



      CONTENTS OF 2020

      2020-01-05 10:24:40
      特種油氣藏 2020年6期


      期次 頁碼

      Overview and Trend of Acid-Fracturing Technology for Marine Carbonate Reservoirs in China

      ZhangQian,LiNianyin,LiChangyan,WangYongqing,ZhaoLiqiang2 (001)

      Review on Mechanical Integrity Simulation of Caprock in the Geological Storage of CO2

      LiuMiaomiao,MengLingdong,WangHaixue,WuTong2 (008)

      Laboratory Progress and Prospect of Sand-Packed Fracture Conductivity in Fracturing

      XiongJunya,YangZhaozhong,YangLei,JiaMin,LiXiaogang3 (001)

      Prospect of Paleozoic Oil and Gas in Northeast China

      KangYuzhu,WangJiwei5 (001)

      Continuous Exploration and Discovery Technology and Its Application in Liaohe High Mature Exploration Area

      MengWeigong6 (001)

      Development of Fire flooding Technology in Liaohe Oilfield

      ZhangFangli,HuChanghao,MaHongbin,ShiHaitao,ZhangHongbao6 (012)

      The Practice of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainagein Liaohe Oilfield

      WangHongyuan,YangLiqiang6 (020)

      Preliminary Discussion on Current Status and Development Direction of Heavy Oil Recovery Technologies

      JiangQi,YouHongjuan,PanJingjun,WangZhongyuan,GaiPingyuan,IanGates,LiuJiali6 (030)

      Technologies and Practice of Water-flooding Development in Liaohe Oilfield

      WuYi,ShiLihua,YinYanfang,QiuLin6 (040)

      Research and Application of Nano-materials to Enhance Oil and Gas Recovery

      HouJirui,WenYuchen,QuMing,WuWenming,ZhangWei,DingYitong6 (047)

      Research progress and development direction of steam flooding technology for medium and deep heavy oil reservoirs

      HuChanghao6 (054)

      Study on Fire Flooding Development Mode of Multi-layer Reservoirs

      GuanWenlong,GongYuning,TangJunshi,SongYang,LiQiu6 (060)

      Re-understanding of Steam Flooding Mechanism and Research on Full Life Cycle Development

      LiXiangfang,MaHongbin,YangJian,FuYongjiang,ZhengLimin6 (067)


      Continuous Hydrocarbon Accumulation Properties and Patterns in Liaohe Fault-Depression

      LiXiaoguang,LiuXingzhou1 (001)

      Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Exploration Potential of Outer Gentle Slope Zone in Bohai Bay Basin

      WangShaoyong,HuangFuxi,SongTao,LyuWeining,LiuCe,JiaPeng,FanJingjing1 (009)

      Properties of Different Oolitic beach Reservoirs in the Feixianguan Formation of Kaijiang-Liangping Trough

      JiangYuqiang,DengHongbing,YiJuanzi,GanHuawen,ZhangJingjing,JiangZengzheng1 (017)

      Formation Pressure Genesis Mechanism and Prediction in Biyang Depression

      ZhangYonghua,ChenXiang,ZhangYue,DuWei,ZhaoYuqing1 (025)

      Formation Water Properties and Genesis Evolution of Paleogene-Neogene Sandstone Reservoirs in South Bohai Depression

      AnTianxia1 (030)

      Key Hydrocarbon Accumulation Factors and Enrichment Conditions of the Sandstone Lenses in Niuzhuang Sag

      LiuMingjie,JiYongcheng,LiuZhen,ZhangWang,QuFang1 (040)

      Discussion on Genesis Low Coal Rank Coalbed Methane in Santanghu Basin of Xinjiang Province

      WuBin,ZhouLonggang,PanXinzhi,ZhangYaoxuan,DuShitao1 (047)

      Identification and Distribution of Internal Interlayers in Distal Underwater Fan

      GongQiang,LiShengli,LiuSheng,WangJue,HuangXiaodi1 (055)

