




      2022-11-27 00:49:36
      城市觀察 2022年3期


      Guangzhou’s Path to Building into an International Consumption Center City Under the New Development Paradigm 6

      LIN Liulin

      Abstract:The construction of an international consumption center city is an important task for Guangzhou to ac‐tively form a new consumption pattern under China’s“dual circulation”strategy to nurture domestic and over‐seas markets.Its construction under the new development paradigm requires focus on supply-side structural re‐form,attention to demand-side management,and a higher level of mutually dynamic balance between supply and demand.Based on the logical mechanism among supply-side,demand-side and the international consump‐tion center cities,this article analyzes the characteristics,processes and experiences of constructing such cities in China and around the world,and proposes path choice and policy recommendations from the perspectives of co‐ordinated demand and supply.

      Keywords:supply-side;demand-side;Guangzhou;international consumption center city

      Developing the Evaluation Indicator System of International Consumption Center Cities and the Prac‐tice of Guangzhou 21

      ZHANG Xiaoying

      Abstract:Guangzhou has become one of the pioneers in piloting the forming of international consumption cen‐ter cities.This is not only a new functional orientation assigned by the central government to Guangzhou,but al‐so a crucial opportunity for the city to comprehensively improve its urban competitiveness and international in‐fluence.This paper chooses five specific indicators,namely,international popularity,consumption prosperity,commercial vitality,convenient transportation and policy incentives.An evaluation indicator system for interna‐tional consumption center cities which consists of 5 first-level indexes and 32 second-level indexes has been es‐tablished.Eight representative cities including Shanghai,Beijing,Guangzhou,Tianjin,Chongqing,Shenzhen,Hangzhou and Chengdu were selected for comparison,generating comprehensive scores and rankings.Based on the comparative analysis of the characteristics,strengths and weaknesses of Guangzhou as an international consumption center city,this paper proposes the pathway to achieve that goal for the city.

      Keywords:international consumption center city;evaluation indicator system;construction pathway;Guang‐zhou


      Environmental Values,Environmental Sensitivity and Green Consumption Intentions:A Case Study of the New Energy Vehicle Market in Guangzhou 37

      HE Jianfeng,CHEN Qianru,ZENG Zifeng

      Abstract:Besides boosting sustainable economic growth,green consumption is also the way to quality economic development.Based on the Value-Belief-Norm Theory,the paper studies the impacting mechanism of environ‐mental perception and emotions on green consumption intentions.Taking the new energy vehicle market in Guangzhou for example,the author uses the level of environmental perception as an intermediate variable to build a model depicting the intentions to buy new energy vehicle affected by the purchaser’s environmental val‐ues and sensitivity.Results show that environmental values impose bigger impacts on the intention to purchas‐ing new energy vehicles than environmental sensitivity.In terms of direct impacts,both can raise green consump‐tion intentions significantly with mild differences;while in terms of indirect impacts,that of environmental sensi‐tivity is bigger though both variables effect via environmental perception.Finally,it proposes policy suggestions from three perspectives including government,enterprises and consumers.

      Keywords:environmental value;environmental sensitivity;green consumption intention;new energy vehicle

      Research on the Evolution Trend and Improvement Path of Economic Development Quality in the Main Urban Area of Nanjing 52

      LI Hui

      Abstract:On the basis of expounding the connotations of urban economic development quality,this paper con‐structs,with regard to the main urban area of Nanjing,an index system of economic development quality com‐posed of 4 aspects and 12 indicators.Entropy method is used to measure and evaluate the quality of economic development in the the area under study from 2013 to 2020.Results show that within that period,the quality of economic development displayed a trend of U-shaped development.In terms of different dimensions,the devel‐opment efficiency index and public service index increase rapidly,while the“dual circulation”pattern index and development momentum index need further improvement.The empirical conclusions provide reference and in‐spiration for improving the quality of economic development in the main urban area of Nanjing.

