



      The Application of Interaction from Sociocultural Perspective in English Teaching Classroom

      2018-10-25 10:39:20劉鈺茗
      校園英語(yǔ)·中旬 2018年10期

      【Abstract】Interaction is a concept focusing on the outside factors used to explore its influence on second language acquisition (SLA). Ellis(1985) gives its definition as “interaction consists of the discourse jointly constructed by the learner and his interlocutors”(p.127). And from interactionist view, language acquisition is a process including the common action of mental internalization and environment impact. This article aims to focus on interaction and one of its relevant theories: sociocultural theory (SCT) to explore its application in English class teaching.

      【Key words】interaction; scaffolding; ZPD; sociocultural theory


      1. Theory associated with the topic

      One of the alternative views concerning about the role of interaction in SLA is based on Sociocultural Theory (Vygotsky 1978) SCT. The theory is about the development of peoples cognition and high mental ability, which is mainly achieved through social interaction (Liang, 2013).

      And according to Lantolf (2007), the principles of SCT can be also applied to explain SLA. The core concept of sociocultural approaches is that interaction is an indispensable force of SLA but not just a factor facilitating SLA, and all language learning happens in a social setting with a combined action from inside and outside (Swain, Kinnear & Steinman, 2011). Furthermore, in terms of the key meaning of SCT, it is different from social approaches in which interaction is seen as a helpful element for SLA but not a key force (Saville-Troike, 2006).

      From the sociocultural perspective, second language learning occurs when there is a transformation from a persons current inner knowledge structures to higher and complex mental functions. And this process must involve medication, which is the basic claim of SCT (Lantolf, 2009). This kind of medication needs to occur in a level which is called the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). This metaphor term refers to a gap between the stage learners can perform independently and a higher level where learners need to achieve with outside assistance or mediation.

      SCT emphasizes that SLA is a process of mediation. And mediation is categorized into three aspects: other-mediation, self-mediation and the mediation of cultural artifacts (Bruner, 1986). Other-mediation occurs between experts and novices or between a proficient second language speaker and another speaker in a low level. And one of the types is scaffolding which is a kind of support from experts and peers who are in an advanced level of SLA.

      2. The relevance area to English language teaching

      According to Ehrich (2006), language learning is involved in an interaction combined with cognitive, behavioral and environmental elements. In English teaching, SCT provides the basic principles to guide teachers to conduct appropriate class activities of communication within learners ZPD, whereby teachers can help them build and achieve new ZPD.

      The key concept mediation is usually used in class to supply scaffolding for students to solve language problems. One of the practical application is Dynamic Assessment (DA), which is a combination of instruction and assessment, specifically, it is “a pedagogical instantiation of the ZPD” (Lantolf, 2009).

      3. Current empirical research that has implications to teaching

      As the main area explored in this article about SCT are the key concept mediation with ZPD and scaffolding. Therefore, two empirical studies have been chose to show the relationship between interaction and SLA.

      4. Rethinking Scaffolding: Examining Negotiation of Meaning in an ESL Storytelling Task

      This empirical study was conducted by Ko, Schallert and Walters in 2003 and published in the journal “TESOL Quarterly” focusing on exploring the reinterpretation of scaffolding. This research intended to examine that whether and how interaction can provide chances for scaffolding and if so, what the roles of teachers and peers play in the interaction.

      With a rough rating analysis, the study made a great contribution to “expand the construct of scaffolding” (Ko, Schallert & Walters, 2003, p.303). Teachers, definitely, contribute to the storytelling improvement. And high quality of storytelling was also much influenced by the storytellers and other peer audiences who played critical roles in scaffolding.

      5. ZPD, Scaffolding and Basic Speech Development in EFL Context

      This is a case study focusing on the relationship between scaffolding within an appropriate ZPD and the development of basic speech of adult English learners in a communication context. It was conducted by Khaliliaqdam in 2014.

      Six adults at the age around 25 were selected as the participants. The study lasted for five weeks with a pre-description data collection, scaffolding sessions and post-describing sessions. The result indicated that during the interaction, teachers supplied scaffolding within learners ZPD to help them negotiate meanings and improve speech abilities.

      6. Conclusion

      SCT is one of the significant theories in explaining SLA highlighting the important influence of social interaction. SCT sees mediation as the key concept which can construct scaffolding for language learners when it occurs in ZPD. The two empirical studies reviewed in this article examined different scaffoldings influence in different class interactions, which arise some implications in English teachings. Just as Vygotsky (1978) claimed that “childrens thinking and meaning making are socially constructed and emerges out of their social interactions with their environment” (p.56). And to make a comprehensive consideration of constructing a fair class language education, teachers still need to think about the ways of evaluation to ensure appropriate uses of ZPD and scaffolding.


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      [3]Ellis, R.Understanding Second Language Acquisition[M].Oxford; New York:Oxford University Press,1985.

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      [5]Ko,J.Schallert,D.L.&Walters;, K.Rethinking scaffolding: examining negotiation of meaning in an ESL storytelling task[J].TESOL Quarterly,2003,37(2):303-324.

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      [8]Liang, A.M.Study of second language acquisition under sociocultural theory[J].American Journal of Educational Research, 2013,1(5):162-167.

      [9]Saville-Troike,M.Introducing second language acquisition. Cambridge,UK;New York:Cambridge University Press,2006.

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