      Shale Characterization of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in Northern Guizhou

      NingFan,ZouNiuniu,ZhangDaquan,WangGanlu,MuYuliang1 (062)

      Seismic Reflection and Productivity of Reservoirs in the Fault-Zone 5 of Shunbei, Tarim Basin

      QuChang,ZhaoRui,LiHuili,KongQiangfu,DengShang1 (068)

      Research and Application of Sedimentary Pattern for the Sub-Lacustrine Fan Lithologic Sandbody in the JZ Gasfield

      WenJiatao,LyuZuobin,HanXuefang,FangNa,YanHao1 (075)

      Improvement of Hydrocarbon Migration Direction Discrimination in Sandbody-Fault Configuration and Its Application

      SunNing,LiuLili,LiWenke,FuGuang,LyuYanfang,LiuZhe2 (016)

      Application of Main Streamline Superimposition in Distributary Channel Evolution Analysis

      LiXiaohui2 (022)

      Application of Geology Modeling While Drilling Technology in Horizontal Well Geo-Steering

      YangBin,LiLinyan,KongJian,SongGuohui,YangPengfei2 (030)

      Geochemical Properties and Genesis of Cretaceous Heavy-Oil in the Block Chunguang

      ShiZhengyong,JinYunyun,LiHangbing,ZhangHui2 (037)

      Characterization of Gaoqing-Pingnan Strike-Slip Fault in Dongying Sag

      LiJiyan2 (045)

      Natural Gas Genesis Diversity of Chishui in the Southern Sichuan

      HuYe,LiHao,ZengHuasheng,YuanXiaoyu,SongXiaobo2 (051)

      Morphological Characterization and Spatiotemporal Evolution of Deep-Water Fan Curved Channel in the Marlim Formation of X Oilfield in Campos Basin

      WangYunhong,HuangJianjun,LiuTingting,ZhangMing,SunShuai2 (057)

      Patterns and Methods of Sandy Braided-River Island and Channel Sand Identification

      LiLei,ZhaoYonggang,MaChaoya,JinShaochen,ZhaoYongpeng,YangLuyan2 (063)

      Gas Logging Application in Fracture Evaluation and Water-Flooded Zone Identification in Metamorphic Buried-Hill Reservoir

      WangShuanglong,LyuZuobin,HanXuefang,ChengQi,FangNa2 (070)

      Formation Fluid Properties and Mechanism of Shaleitian Uplift Zone in Bohai Sea

      ShiMenglin,ZhangCheng,XieXinong2 (078)

      Influence of Micro-Pore Structure on the Movable Fluid Occurrence in Tight Sandstone Reservoir

      Huiwei,XueYuze,BaiXiaolu,JiaYuxin,WangYifei,RenDazhong2 (087)

      Sliding Slumping Fan Characterization and Distribution Patterns in Dongying Sag

      LuZhiyong,WuKongyou3 (008)

      Tectonic-Sedimentary Characterization and Hydrocarbon Exploration Implication of Chaiwopu in the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin and Daheyan in the Northwestern Margin of Tuha Basin

      LiuHui,ZhangJinliang,ZhaoLeqiang3 (014)

      Application of Sedimentary Facies Analysis in Lithologic Reservoir Exploration

      WangLing,SunTingbin,JiYaming,YangFei3 (021)

      Segmented Growth of Zhenwu-Hanliu Fault Zone and Its Hydrocarbon Significance

      YuAixuan,WangYougong,LiuShirui,ZhaoPeng,WangWeikang,ZhangPeipei,LyuXue3 (027)

      Shallow-Water Delta Reservoir Characterization and Exploration Prospect in the Sangonghe Formation of Mobei Block

      SunJing,XueJingjing,HouGangfu,SongMingxing,JiaKaifu3 (034)

      Tight Gas Accumulation Elements and Favorable Zone Evaluation of Xujiahe Formation in Sichuan Basin

      TangDahai,TanXiucheng,WangXiaojuan,LiangJing,TuLuole,WuChangjiang3 (040)

