敦煌莫高窟,位于敦煌市東南25公里處,南北綿延1 700余米, 共保存洞窟735個(gè)、壁畫4.5萬平方米、彩塑2 400余尊。據(jù)記載,莫高窟始建于公元366 年,歷經(jīng)十個(gè)朝代的精心營建,形成了一座規(guī)模宏大、內(nèi)涵豐富的佛教藝術(shù)寶庫。
The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang are located 25kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, stretchingover 1,700 meters from north to south. There are atotal of 735 preserved caves, 45,000 square metersof murals, and more than 2,400 painted sculptures.According to records, the construction of the MogaoCaves began in 366 AD, and through the meticulousefforts of ten dynasties, formed a magnificent andrichly connotative treasure trove of Buddhist art.
The Mogao Caves are now divided into twosections: the southern and northern areas. Thesouthern area was the main place where ancientmonks and devotees worshipped and paid homageto Buddha. It has 487 preserved caves, containingexquisite painted sculptures and murals. Thenorthern area primarily served as the living quartersfor ancient monks, including meditation caves andmonk cells. This area is relatively smaller in scale,with a total of 248 identified caves.
The Mogao Caves represent a unique artisticform created by ancient Chinese artists whointegrated Central Plains culture with the diversecultures of Central and West Asia. As the mostbrilliant artistic jewel on the Silk Road, the MogaoCaves have preserved a wealth of visual materialsdepicting architecture, music, dance, customs,science, technology, transportation, clothing, etc.from various periods of ancient China. Additionally,over 50,000 “Dunhuang manuscripts” and numerousancient Central Asian texts were unearthed in theLibrary Cave. These texts cover a wide range of fieldsincluding history, geography, religion, economics,art, science, etc. The vast quantity and rich contentof these materials provide a solid foundation for thestudy of the Mogao Caves.
The Mogao Caves are a comprehensive formof grotto art that integrates architecture, paintedsculptures, and murals, with all three elementscomplementing each other perfectly.
The existing caves can be categorizedinto five types based on their structure:meditation caves, monk cells, central pillarcaves, temple caves, and giant statue caves.Meditation caves and monk cells were mostlyused by monks for meditation practice andliving quarters. Central pillar caves and templecaves were primarily used forworship and paying homage toBuddha. The giant statue cavesare named for their large Buddhastatues, such as Cave 96 from theearly Tang Dynasty (with a statue35.5 meters high) and Cave 130 fromthe high Tang Dynasty (with a statue26 meters high).
The painted sculptures in the Mogao Cavesare all made of clay and remain vividly lifelike evenafter a thousand years. From the Sixteen Kingdomsperiod to the Yuan Dynasty, each period’s sculpturesexhibit different artistic styles. The sculptures fromthe Sixteen Kingdoms and early Northern Dynastiesfeature figures with full, round faces, broad shoulders,and flat chests, exhibiting a robust and solidphysique. Their postures are dignified and simple,with serene and reserved expressions, reflecting theinfluences of both Central Plains culture and WesternBuddhist art. The sculptures from the Western Weiperiod show the “slim and elegant” style popular inthe Southern Dynasties, with elongated figures, thinfaces, and flowing robes with wide sleeves. Duringthe Northern Zhou period, the statues began to showchanges in human proportions, such as larger heads,longer bodies, and shorter legs, with faces that aresquare and full.
The paintedsculptures of theSui Dynasty exhibita t r a n s i t i o n a lstyle that blendsEastern and Westerni n f l u e n c e s a n dbridges past and futureartistic trends. The figuresfeature large heads andslightly elongated upper bodies,with thin, body-hugging robes that subtly reveal thecontours of the body, and the details are handledwith greater delicacy. Tang Dynasty sculptures arecharacterized by their beautiful shapes, accurateproportions, vibrant colors, lifelike expressions,and distinct personalities, showcasing a high levelof sculptural artistry. A representative work oflarge Tang Dynasty sculptures at Mogao Caves isthe Nirvana statue in Cave 158 from the Tibetanperiod. The statue is 15.8 meters long, with the figurereclining on the right hand, the left hand gentlyplaced on the body, feet crossed, and an expression ofserene contentment with a slight smile, embodyingthe Nirvana state of “peace and joy.”
