




      2019-09-10 07:22:44李萍
      求學(xué)·教育研究 2019年12期


      Abstract:This paper is to collect, classify and analyze errors made by second language-English language learners in vocational schools under the Blended Learning Model applied background so as to detect the strategies and techniques used in the process of second language learning. It starts with a systematic review of the concepts and theory hypothesis concerning Error Analysis (EA), and the various difficulties causing error are explored. The aim is to provide the teachers with an affective ways to employ different and flexible error treatment strategies.

      Key words:error analysis;SLA;vocational college;blended learning model

      I.  Introduction

      With the booming of the Blended Learning Model, it is not a surprise that more and more vocational college students pay plentiful attention to the second language learning under the large new-media-informationized world, especially in the field of education. People have got high conscious of the importance of English learning. Error analysis is a vital area of applied linguistics and foreign language learning. For most of the vocational college students, there are no difficulties in mastering a skill or technology, but they always make mistakes and errors and fail to learn English well. As a vocational English teacher, it is necessary to perceive what errors happened and make the teaching strategies and assist the students to solve the problems.

      II.? Error Analysis

      EA hypothesis is that first language acquisition is similar to second language. It is based on the idea that learning is a creative process. The learner possesses the innate grammar with the help of which he uses certain strategies to learn a language. The learner, unconsciously, formulates an involuntary hypothesis in his mind on the basis of his preliminary study of second language. Error analysis assumes that errors indicate learning difficulties and that the frequency of a particular error is evidence of the difficulties learners have in learning the particular form. EA studies the types and causes of language errors.

      III. Difficulties the Vocational College Students Encounter in Learning English

      Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods(Wikipedia). The students in vocational school sometimes are fragile and afraid of failure. To some extent, errors were considered as a sign of failure. But in Error analysis, it was taken as a natural occurrence in learning. The approach towards errors totally changed. They were taken as an essential part of language learning and an indication of the extent of progress made by the learner and what was left unlearnt.

      IV. Error Analysis (EA) of Learners in Vocational College

      Errors are normally classified in three categories: systematic errors, errors in competence vs. occasional errors, errors in performance. The English foundation of the learners in vocational school is not solid. The homework and final test (including listening, reading, speaking and writing) of students of Year 2019 are collected. Here are some sample sentences given for describing different types of errors and the causes of those errors. The sentences are given below:

      a. People plays a very important role in the progress of any country.

      b. They will going to party in this night.

      c. Will not be he get the reward of his efforts?

      The first sentence (a) written by some students is incorrect and is the example of addition. In this sentence, the morpheme “s” is used additionally. The reason can be the overgeneralization of the rules or the insufficient knowledge about the rules. The second sentence (b) also exemplifies the error of omission in which some students have not used the linking verb “be” according to the rule of the future continuous. It highlights one more mistake of using ‘in this night” instead of “tonight”.

      The third sentence (c) shows that some students are not aware about the correct conversion of auxiliary verbs for making interrogative and negative sentences. There is an error in the formation of interrogative sentence. The examples of the sentences describing different errors and their reasons are the few, but the analysis of these errors is very essential for understanding the process of second and foreign language learning.

      V. Second Language Teaching Strategies

      Teachers are not just teachers, and they can be coaches. Students are not just students, and they can be trainees. The roles in teaching require resetting. Changing the traditional teacher-centered mode to the student-centered mode, the in-class mode to the after-class mode, the off-line mode to the on-line mode, is some of help to the vocational college education. The role of teachers and students has more meanings. We need more roles to participate in—parent role models, teacher mentors, and school curricula can play decisive roles in young people’s online choices. Positive role models can provide resources to help youth buck the norms of the offline cheating culture and make considered choices online with respect to identity, privacy, ownership and authorship, credibility, and participation.

      VI. Conclusions

      Above all, errors of the learner in vocational college are universal. There are also pros and cons for error correction from the learners under the new media environment. Additionally, there are different reasons behind errors committed by the learners. One reason can be the insufficient material for language teaching, the lack of teachers’ adequacy in language teaching or lack of the knowledge of the rules. As new media spreads rapidly, brand-new opportunities and challenges are brought for college English teaching. The teachers need to try and find an effective ways to employ different and flexible error treatment strategies.


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