Gansu, abbreviated as “Gan” or “Long,” appears on themap of China like a jade Ruyi scepter embedded in the heart ofnorthern China.
甘肅的歷史堪稱一本歷史教科書。中華民族的人文始祖伏羲、女媧和黃帝的神話傳說都誕生在這片大地上。距今8 000年的大地灣文化標(biāo)志著中國農(nóng)耕文化的初步形成;5 000年前的馬家窯文化孕育出目前中國歷史上最早的彩陶藝術(shù)文化。2000多年前的漢武帝時(shí)期,張騫出使西域,霍去病領(lǐng)兵攻下咽喉要地,在此建立“河西四郡”,開通了河西走廊、絲綢之路,為中西貿(mào)易往來、文化交流提供了有利條件。
Gansu’s history is akin toa comprehensive textbook. Themythical ancestors of the Chinesepeople — Fuxi, Nuwa, and theYellow Emperor — are said tohave originated in this land. TheDadiwan culture from 8,000 yearsago marked the early formationof Chinese agricultural culture.The Majiayao culture from 5,000years ago produced the earliestknown painted pottery in Chinesehistory. Over 2,000 years ago,during the reign of Emperor Wuof Han, Zhang Qian was sent on adiplomatic mission to the WesternRegions , and General HuoQubing led troops to conquerstrategic points and establish theFour Commanderies of Hexi. Thisopened the Hexi Corridor and theSilk Road, facilitating trade andcultural exchange between Chinaand the West.
The Yellow River, the motherriver of the Chinese people, flowsin and out of this land twice,deeply influencing the agriculturalculture of the region and graduallyforming Gansu’s distinctive YellowRiver culture. The Han bambooslips unearthed here are both anencyclopedia of China’s medievalperiod and tangible evidenceof the prosperity of the ancientSilk Road. The study of theseslips holds significant historical,cultural, and artistic value.
Gansu is like a natural museum.It boasts diverse landscapes andterrains, and the scenery variesdramatically from east to west andnorth to south. The Hexi Corridoris a striking mix of desert andoasis, while the Qilian Mountainsstand tall with snow-capped peaks,offering breathtaking views of theborder. Gannan grasslands stretchvast and wide; Longzhong (centralGansu) is famous for its majesticLoess Plateau; and Longyou(southern Gansu) features verdant,layered mountains. All thesecontribute to stunning views ofclear springs, green oases, snowypeaks, solitary desert smokes, andlong sunsets over rivers.
“塞外風(fēng)光絕”的鳴沙山和月牙泉位于甘肅敦煌。鳴沙山,其山體由黃沙堆積而成,因風(fēng)過沙動(dòng)成響而得名。“沙漠第一泉”——月牙泉,則因其彎如月亮的獨(dú)特形狀而得名。它靜臥于黃沙腹地,水質(zhì)甘冽,澄清如鏡, 是沙漠中罕見的自然奇觀。
The famous Mingsha Mountainand Crescent Spring in Dunhuangshowcase the unique beauty ofthe region. Mingsha Mountain,composed entirely of yellowsand, is named for the sound ofthe wind whipping through thedunes. Crescent Spring, known asthe “First Spring in the Desert,”is named for its crescent moonshape. Nestled in the heart ofthe desert, the clear, sweet waterstands in stark contrast to thesurrounding sands, making it arare natural wonder.
“不望祁連山頂雪,錯(cuò)將張掖認(rèn)江南?!?張掖,這座歷史上的重鎮(zhèn),不僅融合了江南風(fēng)韻與塞上風(fēng)情,還以其七彩丹霞標(biāo)志性景觀而聞名,有“中國的彩虹山”之美稱。彩色的丘陵順著山勢延展,猶如飄灑在河西走廊之上的多彩絲綢。黃昏夕陽映照時(shí),這片色彩艷麗的山川像是飛動(dòng)的流霞鋪陳在天地之間。位于張掖祁連山下的山丹軍馬場,是中國有史以來最大的皇家馬場,也是亞洲規(guī)模最大、世界第二大的馬場。2 000多年前,霍去病創(chuàng)建的這座軍馬場——從漢魏到明清,一直是重要的皇家牧馬場,也是世界上歷史最為悠久的皇家馬場。據(jù)記載,唐代河西地區(qū)馴養(yǎng)的軍馬超過70萬匹。放牧之時(shí),草原上萬馬奔騰的壯闊場面尤可想象。
The saying, “Without seeingthe snow-capped peaks of theQilian Mountains, one mightmistake Zhangye for Jiangnan,”highlights Zhangye’s unique mix ofsouthern charm and frontier spirit.Historically a key town, Zhangye isfamous for its spectacular Danxialandform, often referred to as“China’s Rainbow Mountains.”These colorful hills stretch alongthe mountainsides like vibrantsilk ribbons. At sunset, the vividlandscape glows like a magnificenttapestry spread across the land.Located at the foot of the QilianMountains, the Shandan MilitaryHorse Farm used to be China’slargest imperial horse farm andis now the largest in Asia andthe second largest in the world.Established over 2,000 years agoby Huo Qubing, it served as avital horse breeding center fromthe Han and Wei dynasties to theMing and Qing dynasties, makingit the oldest of its kind in theworld. Historical records show thatover 700,000 military horses werebred in the Hexi region duringthe Tang Dynasty. Just imaginethe magnificence of thousands ofhorses grazing and galloping onthe expansive grasslands.
