Forthefirsttime,scientistshavegrownplants in soil from the moon collected by Nasa'sApollo astronauts.
Researchers had no idea if anything wouldsprout in the harsh moon dirt and wanted to see
if it could be used to grow food by a new generationoflunarexplorers. Theresultsstunnedthem.
“Holy cow. Plants actually grow in lunarstuff. Are you kidding me?”said Robert Ferl of
theUniversityof Florida'sInstituteof Foodand Agricultural Sciences.
Ferl and his colleagues planted thale cressin moon soil returned by Apollo 11's Neil Arm-
strong and Buzz Aldrin, and other moonwalkers years ago and the seeds sprouted.
Thedownsidewasthatafterthefirstweek, the coarseness and other properties of thelunarsoilstressed thesmall,flowering weedsso much that they grew more slowly than seedlings planted in fake moon dirt from Earth.
Most of the moon plants ended up stunted.Results were published on May in CommunicationsBiology.
The longer the soil was exposed to punishingcosmicradiationandsolarwindonthemoon, the worse the plants seemed to do.
The Apollo 11 samples — exposed a couple of billion years longer to the elements becauseof thelunarSeaof Tranquility'soldersurface — were the least conducive for growth,according to scientists.
“This is a bigstep forward to know thatyoucangrowplants,”saidSimonGilroy,aspace plant biologist at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, who had no role in the study.“The real next step is to go and do it on the surface of the moon.”
Moon dirt is full of tiny, glass fragmentsfrommicrometeoriteimpactsthatgoteverywhereintheApollolunarlandersandworedown the moonwalkers'spacesuits.
One solution might be to use younger geologicspotsonthemoon,likelavaflows,fordigging up planting soil. The environment alsocould be tweaked, altering the nutrient mixtureor adjusting the artificial lighting.
Only 842 pounds of moon rocks and soilwerebroughtbackbysix Apollocrews,andmost was locked away.
Nasa finally doled out 12 grams to the Universityof Floridaresearchersearlylastyear,and thelong- awaited planting took placelast38 May in a lab.