I am torn between two men. One earns 400,000 RMB a year, but only has a high-school diploma; the other is my college classmate, who is doing an unpaid internship. With the first man, I worry about our kids future education, but with the second, I feel we would have to work hard in the next few years to have the life I want. Dear Ayi, which man should I pick?
Confused Cathy
求你了 (Qi% n@ le, I beg you), let both these men go! 天涯何處無芳草 (Ti`ny1 h9 ch& w% f`ngc2o, there are plenty of flowers in the world), you dont have to 將就 (ji`ngjiu, settle). You probably dont even have an internship, nor are you clearly a scholar yourself, but who cares! After all, you are young and pretty, which are really only the qualities men are looking for. Make it a 等價交易(d0ngji3 ji`oy#, trade of equal value) and dont sell yourself short—literally. 相信自己 (Xi`ngx#n z#j@, have faith in yourself), you deserve a 高富帥 (g`of&shu3i;, “tall, rich, handsome”). Dont take forever though—you know theres a 保質(zhì)期 (b2ozh#q~, expiration date) to girls like you.
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