




      2018-08-14 19:51ByMollyYoung
      英語學習 2018年8期

      By Molly Young

      W hen my coffin lid was slammed shut and padlocked, I didnt panic. It was dark, and my wrists were chafing from the handcuffs.1 Nearby, I could hear my husband, Teddy, scrabbling2 about in his own coffin, testing to see if his lid was sealed securely (from the sound of it: yes). The air smelled like a warm shoe. Teddy shouted my name, and I shouted back. Entombment3 did nothing to dull our communication skills. Which, I suppose, would be comforting if I believed in the afterlife.

      The coffins were part of an escape game called“Boxed Up,” hosted by a venue in Brooklyn that offers a variety of such amusements. Escape games work like this: You enter a room (or coffin) and are given a limited amount of time to find your way out by solving puzzles and clues planted within. Its basically the 90s computer game Myst4, but in real life. Escape games come in all sorts of themes, most with a cinematic flair: crypt, haunted hotel, underground bunker, spaceship, sanitarium, zombie apocalypse, and archaeological dig.5

      Like dreams and traffic disputes, escape rooms are scandalously6 dull to summarize. But try it once, and everything else will suddenly pale in comparison. Youll see. A perfectly nice friend will text to see if you want to grab a drink, and youll be thinking: You want to sip a beverage and chat when we could be jimmying open an armoire that contains a bloody doll with an anagram carved into her left foot that we have to chant three times holding hands before an amulet falls from the ceiling?7 Please!

      Generally, the games begin with an employee gathering you and your friends at a door to give you a spiel8. (“Please do not use physical force to escape.”) Then a clock starts, and you start looking for puzzles: hidden compartments, trick mirrors, twoway radios, carpets woven with concealed messages.(The hard part isnt solving the puzzles; its figuring out what is a puzzle. One time I wasted eight minutes examining a bowl of plastic vegetables that turned out to be décor9.) Each puzzle leads to the next, which eventually leads to a key to unlock the door.

      Think of all the ways you already insert pleasurable, circumscribed10 bursts of risk into your life. Maybe you watch horror movies, consume hot sauce, jaywalk. Maybe you steal Splenda11 packets from Starbucks or treat the speed limit as a cute suggestion. An escape game is like stacking these things atop one another and rounding out the itinerary12 with a medium-scary roller coaster. The panic is real even if the pressure is an illusion. You wont die or get stuck in the 1980s if you fail to escape; an employee will simply unlatch the door and let you out with a “Better luck next time.”

      Because escape games are cheap to create and fairly lucrative to operate, theyve proliferated since their invention (apparently in Japan, where else?) around 2007.13 Theres probably one near you. And while they have a reputation as dorky14 corporate team-building exercises, I would urge you to approach them as a regular form of dorky recreation.For our bout of endangerment in the coffins, my husband and I paid little more than the price of a fussy restaurant dinner.15 We werent totally unsupervised; an employee of the venue listened through hidden microphones to offer hints and intervene if something disastrous happened. But still. What if there had been a fire? What kind of twist ending would it be if we died after paying someone to entomb us for fun—the legendary kind of twist ending, or the horrifying kind?

      Aside from moonshot calamities16, the risks are psychological. Escape games are a natural emetic17 for all your bad qualities. Are you bossy? An escape game will turn you into a sickening tyrant. Are you meek? Youll cower18. Anxious? Youll freak. If you have a grain of self-awareness, the emotional purge will occur within the first minute of the game, and youll spend the rest of the time actively compensating for your worst instincts, surfing them like a wave and relishing the conquest.19 What Im suggesting is that escape games are a thrilling substitute for therapy. Theyre also a fine alternative to alcohol. Being trapped in a box with other adults replicates20 drinkings shortcut to intimacy, while working under a clock eliminates awkwardness (theres no time for it!). Does it matter why your pulse is quickening as long as its quickening?

      In the coffin game, Teddy broke free of his tomb first. Like a good and faithful husband, he helped loose me from my own before moving on to the next puzzle. After the game ended, we went home and did what we always do: drink tequila and go over every hint, maze, codex and red herring in lingering detail.21 What were our triumphs? What could we do better next time? What was up with that latex clown?

      Most hobbies are enjoyable only if youre good at them, but Im mediocre22 at escape games, and Id still rather do them than eat or sleep. They reward sheer effort like nothing else. Escape rooms make a simple and beguiling23 metaphor for life. In the space of an hour, you dart through all the stages of human maturation, from bewilderment(infancy) to discovery (puberty) to reasoning (adulthood) to deliverance (death).24 Its like starring in your own dumb biopic.25










      1. padlock: 給……上掛鎖;chafe: 擦破,擦傷。

      2. scrabble: 亂抓,亂扒。

      3. entombment: 下葬。

      4. Myst: Cyan公司于1993年推出的一款圖形解謎游戲,中文譯名為《神秘島》。

      5. flair: 資質(zhì);crypt: 教堂地窖;bunker: 掩體,地堡;sanitarium: 療養(yǎng)院;apocalypse: 世界末日,大災(zāi)難;archaeological: 考古學的。

      6. scandalously: 過分地。

      7. jimmy: (用撬棍)撬;armoire: // 大衣柜;anagram: 易位構(gòu)詞游戲;chant: 反復地喊;amulet: 護身符。

      8. spiel: 流利夸張的演說。

      9. décor: 裝飾品。

      10. circumscribed: 有限的。

      11. Splenda: 善品糖,一種人工甜味劑。

      12. itinerary: 路線,里程。

      13. lucrative: 有利可圖的;proliferate: 增殖,擴散。

      14. dorky: (俚語)過時的,愚蠢的。

      15. bout:(游戲的)一局,一回;endangerment: 危害,受到危險;fussy: 過分精細的,過于講究的。

      16. calamity: 災(zāi)難,不幸事件。

      17. emetic: 催吐素,這里引申為誘因。

      18. cower: 退縮,畏縮。

      19. purge: 情緒的宣泄;relish: 享受。

      20. replicate: 復制。

      21. codex:(圣經(jīng)、經(jīng)典著作等的)手抄本;red herring: 轉(zhuǎn)移注意力的東西。

      22. mediocre: // 平庸的。

      23. beguiling: // 迷人的,誘人的。

      24. bewilderment: 困惑,混亂;puberty:青春期,發(fā)育期;deliverance: 解救,解脫。

      25. star: 出演;biopic: 傳記片。

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