




      2025-02-08 00:00:00

      The Spirit of Workers Building Railways Turns into a System in the Mind of a Philosopher:Research on Marx’s The Leading Article in No.179 of the K?lnische Zeitung

      Chen Lidan,Du Jian

      Summary:In July 1842,the Rheinische Zeitung serialized Karl Marx’s first publicly published philosophical essay,“The Leading Article in No.179 of the K?lnische Zeitung”,which clearly demonstrated his materialist philosophical perspective. However,this work has received minimal attention within contemporary academic discourse. The author has translated the original editions of both the Rheinische Zeitung and the K?lnische Zeitung,along with all reports and articles pertinent to the background of this essay. Utilizing an extensive array of contextual literature,the author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the essay from the vantage point of the philosophical conflicts of the period.

      Currently,the scholarly consensus posits that “No.179” inaugurated the polemic between the Rheinische Zeitung and the K?lnische Zeitung. Nevertheless,upon reviewing the original editions of both newspapers,the author discovers that the debate had commenced prior to the publication of this essay,having probably originated from an article entitled “Freedom of Protestant Teaching” published by Rheinische Zeitung editor Moses Hess on June 24,1842,in its No. 175 issue.

      The editorial of the K?lnische Zeitung advocated the exclusion of the Young Hegelians from participation in the newspaper,thereby providing Marx with an opportunity to expound his nascent materialist philosophical viewpoint. Marx engaged himself with this topic,transitioning from discussions of philosophy and the press to the notion of philosophy being firmly grounded,to the universalization of philosophy,and subsequently returning to the press—all while maintaining a steadfast connection to “the times” and “reality.” The author contends that Marx’s article diverges from Hegel’s concept of “constructing reality with the mind.” Instead,Marx demands that philosophy be grounded in practical reality,establishing a philosophical system through the spirit of railway construction wielded by workers’ hands. This is not merely a reflective musing but the incubation of a profound philosophical thinking. Railway construction epitomizes organized large-scale industrial development,markedly distinct from the labor of small-scale artisans. “Railway construction” symbolizes the most advanced productive forces of the era,marking Marx’s first reference to the spirit of laboring workers.

      Marx further explores the “essence of human society” and the “association of free individuals.” This article represents the earliest traceable point of Marx’s idea that “philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point,however,is to change it.” Additionally,it foreshadows his later concepts,including the 1844 proposition of “cultivating human’s gifts in all directions,” the 1845 assertion that “Human nature is the sum of all social relations,” and the 1848 envisioning of a future social “association”.

      Due to the K?lnische Zeitung editorial’s misrepresentation of the relationship between religion and philosophy,No.179 subsequently provides an argument delineating the distinction between philosophy and religion. Marx emphasizes that “The philosophy,the wisdom of the world,has a greater right to concern itself with the realm of this world,with the state,than has the wisdom of the other world,religion.” He asserts that religion ultimately pertains solely to the sensory world,constituting an illusion within the human mind,whereas humans exist within the tangible world. Consequently,the elevation of humanity must necessarily be grounded in reality.

      Finally,the author concurs with Marx’s characterization of his own works during the Rheinische Zeitung period as “socialist literature,” advocating that Marx’s own evaluation of the nature of his writings should serve as a foundation for studying the development of his thought.

      Key words: The Leading Article in No.179 of the K?lnische Zeitung; Karl Marx; Marxist Philosophy; Materialism; Philosophy and newspapers

      An Exchange of Alterity:Translation,World Literature,and Mutual Learning among Civilizations

      Li Dian

      Summary: Any attempt to write or rewrite about the relations between cultures or civilizations must wrestle with the concept of alterity. The theory of alterity,rooted in the Latin word “alter”,which means “the other of the two”,has significantly energized the revival of World Literature as a disciplinary force in literary studies. Alterity,which helps us understand intercultural exchanges,is crucial in various humanities theories.

      Alterity thrives in translation,which inherently seeks otherness by turning one sign into another across linguistic contexts. Translation mediates between sameness and difference,with the translator responsible for presenting alterity. This involves debates on domestication versus foreignization and the construction of alterity as a new semiotic sign. Jacques Derrida and Walter Benjamin offer differing views on translation. Derrida sees translation as an unwieldy process,skeptical of a clear and total meaning transference,while Benjamin views it as a continuation of the original,emphasizing its “afterlife”.

      In contrast,modern Chinese translation theory,influenced by Yan Fu and Lin Shu,often emphasizes fluency and elegance,sometimes suppressing the foreignness of the original text. Lawrence Venuti critiques this “translator’s invisibility”,where the translator’s effort to create transparency conceals the foreignness of the text. Venuti’s insights have shifted translation studies towards viewing translation as a cultural product rooted in its social,historical,and political contexts. This shift has led to the “cultural turn” in translation studies,advocated by scholars like Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere. They argue that translation should focus on its cultural context rather than just linguistic transference.

