




      2024-01-01 00:00:00陳麓宇
      孔子學院 2024年6期


      Marathon running is a sport that trulytests a person’s perseverance and physicalendurance, and it’s gaining popularityworldwide. But have you ever heard of amarathon held in a place where temperaturesdrop to —40 °C? Would you dare to take onsuch a challenge?


      Genhe is located in the northeastern partof the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,north of Hulunbuir. It borders the OroqenAutonomous Banner to the east and EergunaCity to the west. The name “Genhe” is atransliteration from Mongolian “Gegengol,”meaning “clear and transparent river.” Inwinter (from December to February eachyear), the average lowest temperature here is—41.6 °C, with historical lows plummeting to—58 °C. In 2018, the National Climate Centerofficially designated Genhe with a new title:“China’s Cold Pole.” Since 2014, Genhe hashosted a marathon every December, knownas the “China Cold Pole Marathon.”


      Cold Pole Marathon — TheUltimate Challenge


      On December 24, 2023, at 10:30 AM, in theAoluguya Evenk Ethnic Township of Genhe,Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, with a temperature of—38 °C, the 10th China Cold Pole Marathon kickedoff. Nearly a thousand runners from across Chinaand around the world took off from the starting line,embarking on a dual challenge of endurance andextreme cold. The freezing temperatures instantlygave many runners Santa Claus-like white eyebrows,and their hats and scarves were quickly coated infrost, resembling white ice helmets. The exposedskin turned bright red from the biting wind. As theirsweat evaporated and met the cold air, some runnersseemed to be enveloped in steam, creating a stunningand dramatic scene.


      A Marathon with Scenic Views

      本次比賽設有男、女半程馬拉松(21.097 5公里),男、女健康跑(5公里)兩種賽制。賽道既是跑道也是景觀道,奔跑的路上皆是美景。選手們從中國馴鹿文化之鄉(xiāng)——根河市敖魯古雅鄂溫克民族鄉(xiāng)出發(fā),沿途經過冷極塔、冷極廣場、守望相助橋、環(huán)城慢行系統(tǒng)、根河源國家濕地公園等自然美景、人文景觀及城市地標。選手們既能享受冰雪賽跑的樂趣,又能將根河的美景盡收眼底。

      The race featured two categories: the men’sand women’s half marathon (21.0975 km) and themen’s and women’s health run (5 km). The routewas not just a racecourse, but a scenic trail. Alongthe way, runners were treated to breathtaking views. Starting from the hometownof China’s reindeer culture — theAoluguya Ewenki Ethnic Townshipin Genhe, the route passed bylandmarks like the Cold Pole Tower,Cold Pole Square, WatchtowerBridge, the city’s slow traffic system,and the Genheyuan Nat i onalWetland Park, showcasing bothnatural beauty and cultural sights.Participants not only experiencedthe thrill of running on snow andice but also took in all the stunningbeauty Genhe has to offer.


      The s t ar t i ng poi nt o f themarathon was set in Aoluguya EwenkiEthnic Township, deep in the GreatKhingan Mountains. The Ewenkipeople here live in close harmonywith their reindeer herds and areknown as “China’s last hunting tribe.”Though covered in snow all yearround, the cold here does not feeldesolate. Snowmen, snowball fights,sledding, and the reindeer that whiskyou across the snowy landscape makefor an exhilarating winter experience.

      沿著賽道一路向西南, 便是我國目前保持原生狀態(tài)最完好、最典型的寒溫帶濕地生態(tài)系統(tǒng)之一——內蒙古根河源國家濕地公園,專家譽其為“中國冷極濕地天然博物館”。在濕地公園內森林、沼澤、河流、湖泊各種風光盡收眼底,令人驚奇的還是能見到潺潺流動的湖水——不凍河。產生這一奇特現象的原因在于根河濕地地表存在豐富的地熱,使得湖水在寒冷的冬天依然可以保持不結冰的狀態(tài),呈現出一種獨特的自然美景。

      Heading southwest along theracecourse, you’ll encounter one ofChina’s best-preserved and mostrepresentative cold-temperate wetlandecosystems — the GenheyuanNational Wetland Park. Experts havepraised it as the “Natural Museumof the Cold Pole Wetlands.” Thepark boasts stunning landscapes offorests, marshes, rivers, and lakes,but the most surprising sight is theever-flowing waters of the “UnfrozenRiver.” This unique phenomenonoccurs becaus e the surface ofthe wetlands here has abundantgeothermal resources, allowing theriver to remain unfrozen even duringthe harsh winter, creating a strikingnatural beauty.


