



      Instructions for Authors

      2022-12-24 23:31:10
      獸類學(xué)報 2022年5期

      Acta Theriologica Sinica is a Chinese mammalogy journal founded in 1981 with international interests.It is sponsored jointly by Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,and Mammalogical Society of China,It publishes bimonthly and mainly on original research papers,scientific notes,and reviews of all fields of mammalogy.It also publishes applied and basic papers containing new and significant information on areas such as rearing of rare and endangered mammalian species,diagnosing and treating of diseases and control measures of harmful animals,and development and utilization of economic mammalian species.The Journal has sections such as original papers,reviews,scientific notes,method discussion,problem discussion,and academic information.It accepts both Chinese and English manuscripts and papers in English are especially welcome.

      Submission of manuscripts to:

      Editorial Board of Acta Theriologica Sinica,

      Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology,

      Chinese Academy of Sciences,

      23 Xinning Road,Xining 810001,China

      Tel:86 -971 -6 143617;Website:http:/ /www.mammal.cn;E-mail:slxb@nwipb.cas.cn

      The research paper should arrange information exactly as follows:title,authors(s),author affiliations(see Journal for format),abstract,key words,text,acknowledgments,and references.For scientific note,the arrangement is the same as a full-length research paper.

      A review paper should provide most up-to-date development of a field in mammalogy inside and outside.It should combine author’s research work and present author’s viewpoints.Its arrangement is the same as the original research paper.

      Title should not exceed 15 words.Abstract should briefly describe the objective of the study,method,results and discussion.

      All sections of the manuscript should be typed double-spaced on one side only of A4 papers with margins of at least 30 mm all round.Lines of text should be limited to 75 characters per line.It is required for author to write the manuscript with fluent English,clean objective,clear method and experimental design,dependable data,and concise logics.At the bottom of the first page,a footnote should be provided with foundation items,biography of first author(name,highest degree obtained,academic position,and area of major research),and the corresponding author.

      For electronic submission,manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word for the PC.The manuscript,together with a cover letter,should be sent as email attachments to the Editorial Board.Manuscript can also be sent via E -mailing to:<slxb@nwipb.cas.cn >.

      The metric system is standard,and SI units must be used as much as possible.In the text,whenever tables or figures are necessary,they need to be inserted in the proper places with table headings or figure legends.Table headings and figure legends must be independent,complete and easy for the readers to follow.Table should use a 3 -line format.Two sets of all photographs should be supplied and submitted with high quality glossy prints suitable for reproduction.Most figures should be set to a maximum width of 8 cm(including all lettering)while the figure that taking the whole breadth of a page should not exceed 17 cm in width.When a map is used,it should be reproduced based on the most current official one.

      In the text,various classes of headings are used sequentially without indention to the left.Main heading,secondary,and tertiary headings should follow the numbering such as‘1’,‘1.1’,and‘1.1.1’,respectively.

      References.The authors should cite the papers relevant to the study presented in the paper,and check the cited references in the manuscript to guarantee the accuracy.Unpublished papers should not be listed but it can be used as a footnote.In the text,references must be arranged chronologically with the surname(s)of the author(s)followed by the date.Cited references should be listed in alphabetical order according to the authors’surnames;all authors should be listed.References should be prepared in the following format:

      Journals:Authors’names,year of publication,title,journal,volume number,(issue number):page numbers.

      Williams L R,Cameron G N,Spencer S R,Eshelman B D,Gregory M J.1986.Experimental analysis of the effects of pocket gopher mounds on Texas costal prairie .J Mammal,67(4):672 -679.

      Laycock W A,Richardson B Z.1975.The long-term effects of pocket gopher control on vegetation and soils of a subalpine grassland.J Range Manage,28:458 -462.

      Monographs:authors’names,year of publication,book title,publisher’s location:publisher’s name,page numbers.

      Tungers W L.1985.Size and Scaling in Primate Biology.New York:Plenum Press,15 -36.

      Treatise:authors’names,year of publication,title,In:treatise title,publisher’s location:publisher’s name,page numbers.

      Hayward C F,Philipson J.1979.Community structure and functional role of small mammals in ecosystems.In:Scoddart D M ed.Ecology of Small Mammals.London:Cambridge University Press,135 -200.

      A covering letter is required to certify that the manuscript has not been previously published or submitted(either in whole or in part)for publication elsewhere.It is also required to provide the corresponding author’s address,phone number and e-mail address.

      The Journal also has the CD version and Internet version in addition to the printed version.Once accepted,the copyright of the manuscript,including the right to reproduce the article in all forms and media,shall be assigned exclusively to Acta Theriologica Sinica.For any manuscript that does not wish to be included in the CD version or Internet version,author should indicate when submitting the manuscript to the Journal.

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