



      Chengdu Universiade Opening Ceremony Venue開幕式場館介紹

      2023-11-08 02:32:32黃雯西
      瘋狂英語·初中天地 2023年9期


      Dong’an Lake Sports Parkis the venue of the openingceremony in Chengdu. It’slocated in Longquanyi District,covering an area of 320,000square meters and it can hold40,000 people.

      First of all, let’s talk about the creative architectural design. In theexterior(外部), the venue is shaped as a flying saucer and it symbolizespeople will explore the unknown with their curiosity. Moreover, on the topof the stadium, there’s a Sun Bird which represents the totem(圖騰)ofancient Shu culture. These two landscapes skillfully combine the traditionand modernity. Walking into the venue, you can clearly see the sceneryoutside because of the unique L-shaped design.

      As for the designer of the venue, we have to mention a masterarchitect — Jiang Yuhui. He is a national first-class registered architectand he is committed to the design and research of large-scale publicbuildings, such as sports culture and museums. Jiang Yuhui took theresponsibility of designing the opening ceremony venue and amazed theworld again.

      When it comes to its design concept, the designer of the venueJiang Yuhui has a lot to say. He thinks we should advocate the harmonybetween man and nature and protect the environment. Some key wordslike “environmentally friendly”, “green”, “innovation” become the themeof the venue.

      Besides, Dong’an Lake Sports Park is just like a cultural melting pot.Here, people with different backgrounds and cultures can communicate,bridging the gap. At the opening ceremony, it fully shows the vitality andcharm of Chengdu.

      In the future, Dong’an Lake Sports Park will have sustainabledevelopment and unlimited potential. I believe it will impress people witha brand-new image next time.

      The Cultural Export in the Opening Ceremony開幕式中的文化輸出
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