      Translation is central to World Literature,as it embodies alterity in both theory and practice. For World Literature to remain vibrant,translation must move beyond traditional theories of equivalence,which often equates with sameness. Instead,equivalence should be seen as a dialectic between signs and structures,allowing for the doubling performance of translation as both text and textuality. David Damrosch’s concept of “double refraction” highlights how translation enables new understandings through the interplay of different cultural and textual elements.

      It should be noted that even though translation plays a crucial role in establishing World Literature and enabling intercultural readings,its benefits are not always clear or measurable. Goethe’s experiences of “inventing World Literature” highlight that reading is influenced by cultural positions and values. The driving force behind today’s “World Literature Fever” is no longer any totalizing ideas like Eurocentrism,but rather a comprehensive promotion of alterity. In this regard,as the textual foundation of World Literature,translation should not be a slave to “equivalence theory,” but rather a dynamic exchange of alterity,thereby seeking a permanent dialogue on homogeneity and heterogeneity between different cultures or civilizations.

      Key words:World Literature; Translation; Alterity; Textuality; Worlding

      Compatibility Changes Differences:The Zi-xue Paradigm of Civilization Writing

      Li Jianzhong

      Summary:To study the writing of civilization and the mutual learning between civilizations,the first questions to be asked are several W questions:Who writes? Why to write? How to write? “Who” shapes the subject of writing; “Why” reveals the purpose of writing; “How” indicates the methods of writing. Different answers to these W(who/why/how)questions create specific writing paradigms. In this sense,the Zi-xue concept of Mozi,“Compatibility change the differences”(兼以易別) provides its own paradigm of civilized writing.

      “Compatibility change the differences” comes from the “Universal Love” in Mozi. The three key words “compatibility”(兼),“change”(易),and “difference”(別)contain answers to several W questions related to civilization writing. Compatibility means “transfixion,”“harmony,” and “tao”; difference means “body,”“part,” and “side”; change means “unchanged,”“simplify” and “changeable”. If “compatibility” followed by “difference” is the generation and evolution of the Zi-xue with the way of tao breaking into techniques,then the return from “difference” to “compatibility” is the ontological pursuit and value reconstruction of the Zi-xue paradigm of civilization writing. “Compatibility changes the differences” completes the overall construction of the Zi-xue paradigm of civilization writing in the three senses of “change”:“compatibility doesn’t change the difference” shapes the pluralism and diversity of the Zi-xue paradigm of civilization writing with the subject of “prefer to be me” ; “compatibility simplifies or unifies the difference” is the Confucian classics’ regulation of and influence on the techniques of Zi-xue; “compatibility changes the difference” means that the Zi-xue paradigm of civilization writing can keep growing only through inheritance and innovation. As Zhuangzi said,“Heaven and earth are the same type of references.” In the historical genealogy of civilization writing,“compatibility” refers to Confucian classics,“difference” refers to Zi-xue,“change” refers to historiography,and “compatibility changes the differences” refers to the Zi-xue paradigm of civilization writing.

      The contemporary significance “compatibility changes the differences” in the study of civilization writing and mutual learning lies in how to handle the relationship between “change” and “difference,” how to handle the unity of the “supreme concept” and the diversity of “specific methods,” how to deal with the relationship between “the only supreme concept connecting” and “the three living things,” and how to deal with the relationship between “casting the soul” and “shaping the form” of civilization writing. The metaphysical concept of “compatibility” (or tong通,he和,dao道) shapes the soul of civilization writing,while the underlying “difference”(or ti體,fen分,shu(術)) shapes civilization writing. The different theoretical forms of “change”(yi易:change/unchange/simplify)in different historical periods endow the paradigm of civilization writing with endless vitality.

      Key words:Compatibility change the difference; Civilization writing; Zi-xue paradigm

      The Compilation of Chinese Literary History in the Context of Rewriting the History of Civilization

      Xiao Ruifeng

      Summary: The initiative to “rewriting the history of civilization” has garnered widespread attention and response from academic circles both in China and abroad. Viewing the compilation of Chinese literary history through the lens of this “rewriting of civilization history” could spark some new reflections like whether there are any elements that have been overlooked among the hundreds of existing works on Chinese literary history,which leads to further questions:why it is necessary to rewrite the history of Chinese literature and how it should be done.

