與俗文化相對的,是雅文化。杭州自然環(huán)境優(yōu)美,山水旖旎,形成了以西湖為中心,融周邊山水自然景觀和歷史文化等人文景觀于一體的獨特景觀, 具有江南山水之靈秀的特點。
“在最具代表性的宋元時代,杭州的雅文化與俗文化相融無間,有大量的文藝作品介于雅俗之間,兩者兼具。” 葛永海說。
Professor Ge Yonghai works at Jiangnan Culture Institute under Zhejiang Normal University. Recently he has taken a close look into the cultural characteristics of Hangzhou. The following is a brief summation of his study.
Cultural development in cities in Jiangnan, the south of the Yangtze River Delta, has taken many different ways and there are diverse types of urban cultures in Jiangnan. Hangzhou has bred an urban culture characterized by the secular life of urban people.
In the Southern Song (1127-1279), Hangzhou, the capital of the dynasty, was the worlds largest city. Statistics indicate that Hangzhou had a population of 800,000 around the year 1200AD. The city thrived. Of the residents living in Hangzhou were craftsmen, traders and shopkeepers, clerks, laborers. They contributed considerably to the material and cultural prosperity of the city. The city had an entertainment industry that catered to these people. Apparently, the entertainments and recreations of these people differed from those enjoyed by the elite people.
A city of natural beauty, history and culture, Hangzhou attracted a large traffic of tourists even back then. Among these tourists were poets and painters whose creations are part of the cultural wealth of the city. This part of the cultural wealth constitutes the elite component of the culture.
The distinction of the two sides of the culture is also marked by localities. Wu Hill hugs the West Lake on the southern side and was the very center of the popular entertainment and festivities. At Wu Hill, the annual temple fair was held, where people watched all kinds of shows, and enjoyed fair foods unavailable anywhere else. Solitary Hill in the lake, connected with the outside world through bridges, represented and still represents the elite side of the culture of Hangzhou. Nestled around Solitary Hill are the Wenlange Library where an imperial encyclopedia of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) is housed and Xinling Seal Art Society, the unique one of its kind in China for more than 100 years, just to name two of all the cultural sites in Solitary Hill.
However, the two facades of the culture never stand apart from each other. In fact, there is much more in the cultural tradition of the city where the refined and the popular tastes are blended and it would be hard to tell them apart even if one tries. Romances written in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) by well established storywriters are perfect examples of how the refined and the popular tastes are one. In the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), Yang Weizhen (1296-1370) wrote nine poems titled ?and the love poems caused a sensation among elite poets and ordinary readers. Yang compiled a collection of ?including poems by his own and 119 other poets.
If the most outstanding feature of the urban culture of the city is the mixing of the refined and popular tastes, then the cultural personality of the city can be explained in various ways. The cultural personality of the city can be portrayed in the combination of force and grace. There are stories and tales and personages of Hangzhou depicting the grace side of Hangzhou: romances and those who suffer in these romances. The force of the city is represented by heroes in history such as Qian Liu, Yue Fei, Zhou Xin, and Yu Qian.
The culture of Hangzhou can be traced back to Liangzhu Culture, which existed from 5,300 to 4,200 years ago. The ancient culture is known as a jade producer. Professor Ge Yonghai compares the spirit of Hangzhou to jade: it looks nice and feels nice, and it is tough in the heart.