文/龍安志(Laurence Brahm,美) 譯/李藝雯
Not too long ago, I wrote a column forChina Daily, “China Shall Overcome,” observing that the Chinese people and nation have overcome one crisis after another in the past, and have the wherewithal and determination to do this again facing the coronavirus crisis.
I have both observed and participated in many of the reforms and policies of China to overcome challenges over the four decades living here. I have seen a consistent pattern of unity and cooperation among the Chinese people, and meticulous coordination of government policies when faced with a crisis or challenge. Experience has shown me, time and again, when a crisis occurs, China’s leadership faces it with a rational clear-headedness. Something seems to kick into the subconscious of both people and they work together in synergy with the organizational institutions of government to overcome these moments of crisis.
This pattern has been re-occurring throughout my life living in China and I believe that it is an innate aspect that has roots in Confucian tradition. Philosophical influences that are both Taoist and Buddhist embedded in the national cultural psyche allow for adept flexibility in response to crisis and a vision of positive hope when faced with negative adversity. This ability to see positive through negative and to use that perception to turn even the most dif ficult situations into advantages is a deeply rooted part of Chinese culture and the Chinese people.
At times of prosperity, when things are going well, everybody is out there doing their own thing. But in those moments of crisis everybody comes together. This is unique to the Chinese culture that allows them to respond and work together. This is what we see happening during this incredible coronavirus crisis. Where on earth could you have 100 billion plus people stay at home and self-quarantine as part of a coordinated government policy? This represents a collective response to an unprecedented epidemic. There are very few places in the world where everyone can come together in a patient collective force. This is unique to China and its people.
China has cordoned and locked down Hubei province. This is an act of responsibility not only to its own people, but to the global community as well. We are all aware now of the deathly potency of this coronavirus and the unexplainable occurrence of its rapid airborne spread. The ability to lock down and isolate is the first step to be able to contain any virus.But if you imagine the scale of what is happening in Hubei province to prevent this from affecting other parts of China and the world as a whole,it is incredible. This is a true act of global humanitarian responsibility.Even at China’s own economic and social costs.
When you talk about humanitarianism this is an act in the global interest. This ability of the Chinese culture, social fabric of its people and the organizational capability of the institutions that have been established in the country that allow China to respond quickly,decisively and collectively to a crisis of unbelievable and unforeseeable proportion.
Under such circumstances where the threat of this coronavirus is a threat to anybody, we can see everybody is collectively and patiently staying at home. Self-isolation and working at home remotely, working around the dangers in order to meet this challenge. I don’t think one would see this response in any of the western countries whose politicians and mainstream media are so quick to criticize China for everything it does.This is a distinctive, collective response among people to work and bond together in order to get through this crisis together.
One of the reasons why China is able to respond so effectively is the system of macro-management that evolved to address economic reform but is now being used to address a health and humanitarian crisis. Throughout the 1980s-1990s a system evolved of state guidance of the economy, together with checks and balances to prevent economic crisis, and the ability to tighten and loosen valves to allow the market to function in free- flow, or to use administrative means to guide the market to ward more stable conditions to prevent volatility.This is in the interest of everyone collectively rather than the selfinterest of a few.
Of course this coronavirus is having a terrible impact on China’s economy. Shops are closed, movement of goods restricted. This will have implications throughout the entire chain of production, transport and supplies not only in China but globally.
We see America isolationist policies causing alienation of other nations such as China. So it is foreseeable that we could see more collaborative arrangements in Asia, not only in economic policy and business,but also in combatting disease and crisis. This may be just a natural evolution of the times we live in now.
Once we get through this stage of containment and control of the coronavirus and its spread, then China will enter a new stage of its own economic growth, a re-boot period. The same types of reforms applied to business and enterprise and economy now need to be applied to the health care sector. These are areas that now offer opportunity for more state investment and private investment and there will be a new growth era with breakthroughs In science, technology and A.I. for health care.I believe these are areas where China will lead in bringing together other countries of the region, such as India, where there are similar challenges with population concentrations, water and food security,and health care. We could see a new regional growth and economic revitalization. It is a question of using negative to create positive. That is core to Chinese philosophy and culture.