



      Chinese Calligraphy中國書法

      2023-11-08 03:10:30熊娟娟
      瘋狂英語·初中天地 2023年9期


      中國書法為漢族獨(dú)創(chuàng)的表現(xiàn)藝術(shù),被譽(yù)為“無言的詩,無形的舞,無圖的畫,無聲的樂”。2009 年9 月,中國書法被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列入《人類非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)代表作名錄》,進(jìn)一步保障了書法文化的傳承。讓我們一同追溯過去,研讀書法歷史,品味書法之美,于裊裊墨香中找尋中華文化之魂。

      Chinese calligraphy is one of the highest forms of Chineseart, conveying thoughts and presenting the beauty of abstractlines of characters. With a long history, it can be traced back tothe era of oracle bone 1)inscriptions and bronze inscriptions. Inancient times, calligraphy was regarded as an elegant art formto record history, express ideas and inherit culture. With thepassage of time, calligraphy developed and evolved, formingdifferent styles and schools. Chinese calligraphy is divided intofive styles—seal script, official script, regular script, runningscript and cursive script. Writing brushes, Chinese inks, ricepaper and ink slabs are the basic tools of it.

      In the history of Chinese calligraphy, Qinand Han official script is the earliest standardfont, which is characterized by smooth lines and2)regularity. During the Wei and Jin? dynasties,cursive script rose graduallyand was widely praised forits flowing brush strokes andconcise form. The regularscript of the Tang and Songdynasties reached its peakand became a classic ofChinese calligraphy. Famouscalligraphers such as WangXizhi and Mi Fu had a greatimpact on the developmentof calligraphy.

      The significance of Chinese calligraphy lies not only in itsunique artistic value, but also in the core of its traditional cultural3)connotation. First of all, calligraphy is an art form that showsthe calligrapher’s emotions, self-cultivation and 4)aesthetic pursuitthrough the writing process. Every stroke contains the author’spersonality and state of mind.

      Moreover, calligraphy works are not only the works of art, butalso the carrier of culture. Since ancient times, Chinese peoplehave regarded calligraphy as one of the important etiquette. Itis widely used in writing, letter printing and 5)stele inscription.Whether it is official documents or private letters, calligraphy canshow the profound details and the beauty of etiquette of Chinesetraditional culture.

      In fact, calligraphy is also a distinctive way to exchangeideas. In Chinese traditional culture, many classical documentsare handed down in the form of calligraphy and contain rich6)philosophy and wisdom. Through the study of calligraphy,people can better understand these classics, and then inherit andcarry forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

      Finally, calligraphy can regulate body and mind and edifysentiment. In the process of writing, focus, calmness and patienceare needed. This immersive artistic experience helps to relievestress and purify the mind. At the same time, calligraphy can alsocultivate patience and perseverance and improve concentrationand discipline.

      Chinese calligraphy is not only a unique art form, but alsoan important part of the display of the fine traditional culture of?Chinese. Through the study and appreciation of calligraphy, peoplecan feel its aesthetic value and have a deeper understandingof Chinese fine traditional culture as well. Today people aroundthe world can glimpse the beauty of the fine tradition culture ofChinese through the various works of calligraphy.

      1) inscription n. 雕刻的文字;銘文;碑文

      2) regularity n. 規(guī)律性;端正;齊整

      3) connotation n. 內(nèi)涵

      4) aesthetic adj. 美學(xué)的;審美的

      5) stele n. 石柱;石碑

      6) philosophy n. 哲學(xué)








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