內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)位于中國正北方,東西直線距離2 400公里,是中國東西跨度最大的省區(qū),形狀宛如一只振翅翱翔的雄鷹。內(nèi)蒙古的總面積超過一百萬平方公里,在這片遼闊的土地上,可以看到草原湖泊、高原河流、戈壁沙漠……
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, locatedin the northern part of China, stretches 2,400kilometers from east to west, making it the regionwith the widest east-west span in the country. Itsshape resembles a majestic eagle soaring through thesky. Covering over a million square kilometers, thisvast land is home to rolling grasslands, pristine lakes,highland rivers, and sprawling deserts...
Diverse Landscapes
When viewed on a map, Inner Mongolia’slandscape unfolds like a scenic painting from east towest and showcases a variety of natural wonders.
最東部是廣袤的呼倫貝爾草原,因呼倫湖和貝爾湖得名。作為中國最美的草原,它還有一個別稱——“牧草王國”。這里有著豐富的水源、肥沃的土地,生長在這片草原的植物多達(dá)1 000余種。
In the far east lies the expansive HulunbuirGrassland, named after Hulun Lake and Buir Lake.Often called the “Kingdom of Pasture,” this stunninggrassland is considered the most beautiful in China.With its abundant water and fertile soil, it sustainsover 1,000 species of plants.
To the east of Hulun Lake lies the Great KhingganMountains area, a vital mountain range that spansthe eastern part of Inner Mongolia and serves as anatural ecological barrier for the northeastern regionof China. With a forest coverage rate of 74.1%, it istruly a treasure trove of forests. It is also home to over400 species of wildlife, including brown bears, reddeer, and sable, making it one of China’s key forestrybases and ecological protection zones.
The central region of Inner Mongolia ispredominantly flat, with the Yellow River, known asChina’s Mother River, forming a distinctive upsidedown“U”-shaped bend. The fertile Hetao Plain,nourished by the river, is the most prosperousagricultural region in the grasslands, often referred to as the “Jiangnan1 beyond the Great Wall” forits lush scenery. As you travel west, the landscapeshifts, giving way to a diverse mix of plateaus,mountains, and hills.
In the west, Inner Mongolia’s terraintransforms dramatically into vast deserts andGobi expanses. Four of China’s eight majordeserts are located here, including the BadainJaran Desert, famous for its towering sand hills,shimmering lakes, and singing sand dunes. It hasbeen described as “a curve drawn by the hand ofGod; a legend crafted by heaven.”
Diverse Cultures
The history and culture of Inner Mongoliaare the result of continuous interactions,exchanges, and integration among variousethnic groups, forming an inclusive and openmulticultural identity. Over thousands of years,culturs such as the Great Wall Culture, YellowRiver Culture, Hongshan Culture, and grasslandculture have all contributed to the rich culturaltapestry of Inner Mongolia.
內(nèi)蒙古因其自身邊境地理位置成為長城遺址的密集分布區(qū)。長城在這片土地上蜿蜒曲折,總長度超過7 500公里,宛如一條巨龍守護(hù)著這片古老的土地。黃河內(nèi)蒙古段全長843.5公里,是黃河“幾”字彎的核心區(qū)域,也是黃河文明的發(fā)源地之一。
Due to its location along China’s northernborder, Inner Mongolia is home to a denseconcentration of Great Wall relics. Stretchingover 7,500 kilometers across the region, theGreat Wall winds through the landscape like agiant dragon, guarding this ancient land. TheYellow River flows through Inner Mongolia for843.5 kilometers, forming the heart of the river’s“U”-shaped bend. This area is also one of thebirthplaces of the Yellow River civilization.
What is truly inspiring is that in InnerMongolia, the Great Wall and the Yellow River“meet” five times, creating a magnificent pictureof cultural fusion between the two. The SalawusuRiver, located in Ordos, is home to the ancientHetao People, who left behind the Hetao Culture,an integral part of the Yellow River Culture.Archaeologists have unearthed various bonetools, Paleolithic artifacts, and ancient vertebratefossils here, marking it as a key discovery in earlyhuman history.
