




      2024-01-01 00:00:00何米娜黃世友
      孔子學(xué)院 2024年6期


      The history of Chinese language teachingin Indonesia is both long and rich, though itsdevelopment has faced ups and downs over the years.As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the foundingof the Confucius Institute, this article reflects on thejourney of Chinese language education in Indonesiaand explores its current state of development.


      1. Development of ChineseLanguage Teaching in Indonesia

      1998年5月之后, 漢語教學(xué)在印尼經(jīng)歷了一次顯著而深遠(yuǎn)的復(fù)興。經(jīng)過改革后的漢語教學(xué)可被形象地比喻為雨季迅速生長的蘑菇。這一比喻不僅捕捉到漢語教學(xué)在印尼的迅速擴張,也反映了其在社會各階層和地區(qū)中的廣泛傳播。這種教學(xué)趨勢的轉(zhuǎn)變體現(xiàn)了印尼社會對于漢語教學(xué)價值的重新認(rèn)識和評估。這一變革為印尼社會的文化交流和人才培養(yǎng)提供了新的機遇,同時也為漢語教學(xué)的國際推廣提供了寶貴的經(jīng)驗和啟示。

      After May 1998, Chinese language teachingexperienced a remarkable revival in Indonesia. Thisrapid expansion can be compared to mushroomssprouting after a rainstorm, illustrating both thespeed and scale of its growth across various regionsand social strata. This surge in teaching reflectsa renewed appreciation for the value of Chineselanguage education in Indonesian society. Thetransformation has created new opportunities forcultural exchange and talent development, offeringvaluable insights for the global promotion of Chineselanguage education.


      Compared to other foreign languages likeEnglish, Dutch, Arabic, German, French, Japanese,and Korean, the trajectory of Chinese as a foreignlanguage in Indonesia has followed a uniquepath. While these other languages developed in arelatively stable and continuous manner, Chineselanguage education has been marked by dynamismand variability. As early as 1947, the Faculty ofHumanities at Universitas Indonesia establishedfour departments: Indonesian, French, Sinology, and Anthropology. At that time, however, Chinese studieswere still in their early stages within Indonesia’seducational system.


      By the end of 1967, the University of Indonesiarestructured its academic departments andestablished the Department of East Asian Studies,which included both Chinese and Japanese studies.This marked a significant turning point, as Chinesestudies began to gain more attention in Indonesia.Although the department had only a small number ofstudents before 1973 — with just seven teachers andfive students — the dedication of these early scholarslaid a strong foundation for the future of the researchin Sinology. In 1977, the department was officiallyrenamed the Department of Chinese Literature,reflecting the growing global interest in Chineseculture and the deepening ties between Indonesiaand China. This renaming led to a surge in interest inSinology studies from various sectors of Indonesiansociety.


      In 1986, Darma Pursada University, a privateinstitution, established its own Chinese LanguageDepartment, signaling that Chinese had alreadygained a significant foothold in Indonesia’s highereducation system. However, during this period, therewere still considerable challenges in terms of teachingresources. The availability of Chinese textbooks andreference materials was extremely limited, makingit difficult to meet the demands of Chinese languageeducation. Moreover, there were few opportunitiesfor Chinese teachers to receive further training inChina. As a result, in the early stages of Chineselanguage instruction in Indonesia, many teacherswere not yet fluent in using Chinese as a mediumof communication. Professional developmentopportunities for Chinese language teachers werealso scarce.


      The establishment of Confucius Institutesmarked a major turning point in the development ofChinese language education in Indonesia. In 2009,the Confucius Institute made a significaek+8KyLN7lI0cq/g5YQevA==nt moveby offering scholarships to a group of Indonesianstudents studying Chinese, allowing them to pursuemaster’s degrees in Teaching Chinese to Speakersof Other Languages (TCSOL) in China. A grandceremony was held in Beijing to celebrate thismilestone. This program successfully trained manyoutstanding teachers, who have since played a keyrole in advancing Chinese language education inIndonesia.


      In 2001, University Al-Azhar Indonesia (UAI),located in the capital Jakarta, made a groundbreakingcontribution to Chinese language education bylaunching a specialized Chinese language program.This initiative laid the groundwork for the futuregrowth of Chinese language teaching in Indonesiaand demonstrated the university’s commitmentto this field. In 2005, UAI expanded its efforts byoffering a bachelor’s degree in Chinese, markinga significant academic milestone and providingstudents with more advanced opportunities to studythe language. Over the following years, universitiesin multiple cities across Indonesia established theirown Chinese language departments, extending thegeographical reach of Chinese language educationand enhancing its popularity. These programseventually led to the formation of the Association ofIndonesian Mandarin Study Programs (APSMI), anetwork dedicated to coordinating and promotingChinese language education across Indonesia.Through their collective efforts, APSMI has madesignificant contributions to the flourishing of Chineselanguage teaching in the country.


