Daxue, or Major Snow, is the 21st of the 24solar terms, usually falling between December6th and 8th on the Gregorian calendar. Duringthis time, the lowest temperatures in mostparts of northern China drop below 0 °C, andheavy snowfall is possible, which is why thisperiod is called “Major Snow.”
The Daxue season is marked by cold weather.People tend to reduce outdoor activities and stay athome to rest, giving rise to the phrase “nesting forwinter.” It is also an ideal time for nourishment,with a traditional saying: “Supplement in winter,fight a tiger in spring.” It means that eatingnutrient-rich foods during this period will helpboost the body’s yang energy, aiding in resistanceto the cold.
In some regions of China, there is a custom ofcuring meat during the Daxue period. People usesalt, spices, and other seasonings to preserve beef,lamb, chicken, and fish, adding delicious flavors tothe upcoming New Year’s feast.
The cycle of nature follows the seasons: springplanting, summer growth, autumn harvest, andwinter storage. While winter is a time of rest forfarmers, snowfall during the Daxue period helpsstore water for the fields. This is the meaningbehind the saying, “A timely snow promises agood harvest.” People hope that winter snowfallwill nourish the land and lead to a bountiful yearahead.
That said, Daxue doesn’t alwaysbring snow, and it certainly doesn’talways bring heavy snow. The 24 solarterms are primarily based on theclimate of China’s Yellow River Basin.In southern China, winters are muchmilder, and some areas hardly eversee snow, let alone heavy snow. Peoplethere can only envy those in snowyregions who get to enjoy winter’s specialtreats — admiring snowy landscapes,skiing, skating, building snowmen, andhaving snowball fights. These unique“gifts” of the Daxue period bring joyto the otherwise bleak northern winterdays.
Dongzhi, or the Winter Solstice, isthe 22nd of the 24 solar terms, typicallyoccurring between December 21st and 23rdon the Gregorian calendar. On this day,the sun shines directly over the Tropic ofCapricorn, making it the shortest day andlongest night of the year in the NorthernHemisphere. After the day of Dongzhi, thesun begins its journey back north, and thedays in the Northern Hemisphere graduallybecome longer.
Ancient Chinese people discoveredthis pattern early on and viewed the WinterSolstice as a turning point between yinand yang. They believed that from this dayonward, the yin energy in the world beginsto wane, and the yang energy starts to growstronger. For this reason, the Winter Solsticewas considered a highly auspicious day. Ithas long been one of the most importantsolar terms in China, with a commonsaying, “The Winter Solstice is as significantas the New Year.” People would put onnew clothes, prepare elaborate meals, andmake sacrifices to ancestors and deities inthe hope of a smooth and prosperous year ahead. In ancient times, emperors would also holdgrand worship ceremonies at the Temple of Heavenon this day.
The customs for celebrating the DongzhiFestival vary from region to region in China. In thenorth, it’s a tradition to eat dumplings on this day.There’s a saying: “If you don’t eat dumplings on theWinter Solstice, your ears will freeze off and no onewill care.” Since dumplings are shaped somewhatlike ears, eating them on the day of Dongzhisymbolizes warding off the cold. In the south,people usually eat tangyuan (glutinous rice balls),as the round shape represents unity and reunion.With each bite of these soft, sweet rice balls, peopleexpress their wishes for togetherness and harmony.These culinary traditions reflect China’s uniqueDongzhi Festival food culture, and whether in thenorth or the south, these foods embody the love andwarmth that people have for life and their families.
During the Dongzhi period, when thetrees are bare, only the plum blossomsstand proudly against the frost andsnow, exuding an ethereal beauty. Peopleadmire them, write poems, and createpaintings, giving rise to the most poeticwinter tradition — the “Nine by NineDiagram” calendar. This diagram featuresa plum branch with nine blossoms,drawn on the very day of Dongzhi,each blossom bearing nine petals. Eachday, one petal is colored based on theweather: red for sunny days, green forrain, blue for cloudy skies, yellow forwind, and white for snow. As the colorfulpetals begin to adorn the cold branches,it feels as if the scent of spring is alreadyin the air. After the Dongzhi period, thedays grow longer and the harsh winterbegins to fade, offering a glimpse ofthe coming spring. As the yang energybeneath the earth awakens, people lookforward to the arrival of spring withrenewed hope.