      Lithofacies Analysis of Metamorphic Reservoir

      XuXin,ZhangXinpei,LiQiang,HanDenglin3 (047)

      Shale Oil “Sweet-Spot” Prediction in Jimusar Sag

      DongYan,XuDongsheng,QianGenbao,WangXiaohui,DaiYunjie3 (054)

      Oil Sand Geology and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Models in Junggar Basin

      WangQiyu,HuangTao,TianJijun,HanChangcheng,LiuLei,LinWen3 (060)

      Sedimentary Microfacies Characterization of Upper Permian Changxing Formation in Southern Sichuan Basin

      LiMinglong,TanXiucheng,LiYanjun,JiangLin,HuLi3 (066)

      Shale Oil Loss of Lucaogou Formation in Bogda

      WangShengzhu3 (074)

      Shale Gas Reservoir and Gas-Bearing Properties of Middle Yangtze Niutitang Formation in Western Hubei

      XuLulu,LiuZaoxue,WenYaru,ZhouXianghui,LuoFan4 (001)

      Sandy Braided River Sandbody Configuration and Remaining Oil Distribution Pattern

      SuyaLatu,LiQian,ZhangBo,DuFashu,ZhangQi,XuShiqi4 (010)

      Basement Fault Characterization and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Fuling of Southeastern Sichuan

      PanLei,XuZuxin,LiRangbin,ZouYutao4 (019)

      Main-Controlling Factor Analysis of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Bedrock Buried-Hill of Lishu Fault-Depression and Its Exploration Prospect

      ChengJian,ZhouZhuoming,DuanTiejun,YangHao,SongZhenxiang4 (026)

      Source-Rock Characterization and Main-Controlling Factors in the Northern Guaizihu Depression of Yin’e Basin

      JiangHang,ZengDeming,LiuHuchuang,HeiWei,PanBinfeng,XieXiaobin4 (033)

      Pore Structure Characterization and Micro-Heterogeneity of Carboniferous-Permian Organic-Rich Shalein Julu

      YaoShuanghong,LiXueyuan,LiPeng,WangHuijun,ChenShangbin4 (041)

      Research and Application of Scattered Wave Imaging Technology in Buried-Hill Seismic Data Processing

      LiuShiguang4 (049)

      Hydrocarbon Accumulation Main-Controlling Factor Analysis of Chang2 Reservoir in Zhijing-Ansai of Ordos Basin

      FengShunyan,ZhangXiaohui,LiCheng,JingXianghui,SunLei4 (054)

      Fracture Properties and Development Mechanisms of Sinian Dengying-4 Member in Central Sichuan

      HeShun,QinQirong,WangJiashu,LiFei,DuanWei4 (060)

      Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Permian Reef Beach Reservoir in Platform-Depression Margin of Eastern Sichuan Basin

      JiangYuqiang,DiaoZhilong,XuChanghai,FengLiang,GuYifan,YiJuanzi5 (007)

      Sedimentary Characteristics and Development Potential of Vendian Transitional Facies in East Siberian Platform

      ZhangYukun,YangShuo,GuoXiao,WangShuai,WangHui,SongLaiming5 (014)

      Sedimentary Characteristics and Distinguishing Criteria of Crevasse Splay Reservoir in QHD 32-X Oilfield, Bohai Bay Basin

      ChenXinkai,ChenCheng,WangHu5 (022)

      Seismic Response Characteristics of Gas Chimneys in Junction Region of Yinggehai-Qiongdongnan Basins

      SongRuiyou,HuLin,HuangYiwen,HuQianwei,HouJingxian5 (030)

      Technology and Application of Structural-Lithologic Trap Identification and Reservoir Characterization of Paleogene Steep Slope Fans

      YangDongsheng,ZhaoZhigang,XuJianyong,LiuZhifeng,LiNan5 (038)

      Sedimentary Microfacies and Evolution Characteristics of Keshang Formation in Wuxia South Slope

