




      2024-12-16 00:00:00
      中國科技教育 2024年10期


      封面圖展示的是2021年7 月11 日, 球迷們正在觀看2020 年歐洲杯決賽。位于英格蘭和威爾士的數(shù)字接觸者追蹤系統(tǒng)發(fā)現(xiàn),在兩國各自的比賽日,傳輸數(shù)值異常高,這歸因于球迷們會聚集在家中、酒吧及體育場。這種低成本技術(shù)可以快速準(zhǔn)確地衡量流行病傳播的關(guān)鍵驅(qū)動因素。

      Football fans watch theUEFA Euro 2020 Championshipfinal on 11 July 2021. Digitalcontact tracing in England andWales detected unusually highnumbers of transmissions onthe nations’ respective matchdays, attributable to supportersgathering in homes and pubs aswell as in stadiums. This lowcosttechnology can quickly andaccurately measure key driversof epidemic spread.


      封面圖展示的是2024年日本能登地區(qū)地震后的景象,該次地震震級約為7.5 級,導(dǎo)致能登半島和日本中部地區(qū)發(fā)生大面積地面震動。地震發(fā)生后,包括日本石川縣珠洲市新町地區(qū)在內(nèi)的多處房屋受損。造成地震的斷層系統(tǒng)以復(fù)雜的方式破裂,引發(fā)了一場毀滅性的事件。

      The 2024 Noto earthquake,with a magnitude of about 7.5,resulted in a large amount ofground shaking across the NotoPeninsula and Central Japan.Consequences included damagedhouses in the Shinmachi district,S u z u , I s h i k a w a , J a p a n . T h efault system responsible for theearthquake ruptured in a complexmanner, generating a devastatingevent.



      Micronuclei are frequentlyobserved in tumor cells as aresult of aberrant chromosomalseparation. Martin et al . and DiBona et al . studied the cellularprocesses involved in micronuclearcollapse. The illustration showsh ow r e a c t i v e o x y g e n s p e c i e s(gold glow) released by nearbym i t o c h o n d r i a ( g o l d o v o i d s )p r o m o t e t h e b r e a k d o w n o fmicronuclear envelopes (gray) byhelping to recruit the autophagicreceptor p62 (red).


      A m o u n t a i n c h i c k a d e e(Poecile gambeli ) is rewarded witha sunflower seed from a radiofrequency identification (RFID)-equipped bird feeder. Researchersin the Sierra Nevada used these“smart” bird feeders to testthe spatial cognitive abilities offood-caching chickadees in thewild. Their research shows thatindividual mountain chickadeesw i t h b e t t e r s p a t i a l c o g n i t i v eabilities live longer lives.

      (陶 陶 編譯)

      蒙城县| 汉沽区| 河北省| 钦州市| 墨玉县| 绵竹市| 阜南县| 卓尼县| 永嘉县| 仁寿县| 河东区| 林口县| 三门峡市| 顺平县| 乾安县| 济南市| 南岸区| 安康市| 彭水| 西乌| 财经| 石林| 广西| 拉孜县| 澄江县| 南岸区| 永和县| 图片| 陇川县| 锦屏县| 洪江市| 烟台市| 扬州市| 乌兰察布市| 微博| 琼海市| 合川市| 浦东新区| 花莲市| 舞阳县| 景谷|