      Keywords:entropy method;economic development quality;U-shaped development;main urban area of Nanjing


      Research on the Spatial Layout of Large Scale Scientific Instrumentation in Science Towns:A Case Study of Zhangjiang Science Town 64

      LI Mengyun

      Abstract:Large scale scientific instrumentation is crucial to national science and technology as well as people’s livelihoods.In recent years,science towns are being planned and large scale scientific instrumentation has be‐come a key component facility inside.Scientific knowledge of their spatial layout preferences is necessary to planning process,which will enhance the layout utility and spatial quality,strengthen the function of science town and promote innovation capability of the city.By summarizing the site selection and spatial layout prefer‐ences based on an in-depth review of large scale scientific instrumentation in China and around the world,the paper develops a spatial strategy framework considering the current layout issues of large scale scientific instru‐mentation faced by Zhangjiang Science Town from four aspects including spatial demand,proximity demand,spatial quality and location preference,in order to provide suggestions for optimizing newly planned instrumen‐tation.

      Keywords:large scale scientific instrumentation;spatial layout;Zhangjiang;science town

      Spatial Demography Characteristics of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Sug‐gestions on Spatial Governance 77

      SUN Wenyong,XU Yuxuan,LIU Xing,LUO Yan

      Abstract:The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA)is one of the urban agglomerations with the largest population concentration and the fastest growth and the most densely inhabited district in China.Based on the data comparison between the sixth and seventh national census,this paper analyzes the population scale and growth,population spatial distribution and trend,population structure and other indicators in the GBA from 2010 to 2020.It is found that the GBA population has been growing with fast pace,high density and uneven distribution.Its core metropolitan areas have become the main carrier of population growth,enjoying both quantity and quality demographic bonus.The east part of the GBA is more densely populated than the west,while most of the GBA population gathers around the Pearl River Estuary.The GBA is also characterized by circle layout and boundary growth led by its metropolitan areas.The author proposes to integrate and opti‐mize the spatial resources of the Pearl River Estuary and explore new paths of high-density spatial governance;to support cross-border population flow and promote coordinated development within the GBA;to adjust and improve the supply of public services and strengthen the construction of cross-border collaborative public servic‐es and systems;and to provide suggestions such as optimizing the spatial governance of population outflow ar‐eas.

      Keywords:the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area;metropolitan area;population spatial layout;spatial governance;the“Golden Inner Bay Area”


      Institutional Factors of Urban In-work Poverty in China:An Empirical Study Based on China Laborforce Dynamic Survey(CLDS) 91

      WU Xiaofang

      Abstract:As China enters the new phase of relative poverty governance,the problem of poverty among working families has been the subject of increasing attention.In-work poverty and low pay are far from being the same thing;the former occurs when a working household’s total net income is insufficient to meet their daily basic needs.Low quality employment and family care are two assumptions why families experience in-work poverty.Based on the CLDS results,China’s urban in-work poverty is attributed to low wage and cost of family depen‐dents instead of insufficient employment.From a social policy point of view,expanding social assistance system and developing formal social caring can help mitigate urban in-work poverty in China.

      Keywords:in-work poverty;relative poverty;low pay;non-standard employment;family care


      Applying Hermeneutics on the Design of Historical Blocks:From the Perspective of Fusion of Hori‐zons 103

      LIANG Chenhao

      Abstract:Historical blocks are a city’s architectural heritage.The fusion of horizons theory of the hermeneutics requires an interpretation of an object from two different horizons.The paper reviews the design and construc‐tion of the following historical blocks via the fusion of horizons theory:the renewal project of Chengdu’s Kuan Alley(wide lane)and Zhai Ally(narrow lane),the insufficiency of Hangzhou’s lakeside pedestrian,the design of historical blocks at Pingjiang in Jiangsu province.The reconstruction design of historical blocks is the perfect subject of interest for Hermeneutics and aesthetics studies.