      TuZhijie5 (045)

      Application of Microbial Geochemical Exploration Technology in Oil and Gas Exploration in Loess Tableland Regions

      CaoJun,ZhouJinsong,YinXiao,LiYuanyuan,LiuPeng,DingLi,LiangYongxing5 (053)

      Formation Mechanism and Distribution Models of Ordovician Reservoirs in Northern Jizhong Depression

      ZhaoWenlong,HanChunyuan,YanMengying,QiaoBo,LuoJing,XueHui,GuoHuiping5 (061)

      Structure Evolution and Middle-Shallow Hydrocarbon Enrichment Patters in the Eastern Wushi Sag

      HuLin,JinQiuyue,YangXibing,HuDesheng,LuMei5 (068)

      Quantitative Judgment and Exploration Prospect Analysis of the Mixed-Source Oil of Kenli 16 Oilfield in Laizhouwan Sag

      LiuQingshun,YangHaifeng,GuoTao,WenHonglei,LiGuoying5 (074)

      Multi-scale Fracture Prediction of Shiniulan Formation in Zheng'an Block of Northern Guizhou Province Based on Post-stack Seismic Attributes

      LanBaofeng,HuangYi,ZhangFu,LiGangquan,LiuTing,ZhangJinchuan5 (081)

      Study on the Formation and Evolution Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Enrichment Difference of Fault Concentrated Zones in Qikou Sag

      LiuShirui,WangYougong,LiuHaitao,YuAixuan5 (088)

      Application of Prediction Technology for Favorable Tight Oil and Gas Areas in Jixi Basin with Low Exploration Degree

      ZhaoRong,WangPengyan6 (075)

      Prediction and Characterization Technology of Hydraulic Unit in Tight Reservoirs Based on Bayesian Inference

      YuPeng,YangFulin,KegangLing,OyinkepreyeDavidOrodu,YangXingye6 (081)

      Lobate Shallow-Water Delta Reservoir Architecture Characterization in the Southern Bohai Sea

      JiangYuanpeng,ZhangLan,WuQiongyuan,SunGuangyi,WangXijie6 (088)

      High-precision Prediction of Thin Sandstones in Dujiatai Oil Layer of Shuguang Area

      ChenChang,JinKe,LeiWenwen,WangHeng,GuoFeng,QianLixin,QinXichun6 (096)

      Classification and Identification of Karst Palaeogeomorphology and Prediction of Favorable Areas in Southern Yan'an Gas Field, Ordos Basin

      ZhouYucheng,YaoGuangming,WeiHehua,QuanLianshun,GaoFei,ZhaoMeiye,LiuPeng6 (102)

      Study on Low-Resistivity Characteristics and Genetic Mechanism of Putaohua Oil Layers in Songliao Basin

      XiaoShengdong6 (108)


      Well-Type and Well - Pattern Design for the Narrow Channel Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir in Western Sichuan

      LiuChengchuan,YangJian,BuTao,CaoTingkuan,WangYongfei1 (082)

      A New Method for Steam Stimulation Productivity Calculation by Considering Variable Starting Pressure and Pressure-Sensitivity

      ZhangYu,LiChenglong1 (089)

      Enhancing Oil Recovery by Waterflooding in Fracture-Cave Igneous Reservoir

      LuYi,XiaGuochao,LyuDongliang,ChengYabin,SongShunyao,HeJiang,WangYanQi1 (096)

      Research and Application of an Improved Type-B Water-Flooding Characteristic Curve

      GuJianwei,RenYanlong,ZhangYigen,CuiWenfu1 (102)

      Stress Sensitivity Characterization and Field Application in High Temperature-Pressure Gas Reservoir

      LuRuibin,HuLin,WangWenjuan,YangLiu,ZhangQian1 (108)

      High-Efficiency Complexing Agent for Polymer Flooding System

      WuPeng,SongKaoping,ZhangYue,JiangYing,NiuYuping1 (114)

