



      Research on Path to strengthen the cultura power of deo ogica and politica work in colleges and universities

      2019-08-09 01:16:17張軍琪
      文藝生活·中旬刊 2019年4期


      中圖分類號:G641 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1005-5312(2019)11-0262-07

      The Tragic Color of the Old Man and the Sea
      Connection of Learning and Teaching from Junior to Senior
      English Language Teaching in Yunann Province: Opportunities & Challenges
      A Study of Chinese College Athletes’ English Learning
      A Study on the Change and Developmentof English Vocabulary
      Translation on Deixis in English and Chinese
      Process Mineralogy of a Low Grade Ag-Pb-Zn-CaF2 Sulphide Ore and Its Implications for Mineral Processing
      Study on the Degradation and Synergistic/antagonistic Antioxidizing Mechanism of Phenolic/aminic Antioxidants and Their Combinations
      潤滑油(2014年3期)2014-11-07 14:30:02
      A Comparative Study of HER2 Detection in Gastroscopic and Surgical Specimens of Gastric Carcinoma
      The law of exercise applies on individual behavior change development
      姜堰市| 珲春市| 樟树市| 义乌市| 桑植县| 苏州市| 桑日县| 洛扎县| 多伦县| 东丰县| 义乌市| 寿宁县| 辉县市| 通州区| 钟山县| 翼城县| 冕宁县| 阳信县| 中方县| 和林格尔县| 射阳县| 海盐县| 阳泉市| 济南市| 石阡县| 三原县| 阳城县| 蓬溪县| 灵璧县| 青冈县| 张家口市| 昭平县| 克东县| 宜兰县| 承德县| 榆社县| 五华县| 连平县| 台前县| 宁海县| 正定县|