      Keywords:fusion of horizons;hermeneutics;block designs;historical blocks


      A Study on the Network Structure of Intergovernmental Data Sharing and Its Influencing Factors:Based on the Social Network Analysis of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration 115

      ZHOU Yuxuan

      Abstract:Based on the social network analysis method and QAP method,this paper studies the cooperative net‐work structure and its influencing factors of local government data sharing in 26 cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration.Results show that:(1)the overall network density is becoming closer and closer;(2)the sta‐tus and functions of cities in the collaborative data sharing network are quite different and,with the passage of time,the control of core cities on data sharing and cooperation are gradually weakened;(3)the boundary of co‐operation is characterized by the embedding of vertical mechanism,the leading role of administrative boundary,the increasingly prominent functional boundary,and the staggered interweaving of geographical boundary and other boundaries;(4)data sharing cooperation manifests the trend of transforming from passive to active and from means to purpose.Therefore,a gradient and diversified government data sharing mechanism should be built from the perspective of top-level design to enhance the supporting role of multiple boundary elements in data sharing and promote the institutional innovation of regional governance.

      Keywords:data sharing;intergovernmental collaboration;urban agglomeration governance;social network anal‐ysis;Digital China initiative


      The Relationship Among Selfie Publishing,Photo Editing and Body Satisfaction in Youths:The Mod‐erating Effect of Technology in Digital Survival 132

      LIU Yixuan,ZHU Jiayu

      Abstract:With the advancement of media technology,human’s digital survival is deepening,bringing a new so‐cial landscape and ways of information dissemination.In this process,the influence of social media on individu‐al’s body image has increasingly become a subject of interest because of its practical and theoretical significance.The relationship between body image and selfie on social media as an important communication practice in the daily lives of young people needs further discussion.This study examines the mediating effects of online social support and self-identity between selfie posting behavior and body satisfaction,and also explores the moderat‐ing role of photo editing.There is a significant negative relationship between youths’selfie posting behavior and their body satisfaction,as well as significant mediating effects between online social support and self-identity.In addition,the moderating effect of photo editing behavior in these three paths is studied,and results show that the degree of photo editing behavior significantly moderates the positive predictive effect of selfie posting behav‐ior,which then influence youths’body satisfaction.Meanwhile,the degree of photo editing behavior also signifi‐cantly moderates the negative predictive effect of selfie posting behavior on body satisfaction.

      Keywords:digital survival;selfie;virtual identity;online social support;body satisfaction

      Digital Communication:Reconstructing and Rethinking Social Communication in the Era of Digital Media 147

      ZHOU Wenjun

      Abstract:Communication is an important dimension to expand multiple social relations and generate social sig‐nificance.Digital technologies such as the Internet and smart devices have been propelling the evolution of digi‐tal media,extensively and continuously affecting people’s way of social lives.In the era of digital communica‐tion of information,media has penetrated into all fields and become a tool for people to build and maintain so‐cial connections and a lens for them to see and understand the world.It has changed the existing interpersonal relations and order of social communication,generating a new culture of communication.The technological af‐fordance of media has reshaped the interpersonal relationship and social interaction in the digital media era,and brought about a series of contradictions and dilemmas,such as the transformation of strong and weak relation‐ships,interface dependence and social burnout,space-time reconstruction and disappearance of aura,which have become the issues that have to be considered in the practice of digital communication.In short,the rise of digital communication introduces new scientific methodology and scientific spirit into traditional media re‐search,interpersonal relationship research,psychology research and sociology research,which means the aca‐demic paradigm of these disciplines could be rewritten,or a new research category with transitional and para‐digm significance could therefrom arise.

      Keywords:digital media;digital communication;digital survival;acquaintance society

      会昌县| 天全县| 中西区| 天峨县| 商南县| 贵德县| 永嘉县| 蓬莱市| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 阿克苏市| 长岭县| 朝阳区| 东乡族自治县| 三江| 康定县| 登封市| 霸州市| 老河口市| 金堂县| 余姚市| 治多县| 新绛县| 南昌县| 大埔区| 江油市| 昆山市| 扶沟县| 旬阳县| 石楼县| 昆山市| 青冈县| 连江县| 谷城县| 巴南区| 肥乡县| 雅安市| 新邵县| 益阳市| 丹江口市| 乌拉特中旗| 大悟县|