      Numerical Simulation of Metamorphis Buried-Hill Fractured Condensate Gas Reservoir Based on fluid-sloid Coupling

      GaoZhennan,GengZhigang,ZhangFengyi,YuYuanzhou,WuTingting1 (121)

      Reserve-Production Ratio Performance in Offshore Oilfield

      YaoJingjie,LiYanlai,YanJianli,WangXinran,LiZhanfeng1 (129)

      Low-Velocity Shale Gas Seepage Analysis and Influencing Factors

      WangChengwei,LiLei,SuYuliang,ZengXuzhi,ShengGuanglong,HaoYongmao1 (136)

      Influencing Factor Analysis of Heavy-Oil Reservoir Mobility with Laboratory Test in Western Daqing Sploe

      ZhongLiguo,LiuBingyan,LiDayong,ZhangHailong,LinQingxiang,WenQiang1 (142)

      Seepage Mechanism and Enhance Oil Recovery Performance of Chemical Flooding System in Bohai Oilfield

      LanXitang,ZhaoWensen,LiuChanglong,ZhangLu,FuYangyang1 (148)

      Displacement Mechanism of Multi-Component Compound Steam Stimulation in Heavy-Oil Reservoir

      HuoJin,LyuBailin,YangZhaochen,LuYingbo,HuPengcheng2 (093)

      A New Characteristic Curve of CO2Flooding and Its Application

      LiChenglong,ChiBo2 (098)

      Research and Application of Multi-Component Thermal Fluid Stimulation in the Extra-Heavy Oil Reservoir

      YangGuanglu,LiYinghuan,HeHuizhuo2 (103)

      Production Sensitivity Analysis of Fractured Horizontal Wells in Jimusar Continental Shale

      SunHanwen,FeiFanxu,GaoYang,YuGaoming,XinXiankang2 (108)

      Waterflooding Development Chart Establishment and Application for the Oil Reservoir without Interbed

      ZhangWei,LongMing,ZhouYanbin,ZhangJilei,OuyangYuwei2 (115)

      Liquid Production Adjustment of Balance Displacement in Narrow-Banded Heavy-Oil Reservoir

      SunQiang,ShiHongfu,LingHaochuan,PanJie,DengQi2 (120)

      A New Method to Characterize Steam Chamber Morphology with Well-Seismic Combination

      LiXiaomei,LiuNianzhou,JiangXuefeng,FengLingli,HeWanjun2 (125)

      Effects of Injection Water Salinity on Physical Properties of Inter-Salt Shale Oil Reservoir

      LiZhaomin,ZhaoYanling,WangHaitao,ZhaoQingmin,LuTeng,XuZhengxiao2 (131)

      Physical-Numerical Simulation Integration of Super-Critical Steam-Flooding in Offshore Extra-Heavy Oil Reservoir

      WangShutao,ZhangFengyi,LiuDong,ZhuQin,GeTaotao2 (138)

      Characterization of Nanoscale Pore Distribution in Tight Sandstone Reservoir Based on Nitrogen Adsorption

      SunTong,ZhangZhiqiang,ShiYongmin,WangHe2 (145)

      Economic Profile-Control Well Optimization with Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in Yushulin Oilfield

      YinDaiyin,HeRui,WangYong3 (082)

      A New Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Reservoir Inter-Well Connectivity

      ChenCunliang3 (088)

      Fractured Well Test Model of Carbonate Reef Gas Reservoir with Weak Bottom-Aquifer

      ZhangWenchang,WangHaitao3 (093)

      Water-Soluble Viscosity Reducer Stimulation in the Heavy-Oil Reservoir with Bottom-Edge Aquifer

      LiuZupeng3 (099)

      Application of Weak Surface Theory in the Volume Stimulation of Jimusar Shale

      ZhengDongsheng,XiaoYang,JiaHaizheng,HeWen,LiJiaqi3 (105)

      Adaptability of SAGD Electric Heating Startup Technology

      SangLinxiang,WangLilong,WuYongbin,WangMeicheng,WangLi3 (109)

