Haun Saussy, The Making of Barbarians: Chinese Literature and Multilingual Asia (Princeton: Princeton University Press, May 10, 2022). Hardcover: 192 pages.
Nir Evron, The Blossom Which We Are: The Novel and the Transience of Cultural Worlds(Albany: SUNY Press, Jul. 2021). Paperback:232 pages.
(英)理查德·盧瑟福:《柏拉圖的藝術(shù):柏拉圖詮釋十論》,孔許友譯,梁中和校,上海:東方出版中心(2022年7月)。平裝:520頁。[R. B. Rutherford, The Art of Plato: Ten Essays in Platonic Interpretation, trans. KONG Xuyou, ed.LIANG Zhonghe (Shanghai: Orient Publishing Center,Jul. 2022). Paperback: 520 pages. ]
童慶生:《漢語的意義:語文學(xué)、世界文學(xué)和西方漢語觀》,北京:生活·讀書·新知三聯(lián)書店(2019年1月)。平裝:448頁。[TONG Qingsheng, The Significance of Chinese Mandarin: Philology, World Literature and Western Views on Chinese Mandarin(Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company, Jan. 2019).Paperback: 448 pages. ]