Lixia, or the Beginning of Summer, isthe first solar term of summer, marking theend of spring and the beginning of summer.It signifies the transition from “spring birth”to “summer growth”, as represents theflourishing of all things. With the arrival ofLixia, “growth” becomes the main theme of life.
Sending oth spring and welcoming summeris a traditional folk activity during the Lixiaperiod. In Banshan region in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province, the custom of celebratingLixia has been passed down for thousands ofyears. As part of this traditional celebration,people hold ancestral worshipping ceremonies,organize temple fairs honoring the birth ofGoddess Banshan, and eat Umi Rice (glutinousrice cooked with the juice squeeze out ofthe leaves of sea bilberries). Now in the newera, more contemporary activities such as(literally meaning mountain running,the activity of picking wild vegetables in themountain) has been added to the celebration.these activities are the manifestation of people’sdesire for blessings and a better life, which hasbeen passed for centuries.
the summer season is hot and humid, which can leadto discomfort such as poor sleep, fatigue, and reducedappetite. In the Jiangnan region (the region to the south ofthe lower reaches of the Yangtze River), there is a customcalled “Weighing on the Beginning of Summer”, wherepeople get weighed while being blessed on this particularday. The auspicious words spoken are usually about themaintenance of a good health and much strength and theavoidance of unhealthy weight loss.
Lixia is a time for trying new things and enjoying freshproduce. In the Yangtze River Delta region, people oftentake young wheat ears, grind them into thin strips, andeat them. Because their shape resembles silkworms, theyare called “wheat silkworm”, a snack enjoyed during thisparticular time of year that helps children satisfy hunger andcravings. People also make pancakes by mixing burcloverwith rice noodles, frying or steaming them. This dish iscalled “crushed rice with burclover”, believed to have thebenetht of othering protection against diseases and disasters.In Sujiatuo Town, Beijing, there is the custom of drinkingporridge during the Lixia period. It is said to have the powerof bringing peace throughout the four seasons and wardingoth illnesses.
The beverages during the Lixia period have theirown unique styles as well. For tea, there is the famous“sevenhousehold tea”, a combination of tea leaves collectedfrom neighbors and friends, which is believed to be helpful to the prevention of heat-related illnesses.As for alcoholic drinks, the distinctive“complexion-maintaining wine”, made bymixing plum juice with wine, can keep aperson’s complexion radiant when consumedduring the Lixia period.
送春迎夏,四時佳興。宋代文人范成大《四時田園雜興· 其二十五》有云:
By sending off spring and welcomingsummer, people witness the spinning of thefour seasons, each of which is fascinating in itsown way. In the Song Dynasty, the poet FanChengda (1126—1193) wrote in his poem No.25 of “From ‘A Rural Sequence’”:
夏季暑濕,易引發(fā)睡眠不佳、乏力倦怠、食欲減退等癥狀。江南地區(qū)流傳著“立夏稱人”的習俗——司秤人一邊打秤花,一邊說吉利話,祝福稱重人身強體壯、不消瘦。the summer season is hot and humid, which can leadto discomfort such as poor sleep, fatigue, and reducedappetite. In the Jiangnan region (the region to the south ofthe lower reaches of the Yangtze River), there is a customcalled “Weighing on the Beginning of Summer”, wherepeople get weighed while being blessed on this particularday. The auspicious words spoken are usually about themaintenance of a good health and much strength and theavoidance of unhealthy weight loss.
Lixia is a time for trying new things and enjoying freshproduce. In the Yangtze River Delta region, people oftentake young wheat ears, grind them into thin strips, andeat them. Because their shape resembles silkworms, theyare called “wheat silkworm”, a snack enjoyed during thisparticular time of year that helps children satisfy hunger andcravings. People also make pancakes by mixing burcloverwith rice noodles, frying or steaming them. This dish iscalled “crushed rice with burclover”, believed to have thebenetht of othering protection against diseases and disasters.In Sujiatuo Town, Beijing, there is the custom of drinkingporridge during the Lixia period. It is said to have the powerof bringing peace throughout the four seasons and wardingoth illnesses.
The beverages during the Lixia period have theirown unique styles as well. For tea, there is the famous“sevenhousehold tea”, a combination of tea leaves collectedfrom neighbors and friends, which is believed to be helpful
The trees heavy with loads of golden plum and apricot,
The wheat blossoms like snowflakes, falling.
The days growing longer,
The shadows of the fences growing shorter.
