




      2022-09-28 03:40:16金華鋒曾兵元梁海東
      電力系統(tǒng)保護與控制 2022年18期

      楊 濤,金華鋒,曾兵元,梁海東,趙 舫


      楊 濤1,2,金華鋒3,曾兵元3,梁海東2,趙 舫4

      (1.杭州意能電力技術有限公司,浙江 杭州 310007;2.國網浙江省電力有限公司電力科學研究院,浙江 杭州 310007;3.南京智匯電力技術有限公司,江蘇 南京 211100;4.浙江大學電氣工程學院,浙江 杭州 310027)



      0 引言






      本文詳細分析了系統(tǒng)模型和暫態(tài)電流頻率之間的關系,指出對于短線暫態(tài)電流頻率可能高達數千赫茲,采用能量法計算故障方向時的裝置采樣頻率,至少需4800 Hz;提出了實用的能量法保護判據,為能量法小電流接地判別原理應用于配網架空線路或電纜線路接地故障定位提供有益探索。

      1 原理

      圖1 單相接地故障暫態(tài)等效電路







      圖2 中性點不接地系統(tǒng)單相接地時的故障能量

      圖3 中性點過補償系統(tǒng)單相接地時的故障能量

      2 保護判據


      由于零序電流暫態(tài)分量的共振主頻率為300~ 1000 Hz[32],為了避免暫態(tài)能量泄漏引起方向誤判,采樣頻率取4800 Hz。

      圖5 單相高阻接地時的故障能量積分

      3 仿真測試

      圖6 仿真系統(tǒng)模型

      表1 模型參數

      圖7 中性點不接地系統(tǒng)的能量積分值

      圖8 經電抗完全補償系統(tǒng)的能量積分值



      4 結論



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      Application of the criterion of small current grounding direction of the energy method

      YANG Tao1, 2, JIN Huafeng3, ZENG Bingyuan3, LIANG Haidong2, ZHAO Fang4

      (1. Hangzhou Yineng Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310007, China; 2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Electric Power Research Institute, Hangzhou 310007, China; 3. Nanjing Zhihui Power Technology Co., Ltd.,Nanjing 211100, China; 4. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)

      It is difficult to accurately determine the ground fault direction using a single-point electrical quantity in a small current grounding system. Thus an improved energy method-based grounding direction criterion is proposed. From the superposition principle, a single-phase ground fault transient equivalent circuit is analyzed, and the zero-sequence energy at the measurement point is composed of the capacitor charging energy at the initial moment of the fault and the steady-state oscillation energy to maintain the LC oscillation. The characteristics of the zero-sequence energy in different grounding modes and resistances are analyzed. To simplify the setting principle, the zero-sequence energy function is discretized and quadratic integration and a practical quadratic integral criterion is proposed. Simulation tests for a metallic fault and a 3000Wresistance grounding fault are conducted on the neutral point ungrounded or the neutral point fully compensated ground via the arc suppression coil. Results show that the criterion can distinguish the fault direction in the above fault conditions.

      small current grounding system; energy method;distributed capacitance;resonance frequency




      楊 濤(1978—), 男,碩士,高級工程師,研究方向為繼電保護、穩(wěn)控和配電自動化等;E-mail: 27462690@qq.com


      曾兵元(1981—),男,碩士,高級工程師,研究方向為繼電保護、穩(wěn)控和配電自動化等。E-mail: 18311640@qq.com


      This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFB0903100).

      (編輯 姜新麗)

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