      As of 2022, APSMI had expanded to include29 member institutions, representing Chineselanguage departments across various universitiesin Indonesia. This growth reflects the rapidexpansion of Chinese language education inthe country and underscores its widespreadinfluence. APSMI member institutions offer awide range of programs, from undergraduate todiploma levels, catering to diverse learners andproviding opportunities for students from variousbackgrounds to study Chinese. A key featureof APSMI members is their extensive use ofChinese as the language of instruction, regardlessof the academic field. This not only improvesstudents’ Chinese language proficiency but alsodeepens their understanding of Chinese culture,fostering greater cross-cultural communicationand appreciation. Among the 29 members, fouroffer diploma-level programs, while the restprovide university-level degrees. This distributionhighlights APSMI’s commitment to supportingl earners at various educational stages. Byoffering a multi-level, multi-tiered educationalsystem, APSMI lays a strong foundation for thedevelopment of Chinese language teaching inIndonesia, giving students access to a richerand more diverse range of learning options. Thebreakdown of APSMI members is as follows:


      Due to limited data on specific teaching focuses,the figure above is incomplete. However, we nowhave a general understanding of the areas emphasizedin Chinese language education in Indonesia.Several programs focus on Chinese about business,translation, and tourism. More detailed analysis ofthe findings, supported by additional evidence, isneeded to substantiate these claims.


      On November 9, 2010, the Confucius Instituteat UAI was officially established in Jakarta, markinga significant milestone in the expansion of Chineselanguage education in Indonesia. Apart from UAI,between 2010 and 2011, five more ConfuciusInstitutes were founded at Maranatha ChristianUniversity, Hasanuddin University, State Universityof Malang, State University of Surabaya, andTanjungpura University. Their Chinese partnerinstitutions are Fujian Normal University, HebeiNormal University, Nanchang University, GuangxiNormal University, Central China Normal University,and Guangxi University for Nationalities, respectively.


      Since their establishment, the Confucius Instituteshave played a pivotal role in improving the quality ofChinese language education in Indonesia. First, theyhave provided valuable professional developmentopportunities for local Chinese language teachers through training programs held both in Indonesiaand China. These initiatives have not only enhancedteachers’ skills but also deepened their enthusiasm forteaching Chinese. Second, the Confucius Instituteshave organized various cultural exchange activities forstudents, such as the “Chinese Bridge” competition,Chinese Culture Week, Confucius Institute Day,Chinese Language Day, and celebrations of traditionalChinese festivals. These activities have enrichedstudents’ extracurricular experiences and sparkedgreater interest in learning Chinese. Moreover, theConfucius Institutes have helped address the shortageof teaching resources by supplying volunteer Chineseteachers and educational materials, easing the resourceconstraints and offering students a more diverse andenriching learning environment. These efforts haveprovided strong support and encouragement to bothteachers and students, while also fostering closer tiesbetween the people of China and Indonesia. With thebacking of the Confucius Institutes, Chinese languagelearners in Indonesia have been able to acquirelanguage skills more quickly and effectively.

      二、 當(dāng)前印尼漢語教學(xué)的實踐與挑戰(zhàn)

      2. Current Practices andChallenges of Chinese LanguageTeaching in Indonesia


      Chinese language education plays a criticalrole in Indonesia’s modern education system. Itsprimary goal is to equip students with the skillsto communicate fluently in both spoken andwritten Chinese and meet the increasing demandfor intercultural exchange in today’s globalizedworld. By learning Chinese, students enhance theirability to engage with the international community,deepening their cross-cultural understanding andcommunication skills.


      In addition to language proficiency, Chineselanguage education focuses on helping studentsmaster Chinese characters and comprehend writtenmaterials. This skill is essential not only for personalenrichment but also for academic and professionalpursuits in fields like literature, language teaching,economics, and the social sciences, where a solidgrasp of Chinese is invaluable.


      The promotion and expansion of Chineselanguage education in Indonesia contribute notonly to raising national educational standardsand global competitiveness but also to providingstudents with valuable linguistic and culturaltools. These tools enable them to better navigate aglobalized world and open up new opportunities forpersonal success. Through these educational efforts,Indonesia is fostering a diverse and inclusive learningenvironment that encourages cultural exchange,understanding, and overall societal progress.


      Efforts to enhance Chinese language educationare being spearheaded by the Junior and SeniorHigh School Education Bureaus under Indonesia’sMinistry of Education, Culture, Research andTechnology, in collaboration with linguists from theChina-Indonesia Research Project. These expertsare responsible for developing curricula, syllabi,and teaching materials, as well as overseeing theimportant task of teacher training.


