




      2021-11-23 07:17:22云南龔紹林
      瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2021年9期

      云南 龔紹林


      T he minimalist lifestyle needs to be considered only after we own more than we need.Nowadays, the rapid development of the society has brought a lot of wealth and material possessions, which has become a burden for many. In addition, the fast-paced life we have today makes us busier than ever and we have less time to do something relatively unimportant.Therefore, I think a minimalist lifestyle is necessary to help people ease their burden and focus on the best part of life.

      Although I'm not a strict practitioner of minimalism, I do benefit a lot from a simpler life. When I got employed in 2018, I wasted my salaries on lots of clothes, shoes, cosmetics,books and food to enrich my life. However, piles of things made my room messy and a lot of stuff had to be thrown away unused.

      About one year ago, I laid my hands on a book named Danshari, which encourages people to cut out unnecessary stuff, throw away junk and step away from their obsessions. Following the instructions, I started to change my lifestyle and surprisingly found out that my life is much better with less.

      Another bad habit I have worked hard to change is spending too much time on my phone as a means to release myself from the work stress. A lot of my valuable time was wasted on various time-killing apps which didn't do much good to my self-improvement.

      Adopting a simple life can be a bit challenging and needs constant effort. Here are some tips I find helpful. First, concentrate on things that are really important and meaningful. Second, access to information should be simple and well-targeted; reading books is a good alternative to meaningless social interaction and timekilling apps. Third, purchase fewer goods with better quality and tidy up your room regularly.

      A minimalist lifestyle isn't equal to austerity (樸素). It's a habit we can form to simplify our life. With less desire both materially and mentally, there will be more room for selfimprovement, happiness and inner fulfillment.

      Reading Check

      What can you do to live a minimalist lifestyle?


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