




      2023-12-02 14:59:43
      世界建筑 2023年10期



      In China, strategic planning, as a kind of "non-statutory planning", is a kind of research on the macro-strategic core issues of cities and regions, which can correct and supplement the deficiencies in macroscopic aspect, strategic aspect and flexibility from the comprehensive planning to the detailed planning.From the perspective of planning content, the focus of strategic planning includes the direction of spatial development, urban and rural spatial structure, regional and urban developing mode, industrial selection and functional positioning, and landscape characteristics.From the perspective of planning methods, its technical core is regional analysis, industrial research, spatial structure, support system and ecological protection.From the perspective of planning objectives, the orientation of strategic planning is to grasp the general trend, direction, dynamics and structure of the future development of the city through macro and broad strategic research.It can be seen that the study of the regularity and rationality of urban spatial development is the core and premise of strategic planning.

      The space gene theory plays an important role in spatial strategic planning in terms of the developinglaw of urban spatial development, such as structure and form, and the construction of organisation mode of urban form, which can seek the form suitable for the goal of urban sustainable development and provide the basis and reference for the spatial developing form and the comprehensive structural layout in urban planning.The introduction of the space gene could improve and modify the value standard and target orientation in planning.Moreover, the summary of spatial developing law and the theoretical exploration of developing model of the space gene provide a comparative and referential frame for strategic planning.In the practice of spatial strategic planning in Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Nanjing, the application of the space gene is explored.□

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