      Production Sensitivity Analysis of Fractured CBM Well Based on Combination Weight

      LiYu,ZhangYafei,LiuGuangjing,YuJi,YangZhaozhong3 (115)

      Prediction Model of Economic Oil-Steam Ratio Limit for Heavy-Oil Stimulation

      ZhangMan,ZhangJun,YeFeng,LiuYong,HuangHaibing3 (121)

      Development and Application of Horizontal Well Gas-Water Two-Phase Productivity Model in Abnormal High-Pressure Gas Reservoir

      LuoJing,GengHuili,DengBo,CaoJian,DengQingyuan,ZhouGuangliang3 (125)

      Application of Dynamic and Static Analyses in Inter-Well Connectivity Characterization

      LiaoMingguang,LiaoChengji,ChenXiaofan3 (131)

      Typical Production Fluid Properties of Fire-Flooding in Block Du66

      YangJunyin,YanHongxing,LiuJialin,ZhangHong,QiXianyou3 (137)

      Test and Analysis of Jamin Effect in Waterflooding of Low-Permeability Reservoir

      ZhengZigang,YuGuangming,LeiXinhui,ZhangQingzhou3 (142)

      Solvent-Assisted SAGD Startup Technology Adaptability in Super-Heavy Oil Reservoir

      YangZhaochen,YuBing,WuYongbin,WangLi,ZhangJiahao,TongJuan,JiangDan,ZhangChonggang4 (067)

      Tight Sandstone Fractal Permeability Model and Key Fractal Parameter Calculation

      ZhaoJiuyu,WangFuyong,YangKun4 (073)

      Microscopic Adsorption Mechanism Difference in the Mineral Pore of Shale Gas Reservoir

      XuChenxi,XueHaitao,LiBohong,LuShuangfang,ZhangJian,ChenGuohui,WangShuai4 (079)

      Improvement of Injection-Production Connectivity Calculation and Its Application in Injection Allocation

      JiaLu,ShiGuowei,ShiFeng,LanHaigang,JiLanmin4 (085)

      Application of Advanced Water Injection Inflow Production Relation Model in Low-Permeability reservoir

      ZhangJiqiang4 (092)

      Application of Statistical Analysis in the Ultra-Low Permeability Reservoir Classification of Changqing Oilfield

      LiuYaru,LiuBaolei,LeiZhengdong,ChenXinbin,YuQin,ZhongMing4 (098)

      Interlayer Development Patterns and SAGD Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology in the Super Heavy Oil Category-III Reservoir

      WangQian,GaoXianglu,LuoChihui,MengXiangbing,GanShanshan,LiuJia4 (105)

      Heat Transfer Enhancing Mechanism of Deep Steam with Non-Condensate Gas

      LiZhaomin,XuYajie,LuTeng,YangJianping,WangHongyuan,ShangZhenxiao4 (113)

      Formation Water Mobility and Influencing Factors in Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir

      SuYuliang,LiDongsheng,LiLei,GaoXiaogang,ZhuangXinyu,F(xiàn)uJingang4 (118)

      Properties and Oil Displacement Performance of Ternary Sulfonated Modified Polyacrylamide

      WuPeng,ZhangYue,NiuYuping,JiangYing4 (123)

      Injection Parameter Optimization of Deoxidized Air Foam Flooding for Heavy Oil Reservoir and Its Field Application

      LiJingjing,DengChanglian,TangXiaodong,WangFang,WeiYong4 (131)

      Physical Simulation of Carbonate Particle Migration in Gas Storage

      YouLijun,ShaoJiaxin,WangDu,WangHan,KangYili,ChenMingjun5 (094)

      Application of dual-media compound numerical well test technology in fractured reef limestone reservoirs with bottom water

      YangYong,XieRibin,YanZhenghe,SunChangwei,LiXiaodong5 (100)

      Research on Gel Particles + Polymer Flooding Technology for Quaternary Oil Recovery in Daqing Oilfield

      ChenWenlin5 (106)

