




      2019-07-26 03:17
      文化交流 2019年7期














      朱雪菲 著



      方向明 著



      劉斌 著





      趙曄 著



      姬翔 王寧遠 董傳萬 羅以達 著



      夏勇 朱雪菲 著





      姬翔 宋姝 武欣 著



      陳明輝 著



      朱葉菲 著



      王寧遠 著



      馬黎 著



      Books Celebrate Glory of Liangzhu

      A number of books have been published since the Liangzhu Archaeological Site was inscribed onto the UNESCOs World Heritage List on July 6, 2019 Beijing Time. The new books are designed to deepen understanding of the ancient Liangzhu civilization and present a new look at the diversity and unity of Chinese civilization.

      Hardcore Archaeological Books by Zhejiang University Press

      One day after the Liangzhu Archaeological Sites inscription, Zhejiang University Press released Liangzhu Civilization, a series of 11 books, onto the market. The books were essentially written by middle-aged and young scholars who have been conducting in-depth studies on the Liangzhu Culture sponsored by Zhejiang Cultural Heritage Administration. The books present two groups of knowledge: what have been found at the archaeological sites and what the archaeological finds signify in terms of archaeology and history and culture.

      The hardcore science series covers the achievements made by archaeologists of Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in the past four decades, enumerates the key archaeological discoveries in Liangzhu over the past eight decades, and presents a large quantity of historical photos featuring field studies and excavation projects.

      Ritual Artifacts and Royal Power: Cultural Jade of Liangzhu written by Director Liu Bin of Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology is included in the series. Jade artifacts had been unearthed in China long before archaeologists traced them all back to Liangzhu where a wealth of jade objects in tombs has been unearthed. Jade is a signature object of the Liangzhu Culture. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-19111) had a special passion for jade pieces. He wrote poems and essays in praise of jade pieces in his collection. Judging from the texts he wrote, Jade Cong was among his collection. In the book, Liu traces the ups and downs of jade Cong from Liangzhu in thousands years in Chinese history up to the 1930s when Shi Xingeng discovered the first batch of objects of the Liangzhu Culture that has led to the discovery of ancient Liangzhu City.

      Liangzhu Kingdom: Five Thousand Years


      Zhejiang Childrens Book Publishing House has just put a picture book titled Liangzhu Kingdom: Five Thousand Years on the market. The book, designed to tell the story of Liangzhu to children, is the first of its kind about Liangzhu in China. Written by Liu Bin and his colleagues, the book presents three major archaeological discoveries of Liangzhu: the worlds most ancient large-scale flood-control dam system, the city site of the Neolithic Age in China, and the jade age with typical Chinese characteristics. The book adds a sense of humor to the hard-core science.

      “Our understanding of Liangzhu Culture is more than objects unearthed from tombs which reflect a primitive society. Today, we can discuss the ancient Liangzhu in many aspects: animals, plants, minerals, environment, pottery, jade and stone wares, lacquer and other wood pieces, agriculture and handicraft industry. We can draw a whole picture of the world five thousand years ago,” remarks Liu Bin. The book is his effort to tell children about archaeology.

      For Zeng Qiqi, dean of Cartoon and Animation Department of Zhejiang University of Science & Technology, to present a pictorial history of Liangzhu 5,000 years ago is a serious task. The task does not allow too many entertaining touches. However, the book aims at children. She integrated traditional techniques as seen in murals in Dunhuang, images on bricks of the Han Dynasty, and other ancient ornamental patterns in her drawings of the picture book.

      Research Fellow: Line Drawing of Unearthed Jade Artifacts


      Fang Xiangming is the best artist among archaeologists of Zhejiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. Engaged in archaeological projects and studies for 30 years, he has explored all the Neolithic sites across Zhejiang. As an artist, he has created a large quantity of line-drawings featuring the jade artifacts of Liangzhu. He published Line-Drawings of Liangzhu Jade Artifacts in 2018. The book received raving reviews among critics and readers. A new edition of the book has just been released onto market.

      The book systematically illustrates and deconstructs jade artifacts and patterns on jade. Among the drawings are the King of Cong, the Scepter that symbolizes power and faith, ornamentals for head and neck, daily goods. Fangs fine drawings allow the reader to peep into the jade culture of Liangzhu.


      The discovery and interpretation of the jade artifacts unearthed in Liangzhu archaeological projects over the past 80 some years are the most important means to understand Liangzhu.

      “Thanks to the large quantity of jade pieces we have unearthed, we are able to reach conclusions about the Liangzhu society and the civilization it presents. The jade artifacts are the main content and most eye-catching relics of the Liangzhu Culture. They allow us to take a close look at the civilization. Moreover, the jade manufacturing, the raw material and finished products, the shapes of these designs, and artistic and philosophical thought embodied in these jades give us a window to study the civilization which stayed buried for thousands of years,” remarks Fang.

      The new edition comes out in larger format so that readers can see more in these line drawings. The new edition also adds three chapters which were not in the first edition. Respectively, the new chapters discuss the classroom study and practice of line drawing in archaeology, how the teaching of archaeological drawings is conducted in foreign schools, and the artistic features in archaeological drawings.


      Liangzhu Kingdom

      This photo book features a large quantity of pictures that highlight the archaeological results of the Liangzhu Culture. It provides a perspective on Liangzhu Civilization that flourished five thousand year ago in the context of global civilizations. The book features the characteristics of the Liangzhu Civilization and explains how it took shape in history. The book allows the reader to peep into the rise and fall of the Liangzhu City.

      Shi Xingeng: Discoverer of Liangzhu Culture

      The biography tells the story of Shi Xingeng, a young scholar who worked for the West Lake Museum and in 1936 first explored the Liangzhu Culture. A native of Liangzhu, Shi played a decisive role in archaeological discoveries which have eventually led to the international recognition of the five millennia of the Chinese civilization and the to the Liangzhu Archaeological Sites inclusion onto UNESCOs World Heritage List.


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