      The concept of “the history of Chinese literature” that we commonly use today seems to lack clarity in both its connotations and extension. Logically speaking,it actually refers to the “history of Chinese-language literature”. While most works on the history of Chinese literature include overseas Chinese literature,few of them have elaborated on this subject. In fact,during the period covered by the history of Chinese literature,East Asian countries have produced a vast number of works of Chinese literature from outside China. These works not only share the same linguistic forms and genre conventions as Chinese classical literature but also carry similar historical and cultural connotations. Thus,it is entirely reasonable to regard them as a vibrant and dynamic branch of Chinese literature that has emerged abroad. To take a step back,even if it may not be entirely appropriate to consider overseas Chinese literature as purely Chinese literature,at the very least,it should be included in the scope of research and writing of the history of Chinese literature. This means that when rewriting literary history,it is unreasonable to ignore the important section of overseas Chinese literature. Instead,it is essential to give it a place within the map of the history of Chinese literature,linking it with domestic Chinese literature to form an interconnected,mutually dependent,and inseparable artistic whole. Only by actively expanding this new field of research on overseas Chinese literature can we make it possible to broaden the existing research scope and achieve a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese literature on a larger scale. Moreover,the significance of researching overseas Chinese literature lies in the fact that,with the expansion of this new research boundary,it will deepen and enhance the understanding of Chinese literature originating from the Chinese mainland,which means that not only the “breadth” of research on the history of Chinese literature can be expanded,but also the “depth” of the research can be deepened.

      In short,to achieve a fundamental breakthrough in the compilation of the history of Chinese literature,it is crucial to expand vigorously in both the domestic and overseas spaces. Domestically,ancient literary works written in non-Chinese languages by various ethnic minorities should be included,which helps reflect the completeness and richness of the literary history of contemporary China as a multi-ethnic country. Internationally,Chinese literary works emerged and evolved in East Asian countries should also be listed for research and writing,with the aim of expanding the scope and coverage of Chinese literary history and revealing the influence and inclusiveness of Chinese literature that is primarily in the form of Chinese writing,which reflects the ultimate orientation of constructing a community of shared human destiny to some extent.

      Key words: Rewriting; History of civilization; Literary history; Overseas Chinese literature

      Industrial Transfers to Central and Western China:Current Situation,Motivation and Suggestions

      Liu Zhibiao,Liu Junzhe

      Summary:At present,Europe and the United States are accelerating the transfer of their industries to outside China through financial subsidies,key technology blockades,near-shore outsourcing and other measures. Furthermore,the eastern China is gradually losing its advantage in terms of the cost of land,labor and other factors. At the present stage,China’s industrial transfer is a “two-way transfer”:the outward transfer of the low-end manufacturing and the return of the high-end segment. The existing studies are still controversial as to which of the two trends dominates the inward and outward transfer of domestic industries at this stage. What’s more,few studies have focused on the comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the central and western China with those of the foreign receiving places. The main reason for the controversy is that most of the methods for identifying industrial relocation use relative indicators,instead of absolute indicators such as changes of enterprises’ location.

      Against this background,this paper raises the following questions:In the context of the current global value chain restructuring,has there been a significant outward transfer of domestic industries? What are the major receiving countries? What are the main drivers behind the transfer of domestic industries at this stage? How to cope with the outward transfer of domestic industries? Can the transfer of domestic industries to the central and western China be used as a maneuvering space for China’s development and a hedging mechanism against the outward transfer of industries? To answer these questions,we manually collate the reports of listed companies from 2018 to 2023 to identify the trends of industrial transfer,based on the Wind database,and using information related to enterprises’ location changes,such as newly built projects and production bases,and change of registered address.

      It is found that,the domestic industrial transfer mainly shows the trend of inward rather than outward migration at this stage,i.e.,the central and western China are the main receiving places of domestic industrial transfer. The main drivers of this trend are optimizing strategic allocation of industries in response to the transformation of the domestic factor structure,avoiding the risk of uncertainty,and the guidance of regional development strategies and policy support. There are advantages as well as challenges for central and western China to undertake the transfer of domestic industries:a superior foundation for industrial agglomeration and clustering,with the system of industrial support yet to be enhanced; the generally low cost of production,which is being eroded; relatively favorable transport infrastructure,with the degree of coverage and the level of interconnection yet to be improved; relatively high market potential,with business environment to be optimized. Accordingly,it is proposed that we should pay more attention to safety while taking into account efficiency in the layout of the industrial chain at this stage,cultivate and continuously improve the dynamic competitiveness of the central and western China in undertaking industrial transfer,build a national wide integrated market with inter-regional interconnections to promote the internal relocation of industries,and take multiple measures to optimize the business environment in the central and western China.

      Key words: Industrial transfer; Transformation and upgrading; Industrial and supply-chain security; Central and western China

      Strengthening China’s Export Resilience in the Context of Global Industrial Chain Restructuring:Challenges,Mechanisms,and Approaches

      Huang Xinfei,Guo Ruiqi

      Summary:Within the dual-circulation new development pattern,strengthening the resilience of exports is key to maintaining the stability of international circulation and deepening the level of opening up. The internal revolution in information technology and green energy transition,combined with external trade frictions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,is driving a deep restructuring of global industrial chains. Traditional economic development paths and international competitive landscapes are being rewritten. Against this backdrop,China’s export trade faces numerous challenges:trade protectionism leads to short-term “rush to export” fluctuations and long-term growth suppression; geopolitical risks increase the uncertainty of export layouts; the “bullwhip effect” of supply chains and the outward migration of traditional advantage industries create dual pressures on the supply chain; and there are multiple realistic development bottlenecks during the explosive window period for emerging formats. Global supply chains present new features in vertical production,such as multidimensional factors,short-chain and multi-chain structures,and service upgrades. Horizontally,there is a new situation of normalized sanctions,complex game-play,and strategic competition.

