In the heart of the Guan Mountains, nestled atthe foot of the Liupan Mountains, lies ZhuanglangCounty, a “Terraced Kingdom” of Pingliang City,Gansu Province. Here, lush greenery cascades acrossthe landscape in a series of terraces, resembling apicturesque poem, and akin to magnificent “earthlyrings.”
The terraces of Zhuanglang stand as a testamentto the sweat and toil of its inhabitants. Oncenationally impoverished, Zhuanglang Countyoccupied the rugged terrain of the Loess Plateau,where soil erosion was rampant. Out of its 1.14million mu of arable land, 103 mu were slopes anddepressions. Frequent droughts and floods plaguedthe region, leading to crop failures and diminishedyields. Planting in such conditions was a formidablechallenge; seeds were often washed away by rainfall,leaving locals at the mercy of nature for survival.
In 1964, under the guidance of the countygovernment, the people of Zhuanglang took mattersinto their own hands. Armed with hoes, shovels,carts, and sheer determination, they transformedravines and hillsides into terraced landscapesat a time devoid of modern machinery, therebyimproving the ecological balance and ultimatelylifting themselves out of poverty.
The terraced landscapes evoke the life arena ofcountless peasants. As elders age, the next generationsteps in; as ancestors pass, grandchildren carry onthe legacy; when one brother departs, another stepsforward. In those days, heavy machinery was nonexistent,and moving earth relied solely on purephysical labor. With pickaxes, iron shovels, and handcarts, generation after generation toiled tirelessly.Lanterns illuminated the terraces at night, twinklingwith the stars. In the fields, people wielded iron shovelsand picks, rushing to mend the terraces. Vibrant flagswaved atop hills, while valleys resounded with bustlingvoices, painting a spectacular scene.
The women of Zhuanglang County emerged as aformidable force, actively engaging in hard physicallabor alongside men. This led to the establishmentof numerous “Iron Girls Teams” and “WomenWarriors.” Over the decade of terrace construction,many women dedicated the best time of their livesto working day and night on construction sites,determined to transform their homeland and combatpoverty.
Through the unwavering efforts of its people,Zhuanglang successfully constructed China’s firstterraced county in 1998. Over a million mu of highstandardterraces were built, covering more than90% of the county’s arable land. If the earth androcks moved were stacked into soil walls, they couldencircle the Earth six and a half times. The livingstandards of local people have undergone a historicleap, marking a saga of modern-day Yugong alteringthe course of their destiny.
The hunger and poverty that once afflicted thegullies and ridges have given way to lush mountainsand rivers. Experts from over ten countries, includingJapan, Israel, and the United States, have visitedZhuanglang, commending its terraced fields as“feats of international-level water conservation” and“testaments to humanity’s ability to reshape nature.”
The wise and hardworking people of Zhuanglanghave transformed once-barren mountains into aterraced paradise, brimming with greenery, fragrantflowers, and abundant fruits. In autumn, the redapples on the trees, set against the green leaves,alongside farmers bustling with harvest activitiesagainst the backdrop of distant green mountains,paint a harmonious picture. Nowadays, modernorchards and vegetable gardens here have embracedadvanced agricultural technologies: soil analysisfor quality improvement, precision drip irrigation,and the use of water-soluble fertilizers to minimizepollution. This has significantly increased people’sincomes, enticing many who once left for work toreturn to the village. Some college students are evenstarting businesses in their hometown, leading to amore prosperous life.
From a distance, the terraced fields wind throughthe undulating mountains, emerging amidst a seaof clouds, while occasional patches of rosy cloudsresemble grand landscape paintings hanging onthe Guan Mountains. Today, Zhuanglang’s terracedfields have become a symbol, renowned across theLongshang region and Northwest China.