In recent years, the ancient land of Dunhuang has once againemerged as a profound source of inspiration for fashion trends.The captivating and enigmatic portrayal of the “Dunhuang FlyingApsaras” has been infused with fresh vitality, establishing itself as thelatest sensation in Chinese style. Notably, the period fantasy dramaTill the End of the Moon and the immersive local Dunhuang caveexperience known as Ancient Sound of Dunhuang have impeccablybrought flying apsaras to life through remarkable cosplay. In AncientSound of Dunhuang, the portrayal of the 16 musician performersvividly captures the elegance and grace embodied by the flyingasparas depicted in the Dunhuang murals. Their ethereal and vibrantdances, alongside various other Dunhuang dances, breathe life intothe celestial musicians and flying fairies, evoking the awe-inspiringscenes of music and dance depicted on the ancient walls.
To this day, the Mogao Cavesin Dunhuang boast an impressivecollection of 492 caves adorned withmagnificent murals and sculptures.Among them, over 370 caves showcasecaptivating music and dance scenes,while more than 270 caves depict themesmerizing flying asparas. Spanningnearly a millennium from the SixteenKingdoms to the Song and Yuandynasties, the music and dance sceneswithin the Dunhuang murals havetransformed the grottoes into a veritablemuseum of this expressive art form. Thegraceful and enchanting depictions offlying apsaras in the Dunhuang muralsserve as the primary inspiration for thecaptivating Flying Apsaras dance.
Flyingapsaras , originallyfrom ancient Indian Buddhism, isthe combinat ion of the“Fragrance Deity” Gandharvaand the “Mus i c De ity”Kinnara, embodying theability to convey celestialjoy and tranquility to themortal realm. Adornedwith exquisite artistry andethereal beauty, the flyingapsaras images showcased inthe Dunhuang cave muralshave become iconic symbolsof Dunhuang artistry.
According to the Tang Huiyao, the Tang Dynasty witnessed a flourishing of diverse dance performanceswithin the imperial court and among the populace, with a particular emphasis on music and dance. It wasagainst this backdrop that the art of the Flying Apsaras dance emerged, incorporating elements from populardances of the time, such as the Sogdian Whirl dance and the Nishang feather robe dance. This amalgamationgave birth to a distinctive dance language, characterized by the dancers’ ethereal movements and delicate yetspirited gestures. Through their graceful motions, they vividly recreate the celestial allure embodied by theflying apsaras depicted in the murals.
The Flying Apsaras dance incorporates thedance styles of diverse ethnic groups from theWestern Regions while assimilating with the culturalheritage of Central China, resulting in a distinctiveartistic style. The Dunhuang Flying Apsaras danceemphasizes the harmonious fusion of “form andspirit.” The dance movements should be free-flowingand agile, with the hands, eyes, body, and techniquesconveying emotions throughout the performance.Consequently, the hand gestures of flying asparasexhibit remarkable diversity and carry profoundsymbolic meanings, making them essential in everydance posture and sequence.
The flying apsaras imagery portrayed in the Dunhuang dances predominantly draws inspiration fromthe mural depictions of the Tang Dynasty, with a predominant focus on female figures. The DunhuangFlying Apsaras dance underscores the seamless integration of music and movement alongside the interactionbetween the body and space. The dancers gracefully and effortlessly twirl and spin, while the tinkling bellsadorning their costumes produce a clear and melodious resonance. As ribbons and streamers trace elegantarcs in the air, a scene of jubilant celebration unfolds, reminiscent of a mesmerizing dream. Among the FlyingApsaras dancers, one can also observe figures holding pipa lutes or leaning on waist drums, where their merepresence evokes the auditory sensations they generate. The pipa’s versatile and resounding tones add a touch ofmagnificence and strength to the Flying Apsaras dance.
The Dunhuang Flying Apsaras dance places great emphasis on the expression ofinner emotions, pursuing subtlety and restraint, which aligns with theinherent characteristics of the Chinese nation. Through the strategicemployment of stage composition and dynamic formations, coupledwith nuanced movements of the chest, waist, and head, the danceconveys the artistic style and cultural essence of the Flying Apsaras.It vividly presents the aesthetic perspectives, religious beliefs, andphilosophical concepts of ancient Chinese society before theenthralled audience.
敦煌飛天舞曾是非常小眾的舞蹈藝術,但隨著科技的發(fā)展、各種表現手法的不斷介入,它開始以多元的表現形式展示中國傳統(tǒng)舞蹈的絢麗多姿。1979年,以敦煌壁畫和絲綢之路為素材創(chuàng)作的中國舞劇《絲路花雨》,成功地將千年敦煌壁畫中的飛天形象在舞臺上“復活”,讓人們領略到中國傳統(tǒng)文化的獨特魅力。2008年中央電視臺春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會上,舞蹈《飛天》成為一大亮點,優(yōu)美的旋律和曼妙的舞姿美輪美奐,讓觀眾為之驚嘆。2019年,“蓋婭傳說”春夏主題“壁畫 · 一眼千年”巴黎時裝秀,將敦煌壁畫之美融入時裝設計,向世界展示了東方文化獨有的底蘊和魅力,飛天形象更是受到世界觀眾的廣泛關注與贊譽。
The Dunhuang Flying Apsaras dance, once a niche art form, has blossomed into a vibrantrepresentation of traditional Chinese dance, thanks to technological advancements and theintegration of diverse performance techniques. In 1979, the Chinese dance drama Flower RainAlong the Silk Road brought the millennium-old flying apsaras imagery from Dunhuang murals“back to life” on stage, captivating audiences and showcasing the unique allure of Chinesecultural heritage. The dance performance Flying Apsaras became a highlight of the China MediaGroup’s New Year Gala in 2008, stunning viewers with its graceful movements and enchantingmelodies. In 2019, the Chinese fashion brand Heaven Gaia debuted its Spring-Summercollection in Paris under the theme of “Murals: A Thousand Years in a Glance,” incorporatingthe beauty of Dunhuang murals into fashion design, unveiling the profound essence and charmof Eastern culture. The flying apsaras imagery garnered widespread attention and praise fromaudiences worldwide.
The Dunhuang Flying Apsaras dancegoes beyond mere physical movements; itembodies profound cultural connotations. Themillennium-old flying apsaras have “broken freefrom the confines of the caves,” “transcendingboundaries” through various contemporarymanifestations, thereby sparking a cultural phenomenon rootedin Dunhuang culture. Audiences now have the unexpectedpleasure of encountering the ethereal “Pipa-Playing Fairies”and the graceful “Barefoot Jade Plate Dancers” depicted in theDunhuang murals.