



      Abstracts and Key Words

      2022-10-31 15:43:10
      哲學(xué)分析 2022年2期

      Playbour: Coupled Logic in the Relationship of Labour and Leisure on Digital Age

      YUAN Jihong QIU Xianling

      Abstract: In the digital era, user-generated content (UGC) has become a new growth point of surplus value of capital. The relationship between leisure and labor has changed, and a new form of labor has emerged:playbour. Playbour has a new characteristic: unpaid, free and pleasant, but their product is owned by the digital capital and become the source of its huge profits. How can leisure be labour? Based on the dimensions of Marx’s alienation of labor and free labor, it is revealed that playbour contains two coupling path: leisure alienated-tolabour and labour becoming leisure. The former path embodies capital logic’s expansion to the leisure, while the later path provides possibilities to realize person’s full scale development for beyond the capital logic.

      Key words: playbour; leisure; labour; leisure alienated-to-labour; labour leisurely

      Leisure and Labor: The Debate Between Arendt and Byung-Chul Han on “Leisure”ZHOU Yu LIU Huimei

      Abstract: Arendt and Byung-Chul Han argue that leisure and labor in ancient Greece imply different ways of being, in which Arendt sees leisure as a state of tranquil existence and Han as a state of contemplative lingering. Based on this, Arendt argues that the essence of modern society is a labor society, the crux of which is that all other forms of active living are reduced to labor, and people must reduce themselves to labor animals in order to achieve their own development. Thus leisure becomes a subordinate to labor. Byung-Chul Han argues that the essence of modern society is an active society or a merit society, the crux of which is that people are overactive in labor and leisure, so that they have completely lost the ability of leisure. In fact, despite the differences between Arendt and Han, what they share is the totality of labor, that is, the tendency of labor to separate and absolutize itself into the goal even after it has finished the stage of necessity of life. To break the tendency of the totality of labor, it is not helpful to stop at the debate between Arendt and Byung-Chul Han.In general, the debate between Arendt and Han on the nature of modern society and the relationship between leisure and labor is a different form of illustration of Heidegger’s concept of profound boredom. Only based on Heidegger’s concept of profound boredom can we truly reveal the existential implications of the debate between the two and thus realize the possibility of leisure.

      Key words: leisure; labor; active living; modern society; profound boredom

      The Contemporary Leisure Value of Zhuangzi’s “Xiao Yao” Thought JIN Li YIN Chenru

      Abstract: People’s leisure, as a state of life condition, contains dual pursuit of both material and spiritual.However, the increasing abundance of material life has not only failed to lead people’s leisure into a spiritual one,but triggered more and more mental problems or spiritual crises which has already become a big concern closely related to people’s living in modern society. Confronted with this situation, Zhuangzi, a famous Chinese philosopher in Taoism, who had proposed a systematic and evolutionary thought of xiao yao, can provide us with an important reference for improving the quality of people’s life. In xiao yao, Zhuangzi claimed to strengthen human beings’spirit by chasing “freedom of spirit”, “relying on nothing” and “in harmony with the nature” . Under the guidance of all above, we can also summarize the meaning of xiao yao in two ways: on the one hand, individuals need to form a habit of returning to themselves reasonably and be conscious of the limits for self-realization; on the other hand,agents should embrace the aesthetic part of life, overcome the obstacles that have been placed on the way leading to

      free personality and transcendent spirit, and achieve a true state of inner harmony in the end.Key words: leisure value; Zhuangzi; xiao yao; transcendent spirit

      Three Questions of Epistemology: On Epistemology of New Phenomenology PANG Xuequan

      Abstract: What is the object of cognition? How to recognize objects? How to prove and be convinced of the knowledge obtained? These are the three basic issues involved and covered by general epistemology. The answers to these questions have been diverse in western philosophy for a long time, and the discussions and debates are still continuous and will continue, which indicates the importance and complexity of epistemology as one of the fundamental issues of philosophy. In this paper, the viewpoints of the philosophy of subjectivity represented by Descartes, Kant, and the classical phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger, especially the new phenomenology of Hermann Schmitz, on the above three issues, as well as their connections and differences are discussed. This systematic review and comparison of the three epistemologies aim to show the state and process of the continuous development and deepening of epistemological issues in the scholarship.

