?阿爾勒曾是古羅馬統(tǒng)治下的繁榮城市,擁有眾多歷史古跡。圖/視覺中國Arles was once a prosperous city under the rule of ancient Rome.It has many ancient historical remains.
許多人視梵高為偶像。圖為在阿爾勒街頭,一名畫家展示自己的作品。圖/閆實Many people idolized Van Gogh.The picture shows a painter displaying his work on the street of Arles.
隨手一拍,阿爾勒街景就成了一幅畫。圖/閆實With just a quick shot,the street scene of Arles becomes a painting.
游客慕名來到梵高咖啡館,感受畫中情景。圖/閆實Because of respect for its fame,tourists come to Van Gogh Café to feel the scene in the painting.
在阿爾勒可以品嘗地道的地中海特色美食。圖為一家餐館的創(chuàng)意手寫菜單。圖/閆實In Arles you can taste authentic Mediterranean specialties.The picture shows a creative handwritten menu of a restaurant.
In Arles,Meet “Van Gogh”
When it comes to the small French city of Arles,many people seem to know it,which is attributed to Van Gogh.Starry Night Over the Rhone,Terrace Cafe at Night,andSummer Garden...In Van Gogh’s paintings,the bright starry sky,warm cafes,and beautiful summer garden,all these aspects of the little town are forever are frozen in the brilliance of art.
In 1888,the Dutchman Vincent William Van Gogh came to Arles,a small town in Provence,France.He turned his enthusiasm into strong colors and arbitrary brushstrokes.In just one year,Van Gogh created more than 300paintings in Arles,including many masterpieces such as theSunflowerseries.
Arles is full of imprints left by Van Gogh.Many places still retain the style of the years when Van Gogh lived here.Cafe Terrace at Nightis loved by many people.The night café,which is still open today,has been renamed the “Van Gogh Cafe”.From the menu to the fa?ade,then to the awning,it maintains almost the same appearance as in the painting.The cafe is open until 23 o’clock with ordinary prices.So,many tourists come here because of respect for its fame.
The Arles Arena is the most conspicuous building in the small town and one of the oldest arenas in France.Van Gogh once depicted the grand scene of the arena.Visitors hardly need to pay attention to it.They can easily see its proud and upright figure in every corner of the city.Built during the Roman Empire,it has 120 arches and can accommodate more than 20,000 spectators.The Arles Arena was originally used mainly for chariot races and bloody gladiator hand-to-hand combat.It is currently one of the few bullrings in France.However,the tickets are often hard to come by.