如果說“河套人”揭開了內(nèi)蒙古地區(qū)文明的序幕,那么,紅山文化則宣告這片土地是中華文明的重要起源之一。紅山文化,距今6 500 ~ 5 000 年,是中國東北地區(qū)最著名的新石器時代考古學(xué)文化之一,主要分布在內(nèi)蒙古東南部和遼寧西部地區(qū)。
If the Hetao People mark the beginningof civilization in Inner Mongolia, then theHongshan Culture establishes this land as oneof the origins of Chinese civilization. Dating back 6,500 to 5,000 years, Hongshan Culture is oneof the most renowned Neolithic archaeologicalc u l t u re s i n n o r t h ea s t e r n C h i n a , p r i m ar i lydistributed across southeastern Inner Mongoliaand western Liaoning.
In September 2024, a jade dragon measuring15.8 cm in length, 9.5 cm in width, and 3 cm inthickness was unearthed in Chifeng City, InnerMongolia. It is the largest jade dragon ever discoveredin the century of the Hongshan Culture archaeology.
The discovery of these dragon-shaped artifactsconfirms that the Xiliao River Basin, the birthplaceof the Hongshan Culture, along with the Yangtze andYellow River basins, stands as one of the cradles ofChinese civilization.
Another core aspect of Inner Mongolian cultureis the grassland culture, marked by its natural,mobile, open, and honest character. These traits haveshaped the unique lifestyles and social structures ofthe nomadic people on these grasslands, who havedeveloped a wealth of intangible cultural heritage,including the Naadam Festival, Bokh (wrestling),and morin khuur (horse-head fiddle) music. Thesecultural expressions not only reflect the daily life andaesthetic sensibilities of the grassland people but alsoform an important part of the diverse cultural mosaicof the Chinese nation.
Diverse Development
內(nèi)蒙古的自然環(huán)境使得新能源項目在這里有得天獨厚的發(fā)展優(yōu)勢。內(nèi)蒙古的太陽能資源技術(shù)可開發(fā)量多達(dá)94億千瓦。內(nèi)蒙古地區(qū)的人們依托豐富的太陽能,將光伏項目綠色轉(zhuǎn)型與生態(tài)治理結(jié)合起來。例如,在鄂爾多斯市庫布齊沙漠修建的“光伏長城”基地,已完成光伏治沙近2 700平方千米。氫能產(chǎn)業(yè)作為清潔能源的重要組成部分,在內(nèi)蒙古也得到了快速發(fā)展。比如,包頭市的制氫項目實現(xiàn)了全部綠電制氫。
Inner Mongolia’s natural environmentprovides unique advantages for renewableenergy development. The region boastsan estimated solar energy potentialof up to 940 million kilowatts. Tapping into this abundantsolar resource, the people of Inner Mongolia have combinedphotovoltaic projects with ecological restoration. A primeexample is the “Photovoltaic Great Wall” in the Kubuqi Desertof Ordos, where solar power projects have helped restorenearly 2,700 square kilometers of desert. The hydrogen energyindustry, a key player in the clean energy sector, has also seen arapid growth. In Baotou, for instance, hydrogen production isnow fully green, powered entirely by renewable electricity.
This focus on energy transition and ecological protectionhas brought significant improvements to people’s lives. Solar andwind energy projects now offer ample employment opportunitiesto locals, and the shift to clean energy has led to better air quality.Additionally, the acceleration of rural electrification has madepower supplies more stable, even in remote areas.
Inner Mongolia is a place brimming with vitality and charm.Its commitment to green development, combined with abundantnatural resources, has enriched the lives of its people. The vastgrasslands yield a wide range of high-quality dairy products, whilethe region’s unique ethnic culture fosters events like the NaadamFestival and the Cold Pole Marathon. Whether you’re captivated byits stunning landscapes, eager to explore its cultural and historicalheritage, or tempted to indulge in its culinary specialties, InnerMongolia offers an enriching experience for everyone.