      Export resilience refers to the ability of economic entities to resist external risks and promote recovery and growth in export activities. It is not only a key lever for responding to the current restructuring of global industrial chains,but its construction logic is also influenced by the new characteristics of global industrial chain restructuring. From the perspective of parallel tracks of internal competitive advantages enhancement and external market diversification,China needs to optimize domestically and expand externally,grasping the new orientation for shaping export resilience:Internally,traditional competitive advantages built from factor endowments,professional division,and experience accumulation only form the foundation for development. Currently,emphasis should be placed on strengthening factor collaboration and precise supply-demand matching,relying on platform empowerment to reshape competitive advantages. Externally,given the predicament faced by multilateralism,institutional governance leading to international issues,and increasing digital-green disparity among economies,efforts should be directed towards tapping into the potential of local markets,deepening mutually beneficial relations in multiple fields,seizing early opportunities in emerging industries,and achieving diversified layouts.

      Finally,to build China’s export trade resilience system,drive high-quality economic development,and adapt to the new normal of global industrial chain restructuring,there are a number of practical pathways. First,we should promote the construction of a nationwide unified large market,form a domestic industry gradient transfer ecosystem,deepen the scale application of innovation chains,and drive consumption creation and upgrading to optimize the efficiency of domestic circulation. Second,we should rely on foreign trade agreements,focus on international issues,and deepen multilateral full-industry chain collaboration to enhance participation in international circulation governance and improve the level of institutional openness. Third,we should develop a modern industrial system based on new quality productive forces,deepen the integration of computing power and green electricity,and deploy emerging industries globally to expand effective market growth space. Fourth,we should construct cross-border e-commerce,logistics,and risk warning platforms,explore anti-sanction strategies,strengthen cross-border payment with digital RMB,and improve commodity pricing strategies to demonstrate the institutional advantages of an active government.

      Key words: Global industrial chain restructuring;Export resilience; Digital economy; Green economy

      Caring for Social Reality and Pursuing Human Welfare:An Interpretation of Critique of Judgment

      Xie Dikun

      Summary:Critique of Judgment is the last of Kant’s three major works of critical philosophy. In Kant’s view,through the study of judgment,although the aesthetic judgment with appreciation as the core belongs to the field of experience,there is still a priori principle in this aesthetic judgment governing emotion and reason. Kant pointed out that there is the basis of transcendental philosophy in human reason,emotion and will,and judgment is the intermediate link between understanding and reason in the order of our cognitive ability. Therefore,critical philosophy should include three parts:pure rational criticism,practical rational criticism and judgment criticism.

      Kant emphasized that although aesthetic judgment has obvious personal subjective color,its “purposeless purpose” also has a guiding role,and it guides and regulates other people’s thoughts and behaviors with its pursuit of “idea”. Because of this kind of aesthetic feeling and lofty feeling of self-improvement based on reflection,the human heart will set apart from sensibility and pure natural purposiveness,but strive to pursue and realize the idea that contains higher purposiveness. Kant’s analysis and criticism of judgment not only closed the gap between the concept of nature and the concept of freedom in his philosophy system,but also began to shift from the study of pure metaphysics to the study of social reality,and realized the combination of human nature and human reason and the combination of the idea of beauty and the purposiveness of the world.

      Critique of Judgment not only built a bridge within Kant’s philosophy and constituted a complete critical philosophical thought system,but more importantly,this work concentrated on showing Kant’s concern for social reality,the pursuit of human happiness,and created a precedent of getting rid of metaphysical bondage and actively participating in the transformation of real society. Here,Kant analyzed,criticized and expected the politics,society,international relations,humanity,culture and education of the European society at that time,clearly expressed his determination to carry out the enlightenment to the end,directly opposed the absolute monarchy,and agreed with the republic system. Critique of Judgment not only played an enlightening role at that time,but also had an important and far-reaching influence on the modern intellectual community. More and more thinkers are aware of the changes and importance of Critique of Judgment in Kant’s philosophical system,and philosophers such as Benjamin,Arendt,Habermas,Rawls,Laclau,Stiegler and others have interpreted and developed this work. Inspired by Kant,they continued their exploration in the hope of building an ideal human society. The research achievements of these thinkers have also played a great role in promoting the study of Kant in our academic circles.

      Key words:Judgment; Aesthetic appreciation; Loftiness; Realistic concern; Critique of Judgment; Kant

      Rethinking Jean-Francois Lyotard’s Postmodern Sophistry

      Jiang Yuhui

      Summary:Most of the attention paid by the academic community to Jean-Francois Lyotard is focused on his label of postmodern philosopher,which is biased. This article attempts to provide a new understanding of the development of his thoughts from the two key points of nihilism and the Sophists.

