Shem Banbury景一
As very young children, we are experts at finding hobbies. We play inthe sandpit1, dance, and sing around the playground, collect action figures,and spend our days learning everything we can. But somewhere on thepath2 to being a teenager, we stop trying as many new things as possibleand spend less time on our interests.
Of course, sometimes it feels like you dont have time for a hobby. Mostof us have been taught that when it comes to time, efficiency3 is what mattersmost. As a result, weve structured4 our lives around school rather than play.But with a little thought, you should be able to find more time in your sched-ule5 to do the things you love. Most of us have free time, we just dont alwaysspend it wisely.
At the end of a busy week, sitting in front of the television or the computermight feel like relaxation, but screen time tends to be a solo6 pursuit7 that keeps usfrom communicating with others.
Hobbies are essentially8 the active pursuit of a personal interest. And how doyou find a hobby you will enjoy?
Finding a hobby can mean taking the first step to actively pursue that thingyouve always thought about doing. Have you ever started a sentence with thewords“Ive always wanted to...”? You can look to your childhood or go outsidefor inspiration.
Pursuing a hobby when youre young could have a hugely positive impact onyour later life. Turn your spark9 of passion10 into a hobby and it could develop into alifelong interest. Who knows, it could possibly be the starting point for your adult career—one that you actually love.