      Key words: epistemology; philosophy of subjectivity; Husserl; Heidegger; Schmitz

      Representation, Expression, and Recollection: Semantic Dimensions of Hegel’s

      Phenomenology Robert Brandom

      Abstract: In this essay I present my understanding of Hegel’s most basic semantic ideas. At the core is his bimodal hylomorphic conception of conceptual content. It is the basis for his account of representational relations between thoughts and facts, appearance and reality, mind and world. The key concept in Hegel’s account of the representational dimension of conceptual content is his other big, original semantic idea: the notion of recollective rationality. Recollecting is a distinctive kind of doing: rationalizing a course of experience by rationally reconstructing it so it takes the form of an expressively progressive narrative of the gradual unfolding into explicitness of a norm that is seen retrospectively to have implicitly governed the process all along.

      Key words: Hegel; semantics; concepts; rationality

      Fuxi Drawing the Diagram as the Beginning of Chinese Academic History: The Objectives, Contents

      and Methods of the Research on theHistory of Chinese Earlier Ancient Thoughts ZHANG Peng

      Abstract: As a new academic research field, it is necessary to clarify the objectives, contents and methods of the research on the Daoshu history of Chinese earlier ancient thoughts. As far as its research objectives are concerned, firstly we need to determine that the applicability of the concept of “history of thoughts” is better than “history of philosophy” ; secondly, we need to establish “Fuxi drawing the Diagram” as the beginning of academic history; and thirdly we got to restore the important position of Zhouyi (The Book of Changes) in the history of Chinese thoughts. Its research content is to take Daoshu as the theme of earlier ancient academic thought, giving a picture of thought-creation in the early stage of Chinese civilization as complete as possible. As far as its research methods are concerned, on the one hand, it is to “go out of doubt about Chinese earlier ancient times” and re-understand the ancient documents and materials; on the other hand, it is to “explain Chinese with Chinese” and re-understand the origin of Chinese ancient thought.

      Key words: ancient times; Daoshu; the history of ideas

      Person, Event and the Related Theories (“” and “”): Also On Philosophy of

      Linguistics Concerning Sentence Patterns LI Bocong

      Abstract: The traditionally named “l(fā)inguistic turn” and “philosophy of language” in the 20th century were initiated by Frege and Russell. Due to the rapid development of modern linguistics as the leading discipline of modern social sciences in the late 20th century, it has formed a new situation in which it is necessary to create a “philosophy of linguistics” in the 21st century. When studying the philosophy of “person” (ren), we must simultaneously study “person” as individuals, “person” as groups, and “person” as human beings and their interrelationships. For this reason, we must not only study proper names and descriptions, but also study linguistic philosophical issues of pronouns. “Event” (shi) must be sublimated into a philosophical category.When studying the philosophy of “event”, we must pay attention to the linguistic and philosophical issues of verbs, adverbs and sentence patterns.

      Key words: philosophy of linguistics; “ren li”; “shi li”; pronouns; sentence patterns

      “Five Concepts” of Memory and Forgetting and Moral Reconstruction of Forgetting in the Era of Big Data CAO Keliang

      Abstract: Big data subverts the traditional concept of human biological memory and forgetting. Forgetting becomes the exception and memory becomes the norm. The complete digital memory skin shaped in the era of big data makes the instinct of forgetting difficult. The “five concepts” of timeliness, psychology, material,function of memory and confirmatory and forgetting need to be re-examined in the era of big data. The virtue of rebuilding forgetfulness should not be based on being a new Luddite, but on the pre-big data forgetting function and rebuilding forgetting morality.

      Key words: big; data; era; memory; being forgotten; “five concepts” ; moral reconstruction

      Three Doctrines of Liberalism and their Difficulties: Also On the Opinions of Western Classic Political Philosophy on such Issues CHEN Xiangqin

      Abstract: Liberalism is a jurisprudential worldview which based on the cornerstone of right, and on the positive basis of individualism and the pluralism. The jurisprudential worldview, centrism of individuality and diversity of society are the three doctrines of liberalistic thought. In the context of jurisprudential worldview,liberalism has been praised as the discovery and justification of individualistic existence and pluralistic reality of human social life, but in fact it is just the misunderstanding and cancellation of the individuality of human existence and the plurality of social reality. Due to the liberalistic reduction of such political-philosophical problems to the issues related to the doctrine of right, so the political and moral order for realistic society constructed through liberalistic thought is the homogeneous liberal order. As a result, liberalism has no capability to give the right solutions with the height of western classical thought on the problems such as individuality and society, liberty and order, politics and morality, plurality and unity, right and justice, and so on.