Liangzhou (present-day Wuwei) was once themost prosperous city in the Hexi region. Here, “tenthousand households lie within seven miles, and halfof the ethnic people here can play the pipa.” It is alsohome to the famous bronze statue “Galloping HorseTreading on a Flying Swallow,” unearthed from a Hantomb in Leitai. This area features some of the mostdiverse landscapes in Gansu, where the snow-cappedQilian Mountains stretch for thousands of miles andmeet the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert. If you visitby car, you have the chance to experience the starkbeauty of the desert with its solitary smoke and thegrand sunset over the long river, as well as flowingstreams and verdant grasslands, all in one day.
Gansu is a showcase of cultural artifacts andethnic diversity. Home to 55 ethnic groups, eachwith distinct cultural traits, rich customs, and variedreligious beliefs and practices, Gansu’s long historyand diverse ethnic heritage have created a tapestry ofcultural landscapes and exchange.
敦煌,位于河西四郡的最西端,是通往西域無可替代的要塞。人們對敦煌的認(rèn)知,主要聚焦在莫高窟、玉門關(guān)、陽關(guān)、漢長城等名勝古跡方面。其中,莫高窟名聲最盛,是中國最早一批被聯(lián)合國教科文組織列入“世界文化遺產(chǎn)名錄”的文化古跡,其石窟建筑、彩塑及壁畫堪稱藝術(shù)瑰寶。據(jù)官方統(tǒng)計(jì),莫高窟現(xiàn)存洞窟735個(gè),彩塑作品2 400 余尊,壁畫超4.5 萬平方米。
Dunhuang, located at the western end of theHexi Corridor, is the only gateway to the WesternRegions. It is known for many historical sites likethe Mogao Caves, Yumen Pass, Yangguan Pass, andthe Han Dynasty Great Wall. The most iconic ofall, the Mogao Caves, are among China’s first sitesto be included on the World Heritage List and arerenowned for their architecture, colorful sculptures,and murals. Official records indicate that 735 cavessurvive to this day, housing about morethan 2,400 painted sculptures and 45,000square meters of murals.
嘉峪關(guān)是明代長城沿線修筑時(shí)間最早、建筑規(guī)模最壯觀、保存最完整的一座古代軍事關(guān)隘,有“天下第一雄關(guān)”的美譽(yù)。嘉峪關(guān)南憑祁連山之險(xiǎn)峻,北依黑山之巍峨,布局精巧而周密,由內(nèi)城、外城、羅城、甕城、城壕和南北兩翼長城組成,與蜿蜒的長城連為一體,共同勾勒出一幅壯麗的邊關(guān)畫卷。此外,甘肅境內(nèi)保存較好的秦、漢、明三代長城長達(dá)3 000余公里。
Jiayuguan Pass is the most wellpreservedand majestic ancient militaryfortress along the Ming Dynasty Great Wall, earningthe title “The First Pass Under Heaven.” Nestledbetween the perilous Qilian Mountains to the southand the towering Heishan Mountain to the north,Jiayuguan Pass comprises an inner city, an outercity, Luocheng (a fortified outpost), Wengcheng (afortified gateway), a moat, and the north and southwings of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Togetherwith the winding Great Wall, it forms a magnificentfrontier scene. Apart from the pass itself, over 3,000kilometers of the Great Wall from the Qin, Han, andMing dynasties are well-preserved within Gansu.
The Maijishan Grottoes in Tianshui arerenowned for their exquisite sculptures and murals,earning the site the nickname “Oriental SculptureGallery.” During the summer and autumn, after therain, mist shrouds the elusive peaks, creating anenchanting spectacle. Kongtong Mountain, located inPingliang City, has long been celebrated as the “FirstMountain of Taoism in China.” Legend has it that themountain is so complex that it has “eight terraces,nine monasteries, twelve courtyards, and seventy-twocliffside sanctuaries.”
“The Yellow River flows relentlessly, while thearoma of beef noodles fills the air day and night.”This vivid description captures the unique charm ofLanzhou. Seen from above, Lanzhou is sandwichedbetween the mountains and intersected by theYellow River. One of the must-do activities here isthe thrilling experience of crossing the Yellow River.Traditional sheepskin rafts serve as ferries, allowingvisitors to sit in the center while the boatman slowlypaddles across, providing an upcloseencounter with the river’s fastcurrents. For a panoramic view ofthe Yellow River, taking a cable caroffers stunning vistas of both banks.
Gansu, with its blend of natural landscapesand historical heritage, resembles a grand, majesticpainting. Modern development has significantlyimproved people’s quality of life. The provincenow boasts an extensive network of highways,railways, and air routes. Thriving industries suchas petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and advancedmanufacturing are on the rise. On its mountaintopsand deserts, large wind turbines spin continuouslyin the strong winds, and rows of photovoltaic panelsgleam under the sun. Gansu has emerged as a leaderin renewable energy, hosting a 10-gigawatt windpower base in Jiuquan and several million-kilowattphotovoltaic power bases in Zhangye, Jinchang,Wuwei, and Jiuquan, as well as a million-kilowattwind power base in Tongwei. By harnessing the solarand wind power, Gansu has forged a new path forsustainable development.