



      宋應星與《天工開物》Song Yingxing and His Masterpiece Tiangong Kaiwu

      2023-09-20 13:43:08崔高浩
      孔子學院 2023年2期


      2020 年底,中國嫦娥五號月球無人探測器采集到了月壤樣品并成功返回地球。2021 年,國際天文學聯(lián)合會(IAU) 正式批準了嫦娥五號著陸點附近八個月球地貌的命名,這八個命名中有許多中國古代科學家的名字,其中就有被英國著名生物化學家(曾因研究中國科學史而聲名遠揚的)李約瑟(JosephNeedham,1900—1995)譽為“中國狄德羅(Diderot)”的宋應星,他的作品《天工開物》被稱為“中國17 世紀的工藝百科全書”。

      At the end of 2020, Chinas Change-5 lunar probecollected lunar soil samples and successfully returnedto Earth. In 2021, the International AstronomicalUnion (IAU) officially approved the naming of eightlunar landforms near the landing site of Change-5,among which were names of ancient Chinese scientists,including Song Yingxing, addressed as “the ChineseDiderot” by the renowned British biochemist andhistorian Joseph Needham1 (1900–1995) for his workTiangong Kaiwu, known as the “Chinas Encyclopediaof Crafts in the 17th Century”.

      宋應星其人Introduction to Song Yingxing

      宋應星(1587— 約1666) 是明朝科學家,出生于中國江西南昌府奉新縣的一個士大夫家庭,在四兄弟中排行第三。他從小就聰明過人,過目不忘,記憶力驚人。1615 年(明萬歷四十三年),宋應星和兄長宋應升一起通過鄉(xiāng)試中舉。此后雖幾經(jīng)會試,但均告失敗,兩兄弟遂絕科舉之念。1635 年(崇禎八年),宋應星任縣學教諭。1643 年(崇禎十六年),又任亳(Bó) 州知州。但第二年初,他便辭官返鄉(xiāng)。當時,大明王朝氣數(shù)已盡。當年三月,李自成大軍攻破京師,明朝滅亡。1646 年(隆武二年),宋應升服毒殉國,宋應星開始了隱居生活,拒不出仕。雖然具體卒年尚不清楚,但據(jù)推測,宋應星大約在1661 年或1666 年逝世。

      Song Yingxing (1587–ca.1666) was a Ming Dynasty scientist who wasborn into a scholar-official family in Fengxin County of Nanchang Prefecturein Jiangxi Province. He was the third of four sons and had an exceptionalmemory and intelligence since a young age. In 1615 (the 43rd year of theWanli reign of the Ming Dynasty), Song Yingxing and his elder brother, SongYingsheng, passed the provincial-level imperial examinations. However, sincetheir later attempts to pass the higher level of examinations had all failed in theend, the two brothers felt frustrated and abandoned their hopes of pursuing acareer as a government official through the imperial examination system. In1635 (the 8th year of the Chongzhen reign), Song Yingxing became a teacherat a county school, and in 1643 (the 16th year of the Chongzhen reign), hewas appointed as the magistrate of Bozhou Prefecture. But he quickly resignedand returned home early the next year when the fate of the Ming Dynasty wasalready sealed. In March of the same year, Li Zichengs rebel army capturedthe capital Beijing, and the Ming Dynasty collapsed. In 1646 (the second yearof the Longwu reign), his elder brother Song Yingsheng committed suicide forthe fallen Ming Empire by taking poison, and he began a life of seclusion andrefused to accept any official position in the new government. Although theexact year of his death is not known, it is estimated that Song Yingxing diedaround 1661 or 1666.

      《天工開物》的創(chuàng)作背景The Historical Background of Tiangong Kaiwu

      《天工開物》中的“天工”取自《尚書·皋陶謨》的“天工人其代之” ,“開物”取自《周易·系辭上》的“開物成務”?!疤旃ぁ迸c“人工”相對,指自然的事物;“開物”則指人類通過工具和技術造物。因此,“天工開物”意為人類通過主觀努力,利用自然資源造物。

      The term tiangong in the book title comes fromthe article “Gaoyao Mo” from one of the Five ClassicShangshu (The Book of Documents) while kaiwu istaken from another ancient text “Xici” in Zhouyi (TheBook of Changes). Tiangong, the opposite of rengong(literally meaning works of human), means works ofnature; kaiwu refers to human creation using toolsand technology. Therefore, tiangong kaiwu means thathuman beings create things by making use of naturalresources.


      In the Ming Dynasty when this book was published,with many industries relatively developed,cities were prosperous, and the commodity economyactive. Therefore, popular culture in the urban areawas booming. In addition, the widespread of thephilosophy of the mind which emphasized the “unityof knowledge and action” and the introduction ofWestern cultural products by Western missionaries toChina contributed to the development of technical andscientific works on botany, agriculture, geography, andother practical fields. For example, Li Shizhens BencaoGangmu (The Compendium of Materia Medica), XuGuangqis Nongzheng Quanshu (The Complete Book onAgriculture) and Song Yingxings Tiangong Kaiwu (TheExploitation of the Works of Nature) were all created inthis context.

      《天工開物》的內容Introduction to Tiangong Kaiwu


      The book is divided into three volumes, with a total of eighteen chapters.