      First of all,nihilism is not just a social trend or a life creed,but has a long tradition in the history of Western thought,and is mainly related to the key themes of “nothingness” and negativity. Therefore,nihilism can be further divided into two basic forms:reduction and the absolute. Lyotard’s own nihilism has roughly experienced a transformation from relative reduction to absolute abyss,and can be summarized as key points such as nothingness,events,and experience. This is also the fundamental difference between his and Nietzsche’s classic definition of nihilism.

      Therefore,this also provides us with useful clues for reinterpreting many of Lyotard’s representative works. The disputes and transformations between heterogeneous language games in La Condition Postmoderne and the in-depth elaboration of “silence” and “dommage” in Le Différend are all concentrated manifestations of his absolute and abyssal nihilism. But this also leads to two further questions:Based on the background of negativity,how can we make positive judgments? What kind of subject of thinking and action can be shaped by such judgments?

      For the first question,Lyotard derived the basic idea of “judgment without criteria” through his reinterpretation of Kant. This has largely broken through the paradigm of Kant’s third critique,and further demonstrated the absolutely negative feature of creation “out of nothing.” For the second question,the close connection between Lyotard and the Sophists is more worthy of attention. In La Condition Postmoderne,the question of “who is judging” has already been highlighted,and in works such as Moralités postmodernes,“L’anima minima” and its traumatic experience have often become the focus of discussion. But the most representative and summary response he gave is the dialogue collection Just Gaming. Here,Lyotard not only combines the background of Western intellectual history and carefully analyzes the many characteristics of the so-called “paganism” represented by the Sophists,but also brings these historical resources back to the current reality,trying to restart the potential for critical reflection and positive action contained therein. The seemingly ancient wisdom techniques,such as reTorsion,ruse,kairos,and so on,are reborn again and may become a powerful opportunity for philosophical judgment in the postmodern era.

      Key words: Jean-Francois Lyotard; Post-modernism; Wisdom techniques; Nihilism; Judgement; Le différend

      Concealment or Execution:The Ontological Difference in Being and Time

      Ma Fei

      Summary:The difference between Being and beings is termed by Heidegger as the ontological difference,which holds great significance in his thought. However,a long-standing debate exists over whether Heidegger’s magnum opus Being and Time contains the ontological difference. Addressing this question,the French phenomenologist Marion,through detailed textual analysis,argues that Being and Time does articulate the “ontological difference.” Yet,Marion’s attitude toward the “ontological difference” in Being and Time is critical. On the one hand,focusing on Heidegger’s “second breakthrough” in phenomenology following Husserl,Marion contends that the distinction between Dasein and reality in Heidegger’s work can be traced back to the differentiation between consciousness and reality in Husserl’s. The “ontological difference,” in this view,combines elements pertaining to ontic states and ontological concerns. On the other hand,the tripartite structure of the question of Being introduced at the beginning of Being and Time conflicts irreconcilably with the binary nature of the ontological difference. The ontological difference is thereby fragmented into two levels:the difference between Dasein as a unique being and the Being of beings,and the difference between the Being of beings and the meaning of Being. This dual fragmentation,stemming from the tripartite structure of the question of Being,ultimately prevents a reduction to the classic ontological difference between Being and beings,as what is interrogated in the question of Being—namely,Dasein hinders such a reduction. However,if Dasein’s existence execute difference on multiple levels,and if the understanding of Being,as the possibility of the ontological difference,is rooted in Dasein’s temporality,then the existential analytic in Being and Time can be interpreted as the explicit execution of the ontological difference. Dasein stands “between” being and beings,but this “between” is not a pre-existing domain. Rather,it is opened up through Dasein’s existence,wherein the unfolding and manifestation of difference are multilayered. These layers of difference,as specific expressions of the ontological difference,are unified within it,revealed rather than excluded. For the ontological difference,the existential analytic signifies the conceptual clarification of the distinction between Being and beings,which is already implicitly understood in existence. The ontological difference,as formal-indicated,progressively gains its executed significance through the deepening of the existential analytic and is fulfilled in the primordial temporality of Dasein.

