




      2024-01-01 00:00:00羅琪
      孔子學(xué)院 2024年6期


      My story with Chinese martial arts began in mychildhood. In 2010, when the movie The Karate Kidstarring Jackie Chan was released in Madagascar, itcreated a huge sensation. At that time, the kids in ourvillage would imitate some of the moves from thefilm when we played together, like the lightning-fastpunches and the double-sword techniques. From thatmoment, a seed of Chinese martial arts was plantedin my heart. When I was in my second year of highschool, my older sister began studying Chinese at theConfucius Institute. After school, I would finish myhomework and then lean over her desk to listen toher read Chinese texts and watch her write Chinesecharacters. She would share with me the variouscourses she took at the Confucius Institute, saying,“Every Wednesday, the Confucius Institute offerscultural classes where you can learn about Chineseculture, such as Chinese dance, traditional painting,or martial arts, and you can even perform on stage.If you get into university, you can study Chinese at the Confucius Institute and learn the Chinese martialarts that you love.” After the college entrance exam,I finally entered the Confucius Institute I had longedfor and started learning Chinese, thus beginning mydeep connection with Chinese martial arts.


      In 2018, I started learning Chinese and graduallyrealized that the Chinese-speaking world was farmore fascinating than I had imagined. The first thingI couldn’t wait to do was join the martial arts team atthe Confucius Institute. The team’s diverse styles —sword, spear, staff, and more — dazzled me. Themartial arts instructor moved with incredible agility:“hands like shooting stars, eyes like lightning, bodylike a dragon, and legs like arrows.” I was in awe.However, my “tough days” also began the moment Iofficially started training. I was the shortest memberof the team, so jumping was my nightmare. I wouldeither stumble awkwardly or jump much lower thanothers, let alone perform a smooth 90-degree spin inmidair like the others. At these times, my face wouldturn as red as a tomato, and large beads of sweat would drip frommy che eks ontomy black workoutpants. But I didn’twant to give up, so Ipracticed over andover again…


      Among the various forms of martial arts, myfavorite is swordsmanship. When wielding a sword,its silver flash slices through the air like a soaringdragon; sometimes the movements ripple like waves,shimmer like fireworks; sometimes the sword slitherslike a snake on the ground, and other times it soarslike an eagle in flight. With my hard work, myswordsmanship became the highlight of the martialarts team.


      During my two years at the Confucius Institute,I never missed a single martial arts practice, nor didI slack off in my Chinese studies. Hard work alwayspays off. In 2020, I participated in the 19th “ChineseBridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for WorldCollege Students, and with my love for Chinesemartial arts, I won the grand prize in the MadagascarRegional. With perseverance and the support of myteachers, I went on to win the African championship.Although the pandemic prevented me from going toChina for the global finals, I became a martial artsteacher at the Confucius Institute, fulfilling my dreamin a different way. Watching my students give theirall in every leap and flip, drenched in sweat, remindsme of my own days of learning here, as if a wave ofpassion rises from the depths of my heart.


      I am deeply grateful for the Confucius Institute’straining and my teachers’ encouragement, whichallowed me to study Chinese martial arts and laterreturn to teach it, realizing my “Kungfu dream.”


      Now I have another dream. I hope to further mystudies in China, then return to Madagascar to teachmore people about Chinese culture and language,allowing them to experience the beauty of China andthe Chinese language.

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