Located in the central part of the Inner MongoliaAutonomous Region, Hohhot is the region’s capitaland an ancient city with a rich grassland heritage.This vast land, rich in natural resources, has longbeen home to the nomadic Mongolian people.Through centuries of cultural exchange, Hohhot’sfood culture has blended with various regional flavorsto create a distinctive culinary tradition unique tothe nomadic lifestyle. Two dishes that best representthis fusion are shaomai (steamed dumplings) andyoumian (oat noodles).
Shaomai has a long history in China’s traditionalfood culture and is now a staple across the country.While shaomai can be enjoyed in many differentstyles, its origins are said to trace back to theSuiyuan region during the Qing Dynasty, which isnow modern-day Hohhot. In Hohhot, shaomai isa beloved local delicacy, and shaomai shops can befound on nearly every street. Some are well-knownbrands, like the old establishment “Maixiangcun,”while others are more affordable, down-to-earth spotsthat locals love. In the early morning, it’s commonto see people gathering in small groups, sipping tea,chatting, and enjoying delicious shaomai as they starttheir day.
Making shaomai is simpler than makingdumplings. Traditional shaomai uses dough that hasbeen scalded with hot water to form the wrapper,which is then filled with various ingredients. It doesn’tneed to be tightly sealed — just a pinch and the shapeforms. The wrapper is thin, the filling generous, andthe shape resembles a small cup: round at the base,thin at the waist, and edge at the top. The filling canbe made with different types of meat and vegetables,and once steamed, the aroma is mouthwatering.While the techniques for making shaomai don’t varymuch across regions, the main differences lie in the choice of fillings and presentation.
In traditional Hohhot shaomai, lamb is the mainingredient, with green onion and ginger as essentialflavorings. The enduring appeal of shaomai lies notonly in its nutritional value, but more importantlyin the rich and savory flavor that comes from thelamb filling after cooking. Inner Mongolian lambis renowned for being tender, nutritious and freeof gamey flavor, rich but not greasy. These qualitiesmake it the first choice for shaomaistuffing in Hohhot. In terms ofappearance, shaomai comesin various styles, includingphoe nixtails hrimpshaomai, flower shaomai,beauty shaomai, jadeshaomai, egg wrappedshaomai and cabbageshaomai.
Youmian is a staple food primarily popularin northern and northwestern China. WuchuanCounty, located at the northern foothills of the YinMountains near Hohhot, is the main production areafor youmian. The region’s long hours of sunlight, largetemperature differences between day and night, andconcentrated rainfall make it an ideal environmentfor growing oats. As a result, youmian made fromWuchuan’s oats has become a local specialty. Legendhas it that after tasting youmian, Emperor Kangxi ofthe Qing Dynasty couldn’t stop praising it. Duringthe Qianlong reign, Wuchuan’s youmian was evenpresented as a tribute to the imperial court for theemperor’s enjoyment.
The process of makingyoumian is creative, withtechniqu e s l ike rol l i ng,pushing, kne ading, andtwisting that produce a variety of shapes and styles. The cooking methods are equallydiverse, including steaming, frying, boiling, baking,and stir-frying. There are nearly 20 types of steamedyoumian dishes alone, such as wowo, yuyu, dundun,and getuan. Traditionally, youmian can be eateneither cold or hot, depending on the temperature ofthe dipping sauce. For the cold version, it’s usuallypaired with pickled vegetables, chopped greenonions, and cilantro, all mixed in a bowl with chiliflakes fried in flaxseed oil. The spicy red sauce makesfor an incredibly satisfying dish. The hot versionfeatures a richer broth, often made with ingredientslike egg custard, sour cabbage with yam strips,mushrooms, lamb, or beef. Whether you choose thecold or hot version depends on the type of youmianand your taste. In many restaurants, youmian is madefresh in open kitchens, where you can watch thetraditional techniques in action — adding a touchof entertainment before the meal that makes theexperience even more appetizing.
Mongolian cuisine is closely linked to theregion’s natural environment as well as its economicand political factors. It has evolved by incorporatingthe best of other cultures, while spreading its owntraditions. For example, shaomai has becomepopular nationwide, and youmian is now a commondish on tables across China. Another exampleis the Mongolian custom of eating whole lamb,which has been enhanced by the adoption of HanChinese cooking techniques, making it a symbol ofMongolian-Han cultural exchange. As this exchangebetween north, south, east and west continues,Mongolian cuisine is being passed down andinnovated, creating ever more distinctive culinarybrands.