No passer-by,
Only dragonflies and butterflies.
In this vivid depiction of the Beginningof Summer, golden plums and juicy apricotshang from the branches. The falling wheatblossoms resemble snowflakes. As the sunrises higher and higher in the sky, the shadowsof the fences become shorter and shorter.In the tranquil countryside, dragonflies andbutterflies flutter about, adding livelinessto the scene. Rural folks often say, “Duringthe Lixia period, we anticipate the arrival ofsummer.” Now that spring has gone, it is timeto nourish the growth of all things. Only bydoing so can we fulfill our dreams.
For Chinese people, Xiaoman, or Grain Buds,has at least two basic meanings: first, the grainsof summer crops such as wheat become plump;second, frequent rainfall causes the water level ofrivers and lakes to rise, hence the saying, “GrainBuds, Gain Buds, gradually filling up are therivers.” Generally, the former refers to the wheatgrowingareas in the north, while the latter refersto the rice-growing areas in the south.
In the southern region of China, there is asaying called “Grain Buds move three carts”. Herethe “three carts” refer to the “water cart” (waterwheel), “oil cart” (oil-pressing machine), and “silkcart” (silk-reeling machine). During the Xiaomanperiod, farmers paddle water wheels to irrigate thethelds during droughts and drain excess water duringfloods. This is why the “water cart” is also called“water-moving cart”. When rapeseed matures andneeds to be harvested and processed for oil, they usethe “oil-cart”, which is also called “oil-moving cart”.When silkworms begin to spin cocoons, now it istime for silk farmers to dust oth the “silk cart”, whichis also known as “silk-moving cart”, to reel silk.
In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, people believethat Xiaoman is the birthday of the Silkworm God orSilkworm Goddess. there is an old saying: “the new silkis on the market three days into Grain Buds.” there is abumper harvest of silk, and the silk market is bustling. Toexpress their gratitude to the Silkworm God or SilkwormGoddess, people put on shows to celebrate the deity’sbirth, kowtowing and displaying otherings. this traditionis known as “thanking the Silkworm Deity”.
In the Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province, thereis a popular saying: “When the wheat tips turn yellow, thedaughter visits her parents; After putting down the heavyfaail, the mother ask about her daughter’s hard labor.” Whenthe wheat turns yellow, newlywed women visit their parents’home with her husband to send them greetings beforethe busy summer harvest. This tradition is also known as“Seeing the Ripening of Wheat”.
During the Xiaoman period, varioustheld crops and fruits and vegetables go to themarket one after another, hence the saying“Grain Buds brings forth three new (fresh)tastes”.
小滿節(jié)氣,枝繁葉茂、谷物豐登,宋代文人歐陽修的《五絕· 小滿》有云:
Xiaoman is a vibrant and fruitful time ofyear. The Song Dynasty scholar-poet OuyangXiu (1007—1072) once expressed his love forXiaoman in “Five Quatrains: Grain Buds”:
In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, people believethat Xiaoman is the birthday of the Silkworm God orSilkworm Goddess. there is an old saying: “The new silkis on the market three days into Grain Buds.” there is abumper harvest of silk, and the silk market is bustling. Toexpress their gratitude to the Silkworm God or SilkwormGoddess, people put on shows to celebrate the deity’sbirth, kowtowing and displaying offerings. This traditionis known as “Thanking the Silkworm Deity”.
In the Guanzhong region of Shaanxi Province, thereis a popular saying: “When the wheat tips turn yellow, thedaughter visits her parents; After putting down the heavyflail, the mother ask about her daughter’s hard labor.” Whenthe wheat turns yellow, newlywed women visit their parents’home with her husband to send them greetings beforethe busy summer harvest. This tradition is also known as
The nightingale sings among the green willows,And the bright moon awakens the vast sky.I adore the wheat on the ridge in this time of year.
Caressed by the gentle winds,It swings and sways, smiling at the fallen flowers.
In his poem, Ouyang Xiu vividlydescribes the beauty of Xiaoman. During theXiaoman period, the nightingale sings, thegreen willows flourish, with a bright moonhanging in the sky. While spring flowerswither, the wheat in the fields sways with thewind, showing vigorous growth. Xiaomanis a splendid and hopeful solar term thatbrings joy and fulfillment. Just as the Chinesewords and indicate, which literallytranslate to small and full, people can“achieve fullness” in things that are “smallbut abundant”.