30-year-old, live in Auckland writer
Takeaways liberate females from the repetitive housework cooking
Long before the pandemic, takeaways, fast foodespecially, have drawn reactions ranging from delightto prejudice. But as we emerge from the strictestlockdown level, in a world of pervasive uncertainty,they assume an even greater symbolic weight.
Curries, Big Macs, bubble tea or whatever else isin your takeaway order represent something far morecomplex than these perceived assumptions of lazinessor supposed unhealthy eating habits.
In a world of pervasive uncertainty, they'resymbols of the potential of returning to normality. Itis a small ritual comfort to be hold onto when almostevery single waking moment feels overwhelming.And for many, not least parents, takeaways mean notjust a reacquaintance with normality, but a respitefrom weeks-long ennui. After more than a month ofbalancing their full-time jobs with full-time childcare,takeaways offer some respite from one of the mostrepetitive domestic tasks: cooking. That is unpaid, andtypically female, labor.
Bun Leng
41-year-old, live in New Zealand takeaway owner
The takeaway restaurant leads my family to a better life
My family came from Cambodia to New Zealandin 1980. In 2011, I took over our family-run takeawayshop passed from my dad. At the time I was an aspiringteacher, but opted to take on my dad's business mostlyfor sentimental reasons. I thought it would be reallycool to keep it in the family, and I guess I just kindof have fallen into it since then. I didn't spend a centthe first few years and was paying myself $600 [whileworking] 70 hours per week because that's all the shopcould afford.
But over time I was able to put my own stamp onthe restaurant and as a result I have tripled the store'srevenue, gifted my parents a world trip and bought aninvestment property. The social media is a significantreason for the success, and it's also proven a majorfactor in building the restaurant's profile during theprevious lockdowns. Every day I'm getting peoplemessaging saying how much they love my posts andhow they will be coming to our shop when lockdownlifts.