      The China Cold Pole Marathon isa distinctive event with internationalappeal, attracting marathon runnersfrom countries such as Germany,Switzerland, and Russia, as well asparticipants from all over China.Sarangowa, the third-place winner inthe women’s category from Mongolia,said, “This was my first time runningthe China Cold Pole Marathon — itwas thrilling! The frost-covered treesand snowy landscapes along the routewere breathtaking, and the experienceleft me exhilarated.”


      Extreme Challenge Team — ChinaCold Pole Marathon Team本屆男女組冠軍賈勱、陳春洋都來自中國冷極馬拉松隊。這支中國冷極馬拉松隊在過去的30年中,不僅完成了多項看似不可能的任務,還屢屢刷新呼倫貝爾市和內蒙古自治區(qū)的多項中、長跑紀錄。

      This year’s men’s and women’s champions, JiaMai and Chen Chunyang, are both from the ChinaCold Pole Marathon Team. Over the past 30 years,this team has not only accomplished many seeminglyimpossible feats but has also broken several middleandlong-distance running records in Hulunbuir andInner Mongolia.

      中國冷極馬拉松隊教練劉斯衛(wèi)表示,根河的結冰期超過210天,冬季氣溫在—20℃至—50℃之間,極端低溫對運動員的神經系統(tǒng)、心血管系統(tǒng)、呼吸系統(tǒng)和內分泌系統(tǒng)挑戰(zhàn)很大。中國冷極馬拉松隊隊員、本屆男子組冠軍賈勱說,他成功的秘訣是持之以恒,每天不折不扣地完成訓練任務,才能有今天的成績?!敖觊g,隊員們共獲得各級各類賽事的冠、亞、季軍500 多個,還曾多次打破各賽會紀錄”,提到隊員們的成績,劉教練非常自豪。

      Coach Liu Siwei of the team explained thatthe ice season in Genhe lasts over 210 days, withwinter temperatures ranging from —20 °C to —50 °C.Such extreme cold puts immense pressure onthe athletes’ nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory,and endocrine systems. Jia Mai, this year’s men’schampion, attributed his success to perseverance,stating that consistently completing his daily trainingtasks without fail was key to his achievement. “Overthe past ten years, we have won more than 500 gold,silver, and bronze medals in various competitionsand have broken multiple records,” Coach Liuproudly noted when speaking about his team’saccomplishments.


      On the marathon course, it’s not just theharshness and beauty of nature on display but alsoa testament to the drive to push boundaries. As anevent held in such extreme conditions, the ChinaCold Pole Marathon tests the endurance and courageof its participants while showcasing their resilientspirit of sportsmanship. The race perfectly combinesathleticism with regional uniqueness, illustratinga harmonious coexistence between humanity andnature.


      We invite everyone who loves life and seeksthe ultimate challenge to embark on a spontaneousjourney on snow and ice, and experience a marathonwhere your body may freeze, but your heart will beon fire!

      巍山| 泰兴市| 九龙城区| 临泽县| 大姚县| 鄱阳县| 宝清县| 迁西县| 利川市| 济南市| 乌兰浩特市| 永清县| 合山市| 承德县| 铜梁县| 浪卡子县| 晋江市| 汉中市| 大冶市| 华阴市| 抚州市| 德江县| 凉城县| 平顶山市| 班玛县| 巴林右旗| 台前县| 大荔县| 阳江市| 昭苏县| 金寨县| 潮安县| 弥勒县| 平利县| 乌兰县| 静乐县| 炎陵县| 遂溪县| 武汉市| 泸定县| 望城县|