Every year, on November 22nd or 23rd,we welcome Xiaoxue, or Minor Snow, the20th of thd 24 solar terms. Despite its name,snow does not necessarily fall on this day, asthe weather is not yet particularly cold, andthe amount of precipitation is still relativelysmall. Thus, the name is more of a symbolicdescription. It is after Xiaoxue that thetemperature starts to fall, and precipitationbegins to increase.
During this time of year, snow paintsnature with a touch of white. As snowflakesfall silently, people in ancient times mightgo fishing, as described by the Tang Dynastypoet Liu Zongyuan:
A little boat, a bamboo cloak,
An old man fishing in the cold riversnow.1
They might admire the snow and plumblossoms, as depicted in the lines of the SongDynasty poet Lu Meipo:
The mume blossoms and snow vi e i nannouncing spring;
A poet knows not in whose praises he shouldsing.1
They might make tea with boiled snow, assketched by the Tang Dynasty poet Lu Guimeng:
Sitting idly among the pines,
I watch the snow on the pine being boiled.
They might invite friends over to drink wine,as portrayed in the words of the Tang Dynasty poetBai Juyi:
At dusk it threatens snow.
Won’t you come for a cup?2
Or they might play the flute to the snow, asvividly captured by the Song Dynasty poet Liu Zhu:
Snow bathes the mountain city, chilling thejade-like fingers,
A flute’s lament echoes through the storiedtowers.
Snow also brings changes to people’sdiet and lifestyle. During Minor Snow,before the onset of heavy precipitation,the dry weather allows people to picklevegetables and cure meats. In the past,without advanced vegetable cultivationtechniques, people preserved vegetablesthrough pickling. After pickling and afew days of sun exposure, the saltiness ofthe vegetables combined with the warmthof the sun would create a unique flavor.Similarly, meat can also be preserved bypickling, and become rich but not greasysausages, cured meats, and dried fish, themost beloved dishes on the table of theSpring Festival.
俗話說:“ 小雪不見雪,來年長工歇。小雪雪滿天,來年必豐年?!鞭r(nóng)民期盼著雪來,因為瑞雪兆豐年,雪寓意著來年的豐收。
As the saying goes: “If Minor Snowbrings no snow, the laborers will rest thefollowing year; if Minor Snow fills the skywith snow, the following year will surelysee a bumper harvest.” Farmers lookforward to snow because a good snowfallis a harbinger of a bountiful year.
During this season of ice and snow,it seems that only the wintersweet knowsthe secret of the changing seasons. Itstands as the herald, ever the first tounfurl its blossoms and proclaim theimminent arrival of the spring. All ofthis stems from the vibrant vitality thatLidong brings to the earth.