      Response Characteristics of Gas-water Alternate Flooding with CO2after Water Flooding in Ultra-low Permeability Reservoirs

      LeiXinhui,ZhengZigang,YuGuangming,ZhangKang5 (113)

      Classification and Evaluation of Tight Oil Reservoirs Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Bayes Discrimination

      WangWei,KangShengsong,GaoFeng,GuoFenzhuan,ZhangLiang5 (118)

      Study on the Response Characteristics of Fire Flooding in Water-flooded Heavy Oil Reservoirs

      CaiYe5 (125)

      Characterization Model and Experimental Study of Shale Gas Diffusion Capacity Based on Momentum Equation

      ChenLu,HuZhiming,XiongWei,YangHang,DuanXianggang,ChangJin5 (132)

      Comprehensive Evaluation on Operation and Research on Capacity Expansion Potential of Shuang 6 Gas Storage

      LiXiaoguang,HuChanghao,MinZhongshun,ShengCong,LiuJie,LiBin6 (114)

      Numerical Simulation Research on Microwave In-situ Heating Technology for Developing Heavy Oil in Low-permeability Reservoirs

      LiXiaogang,ZhuJingyi,YangZhaozhong,XieShiyi,JiaMin6 (120)

      Experimental Research on Microbial Flooding Technology for Enhancing Oil Recovery in High-pour-point Reservoirs

      WenJing,XiaoChuanmin,GuoFei,WangKuibin,MaJing6 (127)

      Study on Viscosity Reduction Mechanism and Oil Displacement Effect of Heavy Oil Activator

      WangXudong,ZhangJian,ShiLeiting,ZhaoJuan,YangGuang,LiangXuwei6 (133)

      Research and Test of Chemical Flooding Technology in Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs

      XuGuomin,GaoZhongmin6 (139)


      Micro-mechanical Structure and Mechanical Properties of Fractured Carbonate Rock

      LiuHoubin,CuiShuai,MengYingfeng,DengHu,HanXu1 (155)

      Limit Shut-In Period Calculation of CO2+ Water Alternating Injection Well

      BaiYujie,CaoGuangsheng,HouYuhua,DuTong,WangZhe,YangTingyuan1 (162)

      String Erosion of Well with Blowout Operation

      FanYanfang,LiShaoan,ZengDezhi,LiuBing,ZhangEnbo1 (169)

      Annular Protection Fluid Compounding Experiment for High Temperature-Acid Reinjection Well

      ZengDezhi,TaoYe,GuoFeng,YuZhiming,YangLiping,LiTingting2 (152)

      Key Technologies for Horizontal Branch Well Drilling and Completion in Bohai Oilfield

      DouZhiyuan,WangKunjian,LiJin,XieXiaopin,LiRuifeng,ZhuPei,WangWei2 (157)

      Directional Drilling Technology for Ultra-Deep and Ultra Slim-Hole Well and Its Application in Tarim Oilfield

      ZhangJingcheng,MaLijun,LiuYong,WenLiang,ZhangXuliang,YanYunkang,QuanJian2 (164)

      Research and Application of Efficient Steam Injection and Monitor Technologies for Offshore Thermal Recovery Wells

      HanXiaodong,ZouJian,TangXiaoxu,WangQiuxia,LiuHaiying,ZhongLiguo2 (169)

      Experimental Evaluation of Dynamic Mechanical Sand Screen Corrosion for the High Temperature-Pressure Gas Reservoir in South China Sea

      YanBangchuan,DongChangyin,HuangLiang,WeiAnchao,YanQiehai,FangDake,ZhongYixin,WangLizhi3 (148)

      Development and Application of Large-Diameter Sealing-Plugging String in the Heavy-Oil Horizontal Well

      LangBaoshan3 (157)

      Environmental Anti-Temperature Low-Friction Drilling Fluid Technology of Ultra-Deep Horizontal Well in Shunbei Oil&Gas Field

