




      2019-03-08 03:16張詩昆
      西部論叢 2019年7期


      The center of gravity on worlds economy is gradually shifting to Asia. Southeast Asia is one of the regions that are playing significant roles in pushing for the change due to its significant contributions (Katzenstein 353). The Economy of Asia is rivalling those of established regions such as the North America and the Europe. The vicious cycle of poverty that has characterized many Asian nations is continually broken with nations such as Singapore and Japan having achieved the historic aim (Katzenstein 360). The economic success of Southeast Asia has been extraordinary with new challenges emerging. As citizens applaud the rapid economic growth and development, the main concern is whether the economic growth will be sustainable in the future. Another fundamental concern is the issue of inclusivity. As Southeast Asia becomes important to the worlds economy, it is anticipated that it should take more roles in the global economic leadership (Haggard 20). The challenges that are facing the economies of Asian countries can be addressed by the regional economic cooperation such as ASEAN.

      Regionalism is a relatively new concept that is facilitating the economic rise of Asia. Asia as a continent has approximately half of the worlds population. This means that it has high purchasing power in terms of total output. The economies of Asian countries are increasingly intertwined through trade, technology, direct investments, financial transactions, tourist flows, labor, and other economic relationships (Haggard 33). The regional economic cooperation in Asia is characterized by diversity, openness, and dynamism of the economies. The economies of Asian countries are primarily connected by the markets. In many instances where the market becomes a point of connection, then the government will follow. The leaders of Asian countries have taken concerted steps to foster unity among the nation by committing to work through a collaborative approach (Pempel 21). The Asian Financial Crisis played a vital role in the formation of new regionalism, which led to emergence of new initiatives.

      The initiatives that have been established in the Asian context are similar to that renowned cooperation such as the European Union. However, as we disused in Dr. Rich`s class, the difference is exemplified on the foundational pillars that are contextual to the Asian countries. The cooperation seeks to find ways of fostering the Asian diversity and pragmatism while building bridges to connect Asia to the rest of the world (Higgott 52). The stakes in the regionalism are critical for both Asian countries and the world for many reasons. The reasons are summarized on the benefits of regionalism. One of the most reputable regional cooperation in Asia is ASEAN, which consists of ten countries. The significance of this cooperation is well known to the public domain considering the efforts various governments have taken to ensure that it is sustainable and viable. ASEAN as a regional cooperation is characterized with missions, visions, and goals (Higgott 75). The choice of Singapore to join the cooperation is based on the nations objectives and expectations.

      Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

      ASEAN was formed in 1967 with five nations including Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore (Stubbs 444). In the late 20th century, five countries including Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao, and Myanmar also joined the ASEAN. Singapore joined ASEAN for various reason, which is principally based on the aims and purposes of the cooperation.

      The cooperation aims at accelerating economic growth, cultural development, and social progress (Stubbs 450). This first provision resonates with the beliefs of Singapore. Economic growth is a key element in the formation of peaceful nation. ASEAN is has a firm belief on the notion that peaceful and prosperous nations can be established through the spirit of partnership and equality. It is challenging for a country to stand independently without requiring the assistance of its neighbors.

      Dominate nations and regionalism

      The first principle defines the mutual respect and sovereignty of nation. In the world characterized by geopolitics sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of nation have been a topic of hot debate. Seemingly, some powerful nations are extending their muscles to meddle in affair of other nations like influencing outcome of elections, sponsoring chaos and anarchy. It is against the fundamental principles of ASEAN for any country within the regional bloc to engage in unwarranted practices that derogate the meaning of independence and sovereignty (Frankel, Jeffrey , and Shang 246). By assigning to the treaty, Singapore aims at enhancing and ascertaining its independence and sovereignty. As such, all the members of ASEAN ascribe to the doctrines stipulated in the treaty leading to improved national security. Suppose, Singapore failed to join the ASEAN community, then it is exposed to attacks from the neighboring countries who are interested in gaining geopolitical mileage by using neocolonialism techniques.

      The public domain is aware of recent cases that have been reported in the media regarding other nations violating the territorial integrity of the neighbors a perfect example being the annexation of Crimea by Russia (Pollack 82). The unfolding events led to numerous death. Assumable, any nation can have a test on its national security. For example, the U.S has been on heated confrontation with the North Korea for many years. As a super power, the US has interest in global politics by determining foreign policies for different nations (Snyder 99). In this case, the US is against nuclear arms that the North Korea is amassing viewing them as a global threat. On the other hand, the North Korea demands for independence and sovereignty. The spat between the two countries has not only threatened national security but also the global peace and stability. These kinds of confrontations are reported regularly. In the backdrop of the confrontation between the U.S and North Korea, it is widely known that the two nations are delinked. The U.S has imposed trade sanctions on North Korea while urging other nations like China to follow suit. (This may stop because President Trump “Fell in love” with Kim Jong Un). With Participation in ASEAN, Singapore can get away with these troubles and benefitted more from the cooperation.

      China is also a major reason that Singapore loves and has to participate in regionalism and ASEAN, as a growing world dominate power, China puts lots of pressures in South and East Asian countries. Furthermore, due to its unique history background, more than 70% of Singapore population are ethnic Chinese or Chinese immigrants, the unique connections between China and Singapore made lots of Singaporeans afraid of their independence. Participation in regionalism can balance the influence from China with other factors, hence protect Singapore in a broad and significant way.

      Benefits of Regionalism in Southeast Asia

      Regionalism such as cooperation like ASEAN is important tool and arsenal when structured and implemented effectively. When nations come together to form economic regional organizations, the effects are seen in other aspect such sociocultural and political field (Frankel, Jeffrey, and Shang 250). Integration of nations in the Southeast region has immense advantages to the nations and the entire region. A region can only be recognized in the global economies if it can be determined quantitatively that it is contributing massively to economic growth and development (Tallberg 241). As regionalism in East Asia encompasses multiple benefits that each country should strive to enjoy just as Singapore has maximized on ASEAN.

      Regionalism initiates economic growth by linking the competitive strengths of diverse economies hence boosting productivity (S?derbaum 10). Each nation forming the economic bloc has different economies. Each diverse economy is characterized by strengths and weakness. Through regionalism, nations can share ideas of increasing the competitive strengths while mitigating on the weaknesses. Furthermore, the cooperation is a mutual benefit for all the nations involved. For example, one nation will specialize in production of a specific product while another focus on product that it is comfortable in producing (S?derbaum 11). The specialization in production of goods in one region exposes it to the world market leading to an increment in trade.

      Regionalism in East Asia has led to construction and establishment of infrastructures that facilitates inclusive development leading two reduced inequalities and strengthening growth policies in various nations (Tomz 200). Lastly, regionalism has been instrumental in the formulation of mechanism of managing social issues such as environmental problems and cross-border health safety.

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