      The first volume discusses techniques of processing natural products, including naili (cultivation techniques for grains and other food crops), naifu(processing of raw materials for clothing), zhangshi(plant-based dyeing techniques), cuijing (processing of grains), zuoxian (salt production in six ways), and ganshi (sugarcane cultivation, sugar-making, and beekeeping).

      中篇涉及人工制造:陶埏(shān)(磚、瓦、陶瓷的制作)、冶鑄(金屬用品的鑄造及加工)、舟車(船舶、車輛的結構、型式及制作)、錘(chuí)鍛(用錘鍛方法制作鐵器和銅器)、燔石(石灰、煤炭等的燒制技術)、膏液(16 種植物油脂的提取方法)、殺青(造紙的五個程序)。

      The second volume focuses on human-madeproducts, such as taoshan (production of brick, tile, andceramic objects), yezhu (metal casting and forging),zhouche (structure, style and construction of shipsand vehicles), chuiduan (forging of iron and copperby hammering), fanshi (firing techniques of lime, coal,etc.), gaoye (16 oil and fat extraction methods), andshaqing (five procedures of papermaking).


      The third volume is concerned withitems and their functions, includingwujin (metalworking and metallurgy),jiabing (production of gunpowder andcold weapons such as bows, crossbowsand shields), danqing (ink and pigmentproduction), qunie (liquor making),and zhuyu (jewelry sourcing).

      從結構上可見,《天工開物》是一部囊括了當時主要產(chǎn)業(yè)的“百科全書”。宋應星以觀察、經(jīng)驗和實證為基礎,具體闡釋了多種產(chǎn)業(yè)的生產(chǎn)過程,并配了123 幅插圖。這些插圖形象具體,詳細地描述了各種制造技術和過程。另外,《天工開物》里沒有記載方書和本草學的相關內容,這表明宋應星是一位以客觀、實證的姿態(tài)試圖對物質世界進行獨創(chuàng)性探索和認識的偉大學者。

      The structure of the book shows that itis an all-encompassing encyclopedia of themajor industries of the time. Song Yingxingbased his work on observation, experience, andexperimentation, providing detailed explanations ofvarious production processes, accompanied by 123illustrations that vividly and specifically describethe procedures. The book does not cover topicsrelated to traditional Chinese medicine orpharmacology, but this reveals Songs objective,prudent, and down-to-earth approach toexploring and understanding the world.

      《天工開物》的傳播The Spread of Tiangong Kaiwu

      1637 年(崇禎十年),在宋應星的友人涂紹煃(kuǐ)的資助下,《天工開物》首次在南昌府刊行。清初的楊素卿翻刻此本,此本流通范圍較廣。此后,《天工開物》被收錄在《古今圖書集成》和《授時通考》中,后在中國漸被遺忘,事實上已失傳很久。17 世紀,《天工開物》被傳到了當時江戶時代的日本,并被制作了很多副本。1771 年,大阪的書林菅( jiān)生堂出版了和刻本,此后幾經(jīng)再版并越發(fā)受到重視。直到民國時期,在日本留學的中國人將《天工開物》和刻本帶回中國,《天工開物》的存在和價值才重新被發(fā)現(xiàn)。

      In 1637 (the 10th year of the Chongzhen reign),subsidized by his friend Tu Shaokui, Song Yingxingpublished his work Tiangong Kaiwu for the first timein Nanchang Prefecture. Yang Suqing of the earlyQing Dynasty later published a new edition of thebook, which was more widely circulated. After that,the book was included in Gujin Tushu Jicheng (TheComplete Collection of Illustrations and Writings fromthe Earliest to Current Times) and Shoushi Tongkao?(a comprehensive handbook on agriculture by QingDynasty officials). However, it gradually becameforgotten in China and was considered lost for along time. Fortunately, it was introduced to Japanduring the Edo period in the 17th century, and manycopies were made. In 1771, a xylographic editionwas published by the Shurindo bookstore in Osaka,and it was subsequently reprinted and gained moreattention. It wasnt until the period of the Republic ofChina(1912–1949) that Chinese scholars studying inJapan brought back copies of Tiangong Kaiwu to China,leading to a rediscovery of its value and existence.

      此外,《天工開物》在18 世紀以后傳入朝鮮,在樸趾源的《熱河日記》和徐有榘( jǔ) 的《林園經(jīng)濟志》等書中均被提及。

      In addition, Tiangong Kaiwu was introduced toKorea after the 18th century and was mentioned in someChinese books by Korean scholars such as Park Ji-wonsRehe Riji (Rehe Diary) and Seo Yu-gus Linyuan Jingji Zhi.

      宋應星紀念館The Song Yingxing Memorial Hall


      Like one of the lunar landforms, Fengxin Countyin Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province is also named afterthis great scientist and is now known as “Song YingxingCounty” to honor Songs remarkable achievements,many roads and places are named after him, includingNorth and South Yingxing Avenues, Song YingxingPark, and Song Yingxing Memorial Hall.


      The memorial is located in Song Yingxing Park.With three major halls — Main Hall, TiangongHall, and Kaiwu Hall, it offers visitors a systemicintroduction of the scientist and his work, TiangongKaiwu. In particular, in Tiangong Hall and KaiwuHall, advanced technologies are employed to providevivid demonstrations of the production process inagriculture and handicraft industries in ancient China.The memorial plays an important role in spreadingscientific knowledge and educating the public inJiangxi Province and beyond.

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