      Key words: Ontological difference; Being and Time; Dasein; Execution; Heidegger; Marion

      The Interdisciplinarity in Literary Studies:Rethinking Knowledge and Discipline

      Wang Xiaolu

      Summary:Literary studies as a subfield of the humanities since the modern period has been categorized into the productive mode of discipline-systemizing,involving the relevant issues of knowledge attribute,function and discipline structure as well as interdisciplinary approaches. Literary writing and literary studies not only provide people with an entrance to the exploration of possible worlds and present different cognitive functions,but also make up for the scope of deterministic knowledge as well. Literature, as a specialized knowledge within a discipline,has been related to national language,transformation of cultural tradition,advancement of modern education and the development of literary studies itself. The advantage of discipline-based approach will bring about an in-depth and systematic development of all the specialized knowledge while making the transfer of the given knowledge more specialized in higher education. It is true that all kinds of expertise are improved in such a disciplinary-systemizing process; however,to a large extent,the artificial boundaries between subfields formed by disciplines would be solidified,which would not be conducive to the crossover,transfer and reference of relevant knowledge between disciplines. This is especially true for the effective study of literary texts with vivid imagery and linguistic encoding,whose specific forms and nature of knowledge have led directly to the historic emergence of interdisciplinary approaches. In view of the long-term expansion of literary studies in a discipline-based way,the issues of knowledge,discipline and interdisciplinarity in this subfield have become definitely unavoidable.

      As both literary writing and literary studies connote the complicated cultural and knowledge factors integrated within history,they are not the result of intentional activities of the individual only,because the former remains in relation with writing signs,cultural tradition,perception and certain aesthetic quality in historical periods while the latter,however,covers the factors of textual milieu,research resources,mode of communication and cross-cultural experience beside the aesthetic analyses of the textual encoding. Therefore,the advancement of literary studies is always accompanied by the intersection and convergence of various elements such as language,history,culture,society,and concepts,which objectively requires the continuous deepening of interdisciplinary methodology. Grasping the intellectual characteristics and interdisciplinary methods of literary studies will make the academic rationality of this subfield more prominent,and at the same time,it will also inspire researchers to constantly break the disciplinary framework,pay attention to the intellectual resources of different language features,cultural traditions and different disciplines,and produce a real sense of knowledge integration at the intersection of cultures. Rethinking the basic issues of knowledge,discipline,and interdisciplinarity in literary studies will not only be conducive to highlighting the intellectual orientation of this field,but also help people break the inherent boundaries and see through the multiple integration characteristics of knowledge-oriented and cognitive types contained in it,so as to provide the insights for Chinese scholars today under the premise of knowledge sharing.

      Key words: Literary Studies; Knowledge; Discipline; Interdisciplinarity

      What Do We Mean by Interdisciplinarity? Addressing the Problem of Interdisciplinary Literary Studies Through Reviewing the History of English Studies

      Chen Houliang

      Summary:At the end of the 19th century,while English was widely established as a subject of study in British and American universities,its object of study and research methods had yet to be established. Unlike the literary discipline that would come into being later,it was primarily a philological pursuit that combined linguistics,ethnic culture,and historical knowledge. The emergence of New Criticism in early 20th century marked a pivotal moment in the development of English studies,reshaping it from multiple perspectives to establish itself as a field exclusively for professional literary critics. However,the New Criticism overly emphasized the purity of literary research in terms of methodology and focus,neglecting its social function. Consequently,the breaking of disciplinary boundaries and the move towards an interdisciplinary era became inevitable. From the 1980s,various critical theories focused on different aspects of Western social and cultural structures,transforming literary studies within the academy into cultural and political critiques that had significant impacts on society. While many of these critiques originated from reading and critical practices within the English department,they have had wide-ranging interdisciplinary impacts and have significantly reshaped the disciplinary landscape. Generally speaking,the century-long development of English studies represents a process of continuous separation from and entanglement with non-literary disciplines.

      A review of this process can help us make a balanced judgment on the response strategies and expected effects of the current trend of interdisciplinary research in literary studies. The interdisciplinary study of literature,as commonly understood,mainly encompasses three aspects:interdisciplinary methodologies,cross-disciplinary research objects,and transdisciplinary social functions. By examining the century-long development of the English discipline,we can observe that interdisciplinary methodologies have always been a characteristic of literary criticism. However,the introduction of cross-disciplinary research objects may indeed challenge the legitimacy of literary studies,and we should approach it with caution. The pursuit of transdisciplinary social functions within literary criticism may be the true driving force behind the current trend of interdisciplinary research. It is essential to neither simply oppose this trend nor have unrealistic expectations. In many ways,literary criticism has always been interdisciplinary,disregarding disciplinary boundaries in terms of research interests and methods,and preferring to examine literature from various perspectives. Yet,there exists an intangible relationship between the knowledge it acquires and the real world. While it takes an interdisciplinary approach to literature,it does not seek to replace such disciplines as law,sociology,pathology,or cartography,which are more “substantial” in nature. Instead,it aims to enhance our understanding and comprehension of history,life,and the world through a thought-provoking lens. If one truly intended to generate “substantial” knowledge through interdisciplinary methods,it would risk exposing the limitations of literary criticism. However,by embracing an interdisciplinary approach,literary studies can enrich our understanding of the world,offering an intriguing perspective that complements other disciplines.

