Making mistakes is a very interesting topic. There are a lot of ideas on this topic. I have a lot of experience with this because I also learned a new language, Spanish.
When I speak Spanish, I dont care3 if I make mistakes or not. The reason4 why I dont care about mistakes is simple5. When I learnt my native6 language, I didnt care about making mistakes, either. So why should I care now? I use any language to express7 my ideas. That is all. I know that when I read and speak a lot, my Spanish will be better and better.
I know that this can look very simple, but it is my idea. This is my experience8 after many years of both teaching and learning languages. It works very well for me and many of my students.
Now I know 1,500 words in Spanish. A two-year-old child can use as many as that.
Two-year-old children make a lot of mistakes when they speak, but they dont care about their mistakes. They go on using their native language and when they are three years old, they make very few mistakes and when they are four years old, they already speak very well with hardly making any mistakes. You can do the same.
Learning languages is like learning to play a musical9 instrument10. It needs to practice. When you start to practice, at the beginning you make mistakes. It is normal11. Take it as a necessary12 part of your learning.
Dont worry. Everybody who learns a foreign language makes mistakes from time to time. When you speak English, you dont need to care about mistakes. What is important is expressing your ideas.