the haft of thine axe?Thou but needst the axe.” Sometimes the answer is as plain as the nose on your face. The closer the comparison to your own experience, the more vivid and emotionally impactful it will be. Not only should we not forget the calamities and disasters in our life, but we should also remind ourselves of them, from time to time, as our “one step back.”

      (From Sketches of Idle Pleasure,Beijing Institute of Technology Press)


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