      Key words: Interdisciplinarity; Literary criticism; English as an academic discipline; Disciplinary specialization

      The Mirror of the Times:Epistolary Culture in Early Modern England and Epistolary Narrative in Shakespeare’s King Lear

      Tang Ping

      Summary:As a type of written discourse with a long history,epistles were widely used in early modern England and fashioned the prominent epistolary culture. In the Renaissance drama,letters appeared not only as props,but also as mirrors of the age. William Shakespeare ingeniously demonstrates the perfect integration of epistle as the medium of discourse and stage performance. King Lear is one of the most letter-heavy in his works. There are eight letters interweaving the fifteen scenes in the play,creating suspense and plot twist and developing the story. These letters link the two parallel threads of the tragedy of King Lear and Earl of Gloucester,weave together the individual and group events,integrate multi-narrative structure,and construct a dramatic space full of real and fictional tension,demonstrating the playwright’s superb epistolary narrative strategy.

      Based on the historical context of early modern English epistolary culture,this paper focuses on the three key letters in King Lear—Edmund’s forged letter,Cordelia’s secret letter and Goneril’s love letter,and attempts to explore the interactive relationship between epistle’s “authenticity,” mobility and self-reflection and the construction and destruction of the character’s subjective discourse. It aims to reveal Shakespeare’s intention to implant the “text within a text” via letters in this play. Although Edmund has been marginalized by society and his family as an illegitimate son of Earl of Gloucester,he cunningly climbs the social ladder by forging a letter. Lear’s youngest daughter Cordelia,who is married to King of France,sends a secret letter to loyal Kent in England,which gradually changes from a “l(fā)ove test” of rescuing Lear to a declaration of war for the political struggles. As a medium of information dissemination,letters blur the boundaries between the private and the public,between family and politics. Due to the mobility and delays in the unstable and risky postal routes,Cordelia unfortunately falls into the victim of her secret and deadly letter. Goneril’s love letter to Edmund testifies her passionate writing,her desperate chasing and ultimate destruction of her ambition and desires in the patriarchal society. The subversive content of her epistle and its circulation in the real and imaginary spaces show mutual construction between epistolary culture and the discourse of gender power at that time.

      Shakespeare not only highlights the salient features of early modern English epistolary culture that letters are easy to be forged,stolen,and intercepted,but also transforms letters from private texts as voices of individuals into potentially dangerous and influential social texts to connect personal fate and family ties closely with social and political power,ethics and morality,and gender discourse. Undoubtedly,King Lear vividly reflects the social reality of early modern England.

      Key words: Early modern England; Epistolary culture; Shakespeare; King Lear; Epistolary narrative

      The Growth of the New Youth:May Fourth Movement and the Birth of the Chinese Modern Novel

      Song Mingwei

      Summary:After the May Fourth Movement,the anti-traditional cultural stance was clearly written into the discourse of youth,and the image of the “New Youth” marked a turning point in the Chinese youth movement. Taking Ye Shengtao’s Ni Huanzhi as the subject for case study,this article explores how the growth of the new generation of young people has helped construct the Chinese growth novels. Through a historical study of the youth discourse constructed by the New Youth magazine,it analyzes the cultural expression of enlightenment ideals and explains how the “New Youth,” as transmitters of enlightenment culture,inspires educated youth to shape themselves. Ni Huanzhi narrates the individual development and spiritual history of the new youth in a retrospective manner,establishing a classic plot of modern Chinese growth novels:The protagonist’s gradual engagement in social actions hopefully leads him to achieve his lofty ideals. However,this process is always interrupted,and a series of setbacks dim his ideals,plunging him into an infinite cycle of hope and disillusionment.

      The term “New Youth” was the collective reference to a new generation of Chinese youth who answered its call to turn against their patriarchs during the 1910s and 1920s. The self-fashioning of the new youth generation motivated the beginning of a new type of literary writing,which culminated in the rise of the Chinese Bildungsroman that centered on the construction of the new youth identity with reference to a new historical consciousness,with both the personal development of the protagonist and national rejuvenation combined in one plot that unfolds as a process of writing youth into history.

      This article traces the ascent of the Chinese Bildungsroman in the context of the rise and decline of the New Culture Movement. My discussion focuses on the earliest full-length novel,Ni Huanzhi by Ye Shengtao,that depicts the life of the new youth. The novel was written in the late 1920s,nearly a decade after the peak of the New Culture Movement,and my central argument is that the self-reflective narrative with a retrospective timeframe constitutes the main characteristic of this new genre in Chinese literature. While striving to keep alive youthful idealism,this genre also presents heightened conflicts between self and society,ideal and reality.

      This article looks into the historical conditions and literary form of Ni Huanzhi,which first presents an effort to historicize the story of a new youth,a process that would be continued by Mao Dun’s early novels. The necessity of narrating the growth of young people is due to the fact that the new generation of young people have already aged and have gained experiences that have become the “past”. But for Mao Dun,the more urgent task is to recognize the ever-changing face of young people in the current historical changes. He yearns for a way to break the cycle of beginning and end,with the aim of illuminating the present itself.