      In this educational framework, the curriculum,te a che r s , and s tudent s form a dynam i c ,interconnected system. The curriculum is designedto reflect students’ achievements and competenciesin key subjects, providing them with both knowledgeand practical skills they can use in the workplace aftergraduation and bridging the gap between theoreticallearning and real-world application. However, thesuccess of the curriculum and students relies heavilyon the expertise of teachers, who must stay up to datewith the latest developments in their fields and adjusttheir teaching to meet the evolving demands of theworkplace. Teachers play a pivotal role in ignitingstudents’ passion for learning, guiding their academicjourney, and supporting their career development.When teachers, students, and the curriculum worktogether in harmony, the educational experiencepromotes well-rounded student development,equipping them to succeed in their future endeavors.

      三、 印尼漢語教學(xué)資源的構(gòu)建與優(yōu)化

      3. Development and Optimizationof Chinese Language TeachingResources in Indonesia


      The development and optimization of Chineselanguage teaching resources in Indonesia can be groupedinto three key areas: teacher training, textbooks, andcurricula. The establishment of Confucius Instituteshas greatly expanded both the number and quality ofChinese language teachers in the country. However, morefocus is needed on improving the quality of textbooksand curricula. The Indonesian government has placed ahigh priority on advancing Chinese language educationand has set curriculum standards through legislation.These standards have had a significant influence onthe development of Chinese textbooks and referencematerials in Indonesia. Importantly, the governmentstresses that Chinese language instruction is not only forcommunication with Chinese-speaking communitiesbut also serves as part of Indonesia’s cultural identity. As such, it is vital that textbooks and reference materialsinclude commonly used Chinese vocabulary, organizedaccording to real-world situations.


      With rapid advancements in technology, the needsof Chinese language education in Indonesia are alsoevolving. The current focus extends beyond languageacquisition to fostering students’ critical thinking andcreativity. In addition to gaining knowledge, studentsare expected to develop social and soft skills. This shiftrequires the adoption of new teaching methods thatpromote independent exploration and inquiry. Theuse of digital tools, such as electronic dictionaries andlearning apps, has become an integral part of Chineselanguage instruction. Teachers play a crucial role inguiding and monitoring students on the appropriate useof these tools, ensuring that they are not overly relianton them.

      四、 印尼漢語教學(xué)面臨的主要

      4. Key Issues and ImprovementStrategies in Chinese LanguageTeaching in Indonesia

      鑒于印尼政府對漢語學(xué)習(xí)設(shè)定了明確的課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn),準(zhǔn)備好符合這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的教材和輔助材料顯得尤為重要。例如,印尼著名的出版社Gramedia Pustaka Utama 出版了何米娜教授主編的《漢語—印尼語基礎(chǔ)詞典》。這本詞典提供了一個全面的詞匯信息框架,涵蓋了各個專業(yè)領(lǐng)域的詞匯,如醫(yī)學(xué)、體育等,為學(xué)生提供了寶貴的學(xué)習(xí)資源。除了以參考書的形式提供特定領(lǐng)域的詞匯資源,我們還需要幫助印尼的漢語學(xué)習(xí)者掌握漢語成語,并通過這些詞匯介紹中國文化。

      With the Indonesian government establishingclear curriculum standards for Chinese languageeducation, it’s essential to develop textbooks andsupplementary materials that align with theseguidelines. One example is the Kamus DasarMandarin-Indonesia (Basic Chinese-IndonesianDictionary), edited by Professor Hermina Sutami andpublished by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, which offersa comprehensive vocabulary framework coveringfields like medicine and sports. This resource providesvaluable support for students by offering specializedvocabulary. In addition to these resources, it’s equallyimportant to help Indonesian learners grasp Chineseidioms, using them as a gateway to deeper culturalunderstanding.


      In Indonesia, students primarily rely on twotypes of dictionaries: bilingual dictionaries andexplanatory dictionaries. However, these traditionalresources often fall short in helping learners fullyunderstand the richness of modern Chinesevocabulary. To address this, introducing categorizedChinese dictionaries is crucial. For example,Professor Su Xinchun’s Modern Chinese ClassifiedDictionary organizes vocabulary into thematiccategories, making it easier for learners to studywords relevant to different fields. This not only alignswith the Indonesian government’s high standardsfor Chinese language education but also provides asolid reference for both textbook development andteaching practices. Categorizing vocabulary helpslearners study more systematically and relate wordsto real-world applications. Additionally, teachingmethods that connect word meanings with thecultural ideas behind them can deepen students’mastery of the language.


      Moreover, Chinese characters, a fundamentalaspect of the language, should not be overlooked.With students increasingly using digital devices toinput Chinese characters, handwriting skills are atrisk of declining. Grouping characters thematically,such as organizing those related to nature, canimprove students’ comprehension of the charactersand reinforce their writing abilities.


      Chinese is a language with vast potential, andcontinuous innovation is key to improving Chineselanguage education in Indonesia. By introducingcategorized dictionaries, adopting effective teachingmethods, and placing a stronger emphasis oncharacter learning, students can make significantstrides in their language skills. This will not onlyboost their cross-cultural communication abilitiesin an interconnected world but also open up greaterprofessional opportunities.

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