      XuanYang,LiuKe,GuoKeyou,SongZhaohui,QianXiaolin,LinYongxue3 (163)

      FracturingProppant Adaptability in the Wellblock Ma18

      TianGang,XiaoYang,ShiShanzhi,HeWen,LiGuixia,LiuZilong3 (169)

      Lateral Length Limit of Ultra-long Horizontal Well in Jimsar Shale Oil Reservoir

      ShiJiangang,XiChuanming,XiongChao,WuJiwei,YangHu4 (136)

      Test and Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Failure Patterns for the Deep Brittle Shale Under Complex Load

      FanYu,WangJiajun,LiuHoubin,WuPengcheng,GaoDewei,WangXudong4 (143)

      Development and Test of Concentric Dual-Tube ZonalGas Injection String in Fire-Flooding

      LengBing4 (149)

      Research and Application of Dynamic Gas-Well Cementing Performance Simulation within Narrow Density Window in Deep-Water Reservoir

      WuBin,YangHuanqiang,WangZhujun4 (156)

      Acoustic Direct-Reading Monitoring Technology of Bottomhole Temperature and Pressure in High Temperature Well

      SongZhijun,WangHong,ZhangMing,ZhangChenjian,ZhangMingbo4 (163)

      Shale Gas Wellbore Liquid Loading Identification Based on Triangle Plate

      LuoXin,WangYuting,WangXueqiang,ZhaoGuojun,ChenMan,ZengLinjuan,YangHai,YanChanghui4 (168)

      Development and Field Test of GW-CP194-80M CBM Dual-Pressure Coring Tool

      ZhuQingzhong,SuXuefeng,YangLiwen,SuYang,LuoJun5 (139)

      Experiment on Controlling Cone and Increasing Oil with Preset Multi-stage Bottoms in Horizontal Well Annulus

      WangHaidong,LiuYikun,MengWenbo,ZhangChong5 (145)

      Development of Direct-reading Measurement-adjustment Eccentric Constant-flow Water Distributor

      XiaoGuohua,HuangXiaomeng,LiHuijie,GuanHaifeng5 (151)

      Wellbore Temperature Calculation Model for Horizontal Wells in Shallow Hydrate Reservoirs in Deep Water

      DongShengwei,WangZijian,CaoFei,LiYingjie,ZhangAixia,ChengWan5 (157)

      The Distribution Law of Critical Liquid-carrying Parameters along the Depth of the Gas Wells with Restrictor in Sulige Gas Field

      WangRui,WeiMeiji,HuGaixing,JiangDongxing,JuYingjun,ZhangNingsheng5 (162)

      Research on the Mechanical Properties and Borehole Stability of Deep Brittle Shale

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      Application Effect Evaluation of Cold Cracking Technology with High Energy Nanowave for Heavy Oil

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      Research and Practice of Composite Sand Control Technology for Extra-heavy Oil in Deep Reservoirs

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      Study on the Supplement Timing of Leakage Stoppage Materials while Drilling for Deep Fractured Tight Reservoirs

      ZhangDujie,JinJunbin,ChenYu,KangYili6 (158)

      Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis and Fatigue Study of Steep Wave Risers Under Irregular Loads
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      Consequences of early adverse rearing experience(EARE) on development: insights from non-human primate studies
      家庭用藥(2016年4期)2016-04-23 03:08:59
      棋藝(2014年2期)2014-05-23 15:00:24
      泰来县| 蓝田县| 达州市| 庆云县| 义马市| 陵水| 台江县| 阿克| 宁城县| 通化县| 长乐市| 江达县| 伊吾县| 潞城市| 靖宇县| 金堂县| 全州县| 岳池县| 莱阳市| 普兰县| 尖扎县| 瓮安县| 冷水江市| 巴南区| 濮阳市| 同江市| 鄱阳县| 隆回县| 乳山市| 星座| 陆丰市| 大庆市| 寿宁县| 淮北市| 永年县| 太白县| 太康县| 昌吉市| 亳州市| 台中市| 柘荣县|