Amber Rosenberg & Hannah Madden 景一
Even if youre the most successful person on the planet, you can always learn from other people!
Learn from everyone you meet.
You can learn from everyone. Maybeyou meet a new classmate who does notstudy as well as you. That doesnt meanyou cant learn something from him! Getto know the people around you. Take noteof any habit that works for other people.For example, if some of your classmates alwaysdo well on tests, you might noticethem studying on their lunch break insteadof chatting with friends.
Imitate1 and adjust2.
Listen to what didnt work in thepast. This is a great strategy3 to use. Youcan learn from other peoples attempt andgo about it in a different way. You can alsoimitate things that work. If it doesnt workfor you, you dont have to copy people exactly.You can make adjustments as necessary.
Ask for help.
Its the most straightforward4 way tolearn from others. If you notice someoneelse is super good at what youre doing,see if they can offer you any advice. Forexample, maybe youre having a hard timein your chemistry class. You could ap-proach5 your classmate who always doesgood on the chemistry homework and askwhat his strategy is.
Reflect on your own strengthsand weaknesses.
Take note of other peoples mistakes.Dont repeat something you know doesntwork. If a classmate claims he has a greatstudy trick but he ends up failing, you canmake a note of it in your head.
Everyone has an area he is not greatin, even if he has a ton of experiencesomewhere else. You should figure6 outwhat you have to learn. When you knowyour own strengths and weaknesses, youllbe more open minded to learning from otherpeople.