During the months of July and August, amidst the expansive grasslands of InnerMongolia, blooming flowers and verdant grass smell of romance under the deep blue skiesadorned with wisps of white clouds. At this time of year, tens of thousands of Mongolianherders, young and old, men and women, all dressed up in festive attire, gather on the lushgreen grasslands, filling this usually tranquil piece of land with fluttering flags, bustlingcrowds, neighing horses, and the joyful calls of cattle and sheep, as the annual grand festivalof the Mongolian people, Naadam, arrives as expected.
The Origin of Naadam
Naadam is a transliteration of the Mogolian word,meaning “entertainment” and “game”. The origin ofNaadam dates back to ancient times. The northernethnic groups living on the Mongolian Plateau, aftermastering the skills to fight wild beasts, also developedhorseback archery as a hunting method. To celebratethe harvest, honor deities, and select brave warriors,the ancient Xiongnu people would hold various formsof entertainments, games, and celebrations in summerand fall, forming the earliest prototype of Naadam.
Over time, Naadam gradually became animportant life custom and social activity for theMongolian people. It eventually spread widely amongthem and attracted enthusiastic participation fromneighboring ethnic groups, becoming one of themost influential traditional sports events in InnerMongolia and across the country.
The Three Manly Arts
The Naadam festival is usually held on opengrasslands, and features a diverse range of activities,with horse racing, archery, and wrestling as its corecomponents. In Mongolian culture, these “three arts”are skills that every Mongolian man must master,embodying not only their survival abilities but alsotheir masculine spirit.
Traditional Mongolians mostly lead a nomadiclife, moving seasonally in search of water sourcesand fresh pastures, thus hunting, herding, andtrade are closely tied to horses. For this reason, theystart practicing horsemanship from a young ageand regard the exquisite skill of horse riding as thefoundation of survival, especially for men. Gradually,horse racing has evolved into a national sport andentertainment event. The competition is thrillingand requires riders to flexibly adjust their posture onthe back of galloping horses and perform complexmaneuvers, which tests their technique and reflexes.This sport embodies the Mongolian spirit of braveryand love for freedom.
Archery competitions are divided into threetypes: standing archery, horseback archery, and longdistancearchery. Early Mongolians emphasize longdistancearchery to avoid animal attacks, and laterdeveloped exquisite skills in horseback archery.This sport not only tests a shooter’s strength, vision,and skill but also serves as a vivid expression of theMongolian people’s admiration for martial arts.
Wrestling is a particularly beloved sportamong Mongolians. In ancient times, people on thegrasslands often used wrestling to identify heroes, asit represented not just a contest of strength but alsoa test of intelligence. Competitors wear tight vestsmade of cowhide, adorned with silver nails, alongwith neck rings of red, yellow, and blue silk ribbons,and traditional Mongolian boots. As they confidentlyenter the arena, they perform the eagle step dancewhile singing a vigorous, high-pitched song, ready toexert all their strength in battle.
During wrestling matches, whether competitorsare professionals or amateurs, and regardless of theirheight or weight, they will fight as hard as if theywere on the battlefield. There is no time limit forthese contests, and the outcome strictly adheres tobattlefield rules: as soon as one competitor falls to theground, the result is determined. Wrestling closelymirrors the real life of Mongolians, showcasing theheroic spirit of their culture — passionate, brave, andwise.
The Prairie “Carnival”
In recent years, the Naadam festival has expandedbeyond competitive events to include a variety offolk performances, such as Mongolian long-song,short-song, and morin khuur performances. Theseactivities allow people to experience the charm ofgrassland culture while participating in the festivities.Additionally, the festival showcases and sells variousMongolian clothing, handicrafts, and specialtyfoods. For instance, in the handicraft exhibition area,visitors can admire exquisite embroidery, silverware,and traditional yurts, all reflecting the artisticcreativity of the grassland people. In the specialtyfood section, they can savor authentic dishes likehand-held mutton, grilled lamb skewers, and milktea, delighting every taste bud. As night falls, agrand bonfire party lights up the grasslands. Peopleimmersed in joy gather round the fire, sitting on theground while enjoying rich milk wine. Accompaniedby the melodious sounds of the fiddle, they singbeautiful folk songs and dance to lively Mongolianrhythms, creating an unforgettable night ofcelebration.
As times have changed, today’s Naadam festivalnot only has traditional on-site activities but also,thanks to new media forms like live broadcasts andshort videos, presents its unique cultural charm toaudiences both nationwide and globally. If you havethe opportunity to experience this grand event,be sure to grab it — Naadam is an extraordinaryexperience that you absolutely shall not miss in yourlifetime.