



      Chaotianmen in Chongqing

      2024-03-16 07:20:14重慶市第十八中學(xué)校初2023級27唐悅航指導(dǎo)教師黃忠雪
      瘋狂英語·初中天地 2024年2期

      ◎重慶市第十八中學(xué)校初2023 級27 班 唐悅航 指導(dǎo)教師:黃忠雪

      朝天門是公元前314 年,秦將張儀滅巴國后修筑巴郡城池時(shí)所建。朝天門曾刻有“古渝雄關(guān)”四個字。古時(shí)朝天門的主要作用,是“迎官接圣”,即有重要官員或者皇帝有圣旨到重慶,地方官員都到朝天門碼頭迎接,這也是朝天門得名之由。

      “The gate has a story.The gate has a history...” I am growing up with the nursery rhyme(歌謠).It is about Chaotianmen, a famous landmark in Chongqing.

      Chaotianmen was built in 314 BC when the Qin general Zhang Yi destroyed Ba State and built the city walls of Ba County.During the Ming Dynasty, the old city was expanded(擴(kuò)建) with 17 gates built and the largest one was Chaotianmen.

      Why is it called “Chaotianmen”? It’s said that in ancient China, whenever royal officials visited Chongqing or when the emperor issued sacred decrees( 詔 諭) to Chongqing, local officials would meet at the Chaotianmen Wharf (朝天門碼頭) to greet them.There are two meanings behind the name—one is to flatter(奉承) the emperor, and the other is to yearn(渴望) for unity.

      C h a o t i a n m e n W h a r f i s a n important part of Chaotianmen.It served as a major port( 港口) where goods were loaded and unloaded from boats.With time going by, Chaotianmen Wharf has undergone big changes in its appearance.

      The wharf looks like a huge ship ready to sail far into the river.Standing on the Chaotianmen Wharf, you can enjoy the spectacular(壯觀的) scenery of the Jialing River and the Yangtze River meeting with two clearly different colors.People jokingly call this special scene “double-flavor hot pot”(鴛鴦火鍋).In 2012, a grand project started in Chaotianmen.It was Chongqing Raffles( 來 福 士), which was invested by Singapore.The project was completed and open to the public on September 6, 2019.The tall building is called Chaotian Yangfan.It is an urban complex( 城市綜合體) which owns shopping malls, office buildings, apartments and hotels and so on.The building looks like a sail.So the whole wharf looks like a huge ship sailing on the river with a huge sail.It has become a popular destination for locals and tourists.

      The area around the wharf has also been developed into a busy commercial area with shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment places.Chaotianmen Wholesale Market(批發(fā)市場) is famous for rich goods at good prices.In the morning every day, you can feel the hustle and bustle(熙熙攘攘)of the market.People come here bargain(討價(jià)還價(jià)) for their favorite goods.If you are good at bargaining, you can get the goods at the lowest price here.

      In May 2016, Chaotianmen was elected as one of the Top Ten Cultural Symbols of Chongqing.A visit to Chaotianmen offers you a glimpse into Chongqing’s past, present, and future.You can feel the daily busy and noisy life here.You can feel the river wind blowing your face, and hear the steamer whistling afar(從遠(yuǎn)處).

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