跟蓋瑞叔叔住在一起的日子可真不好過。他剛來的頭幾天晚上,在曼尼房里睡氣墊床。但蓋瑞叔叔經(jīng)常噩夢連連,在半夜驚醒。上星期的一個晚上他做了個超恐怖的噩夢。Living with Uncle Gary hasn’t been easy.On his first few nights in the house,he slept on an air mattress in Manny’sroom.But Uncle Garyhasthese nightmares that wake him up in the middle of the night,and last Monday he had a really bad one.
結果現(xiàn)在蓋瑞叔叔睡到了客廳的沙發(fā)上,而曼尼的床搬到了房間中央,遠離墻壁。So now Uncle Gary is sellping on the couch in the family room,and Manny’s bed is in the middle of his room,away from the walls.
蓋瑞叔叔睡在沙發(fā)上可真給我們添麻煩了。他的噩夢導致失眠,結果白天就倒頭大睡,讓我們放學后想放松一下看看電視都不行,真沒勁。It’s really inconvenient with Uncle Gary sleeping on our couch.His bad dreams keep him up all night,and then he sleeps through most of the day.That really stinks when you just want to relax after school and watch some TV.
不過蓋瑞叔叔影響最大的還是羅德里克。The person who’s been affected the most by Uncle Gary is Rodrick,though.
蓋瑞叔叔搬進來之前,羅德里克基本上是住在客廳沙發(fā)上的,尤其是在周末。Before Uncle Gary moved in,Rodrick practically lived on the couch in the family room,especially on the weekends.
現(xiàn)在,每當星期六一早老爸把他從地下室趕下床后,羅德里克就無處可去了。Now Rodrick doesn’t have anywhere to go when Dad kicks him out of bed in the basement on Saturday mornings.