      Key words: jurisprudential worldview; centrism of individuality; pluralism of society

      The Ontological and Methodological Fates of Knowledge:A Research Programme of the New HPS WANG Wei ZHENG Jinlian

      Abstract: In The Fate of Knowledge, Helen Longino proposes “non-individualistic individual” . Her concept and Philip Kitcher’s view of individual rationality are two central positions about the social dimension of science in contemporary philosophy of science. Kitcher’s individualism is ontological, while Longino’s target is methodological individualism. If we insist on methodological pluralism and ontological unity at the same time, we can not only develop Longino’s view to “critical logical empiricism” , but also form a new perspective about history, philosophy, and social studies of science and technology. Critical logical empiricism emphasizes the logical and empirical methods in philosophical research, which respects the rationality of science; it also advocates critical and empirical research on the social dimension of science. Hopefully, it can be a more balanced research programme of new HPS.

      Key words: Helen Longino; Philip Kitcher; critical contextual empiricism; critical logical empiricism

      The “Relational Turn” in the Research of AI Ethics ZHOU Liyun

      Abstract: The philosophy of artificial intelligence is reflection of the thought of artificial intelligence. It seems that the goal of research on artificial intelligence ethics should not be to solve the specific ethical issues related to artificial intelligence, but to change the way of raising problems. Man-machine relationship is the core issue of machine ethics and robot ethics. The current research of artificial intelligence ethics is mainly based on the standpoint of anthropocentrism, and the normative research faces some difficulties, such as the fuzziness of concept, the limitation of cognition, the complexity of situation and the uncertainty of moral choice. From the perspective of philosophy and ethics toward artificial intelligence research, we need a kind of new methodology,that is, the “relational turn” of the research on artificial intelligence ethics: this path is from the perspective of phenomenology and empiricism, which examines the essence of human and machines based on “body subject” rather than the “thinking subject. We need to reverse our understanding. The important thing is not to formulate unified ethical rules for the development of artificial intelligence through control and restraint, but to re-recognize that artificial intelligence ethics is the joint creation of man and machine, human and technology,human and human, and human and society. Artificial intelligence should be regarded as a partner, and only through relational thinking can we make a better man-machine relationship and a better future for human.

      Key words: ethics of artificial intelligence; machine ethics; robot ethics; man-machine relationship;relational turn

      Is Extended Consciousness Possible? WANG Qiu AN Xiuyuan

      Abstract: According to the extended mind thesis (EM) and other enactivism proposals, the extended conscious mind thesis (ECM) asserts that the material substrate of conscious mental states can extend beyond the boundary of the brain and into the environment. However, EM does not entail ECM. We examine the arguments for and against ECM, focusing on the supporting side’s reasoning for the parity principle argument and sensorimotor interaction. We contend that their reasoning is flawed, and that they cannot guarantee the enactive effect in explaining all of the characters of consciousness. As a result, we suggest that we need a consensus on the theory of consciousness, one that can meet the conceivability and reflexivity criteria of consciousness, as a theoretical prerequisite for exploring ECM while also assisting us in understanding the nature of mind.

      Key words: extended mind; extended consciousness; parity principle; sensorimotor enactivism

      How to Do Philosophy: Timothy Williamson’s Ten Lectures on“Philosophical Methods” WANG Hongguang

      Abstract: Professor Timothy Williamson of Oxford University gave ten online academic lectures on“philosophical methods” at the invitation of Professor CHEN Bo of Peking University from September 14 to October 29, 2020, and had close exchanges and interactions with more than twenty domestic young and middleaged philosophers around “how to do philosophy” . The lecture series cover the following topics: philosophy and common sense, philosophy and disagreement, philosophy and clarification, philosophy and thought experiments,philosophy and theory comparison, philosophy and logic, philosophy and history of philosophy, philosophy and its neighbours, philosophy and models, as well as philosophy and its future.

      Key words: philosophy; doing philosophy; Timothy Williamson; philosophical methods

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