




      2022-12-07 10:38:08曹安江
      世界竹藤通訊 2022年3期

      曹安江 楊 科 虎 鑫

      (云南烏蒙山國家級自然保護區(qū)管護局 云南昭通 657000)

      烏蒙方竹 方竹(云南彝良) 新種(圖1)

      Chimonobambusa wumengensis Anjiang Cao,Ke Yang & Xin Hu sp.Nov.(Fig.1)

      Diagnosis:Chimonobambusa wumengensisis morphologically similar toCh.tuberculateandCh.tumidissinoda.But the significantly enlarged node differs fromCh.tuberculateand the spiny aerial roots on node differs fromCh.tumidissinoda.The shooting time,started from November and ended in April of the following year,differs from the shooting time of bothCh.tuberculateandCh.tumidissinoda.

      Shrubby bamboo.Culms erect,5 m tall and 30 mm in diameter.Internodes 12-18 cm long,slightly 4-angled or terete,green,middle and lower part with verrucous base and rough,culm wall 3-4 mm thick;supra-nodal ridge raised at branching nodes,the shape of the ridge is asymmetric,slightly ridge at branchless nodes;sheath scars distinct,brown,with a dark brown tomentose ring and with the persistent remains of sheath base.Intranode ca.2-4 mm,with a ring of sparse or dense spiny aerial roots.Culm sheaths deciduous,papery or thickly papery,long triangular.The sheath is longer than internode at the middle and lower part of the culm,but shorter or equal to internodes at the upper part of the culm.The abaxial surface of the sheath covered with densy yellowish-brown hirsute,which becomes verrucose residue later.Shoot sheath reddish-purple in the sun,but greenish-white in the backlight.Sheath ligules unconspicuous;sheath blades is very small,almost absent,only 1-2 mm long,no articulation at the junction of sheath blade and culm sheath.Branches 3 per node;leaves 2 (or 4) per ultimate branch,usually 3 leaves;leaf sheaths smooth,oral setae sparse and easy falling;ligule minute,only 1 mm high;leaf blade oblong-lanceolate,(12-18) × (1.2-2.0) cm,papery or thickly papery,Lower surface glabrous,gray green,secondary veins 5-6 paired,crossed veinlet distinct.Inflorescence unknown.The shooting time started in Nov.and ended in Apr.of the following year,but the heydays are in middle Nov.and in March of the next year.From Dec.to early March,due to the lower temperature,the number of the shoots become less,the young shoots grows very slowly and lignify rapidly.The shoot is delicious.It is an excellent bamboo for shoot production,which is worthy of development and utilization.

      Type:Yunnan Province,CHINA:Wumeng Mountain National Nature Reserve,Yiliang County,Zhaotong City,27°53′17″N,104°2′34″E,1 154 m alt,7 December 2021,CAO Anjiang & ZHOU Xunlin,20211207012.(Holotype:NF)

      灌木狀竹類;稈直立,高5 m,直徑約30 mm;節(jié)間長12~18 cm,微呈四菱形,綠色,中下部具有疣基而粗糙,稈壁厚3~4 mm;稈環(huán)在分枝節(jié)處隆起成脊,脊處形狀不對稱,下部不分枝節(jié)處微隆起;籜環(huán)明顯,棕色,具棕色絨毛,留有鞘基部殘余;節(jié)內(nèi)長2~4 mm,環(huán)生刺狀氣生根。稈籜早落,紙質(zhì)或厚紙質(zhì),長三角形,位于稈中部以下的稈籜長于節(jié)間,位于稈上部者短于或等長于其節(jié)間,稈籜背面紅紫色或綠白色但邊緣紅紫色筍籜向陽處為條塊狀的紅紫色,背面密被黃褐色向上伏生的小刺毛,脫落后在籜鞘背面留有黃褐色粗糙疣基;筍籜背光處為綠白色,背面刺毛相對較少,脫落后留有黃褐色粗糙疣基;籜舌不明顯;籜片極小,幾近于無,長僅1~2 mm,基部與籜鞘連接處不具關節(jié)。每節(jié)3 分枝;末級小枝具2 或4 葉,通常3 葉;葉鞘光滑,鞘口具稀疏易落的繸毛;葉舌低矮,高僅1 mm;葉片長圓狀披針形,長12~18 cm,寬1.2~2.0 cm,紙質(zhì)至厚紙質(zhì),下表面無毛,灰綠色,次脈5~6 對,具小橫脈?;ü匆?。筍期11 月至翌年4 月,筍白色,筍味香。氣溫低時筍的生長速度很慢,筍木質(zhì)化很快,可食部分較小。

      云南:昭通市彝良縣云南烏蒙山國家級自然保護區(qū),27°53′17″N,104°2′34″E,海拔1 154 m,2021 年12 月7 日,模式標本號20211207012,采集人:曹安江、周訓林,存南京林業(yè)大學樹木標本館。

      該種形態(tài)介于永善方竹[1](Ch.tuberculataHsueh et L.Z.Gao) 和筇竹[2](Ch.Tumidissinoda(Hsueh & T.P.Yi ex Ohrberger)Hsueh et T.P.Yi),該種筍籜顏色既有永善方竹的紅褐色又有筇竹的綠白色;稈環(huán)隆起成脊似筇竹,節(jié)內(nèi)環(huán)生刺狀氣生根又似永善方竹;葉片大小介于永善方竹和筇竹之間,正面顏色深綠似永善方竹,背面顏色灰綠色似筇竹;筍期自11 月初至翌年4 月初,但發(fā)筍盛期有2 次,分別在11 月中旬和翌年3 月中旬。自12 月初至翌年3 月上旬,由于氣溫低,發(fā)筍數(shù)量很少,即使有少量發(fā)筍,新筍生長緩慢而且木質(zhì)化快。這一發(fā)筍特性,在永善方竹與筇竹的出筍期之間。該新種的竹筍味美,是優(yōu)良的筍用竹,保護區(qū)在加強該竹子種質(zhì)資源保護的前提下,應與地方政府加強合作,合理開發(fā)利用這一珍貴的竹子資源,真正做到保護與利用的協(xié)調(diào),保護區(qū)建設與周邊社區(qū)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的協(xié)調(diào)。

      該新種模式產(chǎn)地既有永善方竹,亦有筇竹。永善方竹分布在海拔相對較低的山體下部,筇竹分布在海拔相對較高的山體上部[3-4],該新種被發(fā)現(xiàn)位于這2 個竹種分布的交界處。由于方竹屬與筇竹屬的分類系統(tǒng)關系一直存在爭議[5-10],該新種的發(fā)現(xiàn),對進一步厘清方竹屬與筇竹屬的進化關系具有重要意義。

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