




      2019-12-10 09:32張峰
      科技創(chuàng)新導報 2019年20期


      摘 ? 要:凹凸棒石作為無機膠凝材料,具有良好的流變性能,能夠在剪切作用下分散良好。將凹凸棒石應(yīng)用到水泥基材料中,用來改善漿體流變性能,得到越來越多的關(guān)注。靜態(tài)屈服應(yīng)力是水泥基材料一個重要的流變參數(shù)。靜態(tài)屈服應(yīng)力增長速率經(jīng)常被用來表征水泥基材料的觸變性/結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑,對水泥基材料的穩(wěn)定性、形狀保持能力和分層澆注非常重要。在本文靜態(tài)屈服應(yīng)力每15min測試一次,持續(xù)120min。同時進行了水化熱測試。結(jié)果表明隨著水灰比的降低,結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑速率逐漸增強。摻入凹凸棒石增加了結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑速率和CSH機械效率。

      關(guān)鍵詞:凹凸棒石 ?結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑 ?水泥 ?CSH機械效率

      中圖分類號:TU528.01 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 文獻標識碼:A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?文章編號:1674-098X(2019)07(b)-0016-06

      Abstract: As an inorganic cementitious material, attapulgite has good rheological properties and can be well dispersed under shear agitation. More and more attention has been paid to the application of attapulgite in cement-based materials to improve the rheological properties of paste. Static yield stress is an important rheological parameter of cement-based materials. The growth of static yield stress is often used to characterize the structural build-up/thixotropy of cement-based materials, which is crucial for the stability, shape-holding capacity and multi-layer casting. In this paper, static yield stress was measured every 15 min over 120 min. At the same time, calorimetric curves test was measured. Results showed that with the decrease of water cement ratio, the rate of structural build up increases gradually. The addition of attapulgite increased the structural build up rate and mechanical efficiency of CSH.

      Key Words:Attapulgite;Structural build up; Cement; Mechanical efficiency of CSH


      近年來,傳統(tǒng)的建造技術(shù)也在不斷地突破創(chuàng)新,混凝土已經(jīng)可以實現(xiàn)無振搗,自動密實的功能,即自密實混凝土[2]?;備伿┕ぃ瑢τ诨炷列阅芤蟾?,需要實現(xiàn)半流動和自密實的功能,且在滑模后,能夠迅速固定形狀,無坍塌,微變型[3]。在混凝土澆筑方面,盡快實現(xiàn)脫模,有利于模板的流轉(zhuǎn),減少成本。Billberg 等[4]研究表明加入納米粘土能夠有效減少模板側(cè)壓。3D打印混凝土作為建造行業(yè)的一個研究熱點,需要混凝土擠出成型,在自重和上部荷載作用下,不坍塌,微變形。Soltan 等[5]研究表明摻入凹凸棒石,能夠有效提高建造性,在持續(xù)剪切的作用下,減少流動性損失。Reiter 等[6]認為將凹凸棒石應(yīng)用于3D打印混凝土中,可有效的提高混凝土早期結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑速率,加快豎向打印速率。結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑對混凝土的穩(wěn)定性,滑模攤鋪施工,分層澆筑和3D打印混凝土極為重要[3,4,7-11]。因此本文對比了凹凸棒石和硅灰對結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑的影響,通過水化熱試驗分析水化對結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)筑的作用。

      1 ?原材料及試驗方法

      1.1 原材料

      水泥(PC)采用P·Ⅱ 52.5南寧華潤水泥;凹凸棒石(AG)由常州鼎邦礦產(chǎn)品科技有限公司提供;硅灰(SF)由山東博肯硅材料有限公司提供,活性指數(shù)為115,平均粒徑0.15μm。凹凸棒石、水泥和硅灰物理和化學參數(shù)見表1。凹凸棒石和水泥的粒度分析見圖1。水為咸陽市飲用自來水。

      1.2 制備


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      [12]Kawashima et al. [21] reported that purified attapulgite clays significantly increased the structural build-up rate of pastes, especially at early ages.

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