The painted sculptures from the Five Dynastiesand early Song Dynasty continued the Tang Dynastystyle, characterized by richness and elegance.Unfortunately, many of these sculptures have beenseverely damaged, and few remain today. The paintedsculptures from the Western Xia and Yuan dynastieshave almost entirely disappeared.
The murals of the Mogao Caves form aunique system and are numerous, encompassingdonor portraits, traditional mythological figures,landscapes, animals, decorative patterns, and sutratransformations from various periods of Chinesehistory.
The construction and historical evolution of theMogao Caves are closely linked to influential localclans and prominent families. In order to devoutlyworship the Buddha, accumulate merit, or leave alegacy for future generations, these clans and familiescontributed funds and efforts to build or maintainthe Mogao Caves, earning them the title of “donors.”Their portraits, names, and deeds were carefullydepicted in the caves, leaving behind rich andvaluable historical clues for future research.
In addition to donor portraits, the Mogao Cavesalso feature a large number of murals reflecting theeconomic life of ancient times. In the agriculturaland pastoral fields, scenes depict farming, harvesting,fishing, animal husbandry, hunting, manors, andtemples, providing vivid information on agricultureand temple economics. In the field of handicrafts,various occupations such as the blacksmith, winemaker,potter, spinner, weaver, shoemaker, leatherworker,painter, performer, sculptor, papermaker, carpenter,mason, cave digger, silversmith, bow maker, and milloperater are showcased. In the commercial sector,scenes of butcher shops, slaughterhouses, taverns,inns, pawnlHS3aN/ZXbaU0IiKDzqO9gfSY+PzpAgJpYSHA/C79Dw=shops, timber yards, bow shops, and othercommercial establishments present the commerciallandscape of ancient Dunhuang region.
Additionally, murals such as those depictingLotus Sutra Transformations and Nirvana SutraTransformations provide scenes of ancient militarytraining, expeditions, campaigns, and defense, alongwith related information on weapons and equipment.The murals also feature rich sporting scenesincluding archery, equestrian skills competition,sumo wrestling, weightlifting (lifting elephants orlifting bells), chess, pitching the pot, martial arts,swimming, and Cuju (a form of ancient Chinesefootball), showcasing not only the ancient people’sabundant sporting and recreational activities but alsoreflecting their positive and healthy lifestyle attitudes.
The murals in the Mogao Caves also holdsignificant value in the realm of music and dance.In the realm of music, there are over 200 cavesdepicting musical themes, featuring numerousensembles, musicians, and musical instruments.Among them, there are over 500 sets of differenttypes of ensembles and more than 40 kinds ofmusical instruments, totaling over 4,500 pieces.These murals, along with musical scores and othermusic-related materials found in the LibraryCave documents, mutually corroborate eachother, revealing the splendid achievementsof ancient music.
In the realm of dance art, the muralsdepict various dance scenes and dancefigures, encompassing a variety of stylesincluding those from the Western Regions,folk traditions, palace settings, and celestialrealms. Although the ancient dance scoresremain undecipherable to us today, thesescenes and figures undoubtedly providevaluable materials for the study of ancient dance art.此外,莫高窟中還保存了十分豐富的建筑史資料。
Furthermore, the Mogao Caves also preservea wealth of architectural historical materials.The murals depict various types of architecturefrom the Sixteen Kingdoms to the Western Xia,including Buddhist temples, city walls, palaces,inns, beacon towers, bridges, prisons, tombs, andmore. Additionally, there are abundant architecturalcomponents and decorations depicted, such asbrackets, memorial archways, doors, and windows,showcasing the styles and characteristics of ancientChinese architecture.
The Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, a treasury ofancient Chinese civilization, present us with a completehistory of the development of Chinese Buddhist art andan authentic portrayal of ancient Chinese social life,allowing us, millennia later, to vividly experience thevitality and richness of history.