      Key words: New Youth; May 4th Movement; Ni Huanzhi; Modern fiction

      Viewing and the Spatialization of Meaning:The White-haired Girl in the English-speaking World

      Yu Wanting

      Summary: As a signature of socialist literature and art,the signification of the cross-cultural dissemination and reception of The White-haired Girl went beyond the work itself and helped shape the overall impression of socialist literature and art,and even of socialism,outside China. Although reviews in the English-speaking world basically recognized The White-haired Girl as a masterpiece,its reception among Western audience was not completely consistent with that of Chinese audience.

      This article extracts and analyzes the differences between the reviews of The White-haired Girl in the English-speaking world and the opinions of the Chinese academic circle to discern the nuances in the evolution of its meaning during its cross-cultural dissemination. When The White-haired Girl crossed culturally boundaries,the audience’s view also became spatialized. The space of the contemporary events,cultural space and meaning space endowed the cross-boundary forms different “spatialized” meanings. During the War of Liberation,western audience viewed the work within the space of the contemporary events,understanding the situation of that time through theatrical events. The western audience’s spatialized viewing of the work contained at least four perspectives:viewing the performance,viewing the audience,viewing the environment and viewing themselves. After the war,the connection between the content of the work and social events loosened,and more criticism focused on the artistic forms that provided a “sense of astonishment.” Interpreters were keen to pursue the regional significance of special forms. This was especially reflected in the comments on the new opera and the ballet,the two most innovative artistic forms of The White-haired Girl. The cultural space had surpassed the space of social events to become the main factor influencing the generation of meaning. Compared with the rapid changing space of social events and infinitely diverse cultural space,the meaning space had a certain stability and a more profound influence on the vertical axis of time and the horizontal axis of space.

      The White-haired Girl provides a combination of three discourses:women’s emancipation,resistance against foreign aggression and class struggle,but the effect of international dissemination of these three discourses was decreasing. The most universal discourse was women’s emancipation. The White-haired Girl,as an official image of woman in revolutionary China,became an international icon of “emancipated women.” Women’s emancipation was the most powerful space of meaning driving the international dissemination of The White-haired Girl. When The White-haired Girl crossed cultural boundaries,it underwent a process of deterritorialization from the Chinese context and then a process of reterritorialization in the global political-cultural context. Yan’an Literature and Art represented by The White-haired Girl left Western audience an impression of “astonishing forms” and “shocking content,” transforming the Western impression of a “barbaric China” to a “civilized China”.

      Key words: The White-haired Girl; English-speaking world; Spatialization; Viewing; Meaning

      The Acceptance and Judgment of Civil Lawsuits by the Confucius Mansion in Ming Dynasty

      Wu Peilin

      Summary:The Confucius Mansion,also known as the Mansion of Duke Yanshenggong,was a special institution in Ming and Qing dynasties,which was entitled corresponding judicial discretion as a government office similar to the Yamen at county and prefecture levels. And,as the “first family in the world”,the Confucius Mansion led the Kong family system. Therefore,a study of the Confucius Mansion helps understand the connection between the Yamen and important clans in the Ming-Qing period.

      The scope of civil cases the Confucius Mansion handled covered disputes within the Kong clan,between members of the Kong clan and other clans,between households under the jurisdiction of the Kong family,and among descendants of other sages in the Ming dynasty. The lawsuits of the Confucius Mansion were similar to those handled by magistrates and prefects,all conducted in the form of litigation documents,usually including complaints,petitions,and mutual accusations.

      Once the litigation was approved for filing by the Confucius Mansion,it immediately entered the inspection and trial process. The documents mainly consist of three types; tickets,pleadings,and guarantees. The tickets issued by the Confucius Mansion were divided into detention tickets and execution tickets. The former was used to summon the parties to the Confucius Mansion for interrogation while the latter was used by the ticket attendants to execute the ruling of the Confucius Mansion. A pleading referred to the responsibilities of those who were aware of the case to assist in its investigation,and they usually reported their information of the case or investigation results to the Confucius Mansion in the form of a petition document. A guarantee indicated a document issued by a relevant person within a certain period of time,which represented their responsibilities for guaranteeing certain actions,financial resources,or the quality of goods for the purpose of guarantee.

      There were similarities and differences between the lawsuits accepted by the Confucius Mansion and those treated by counties and prefectures. They were relatively similar in terms of litigation strategy and the cessation of litigation during farming seasons,but there were differences in the form of litigation papers,limitations on the number of litigants,and the use of baogao. The yamen at counties and prefectures began to use grid paper with limited word count after the mid-Ming dynasty,while the Confucius Mansion used rectangular blank paper. Generally,counties and prefectures often limited the number of defendants and witnesses to prevent innocent people from being implicated,but the Confucius Mansion seemed to have no such strict regulations. The counties stipulated that gentry,the elderly,the young,the disabled,and women must use baogao,but this did not exist in the judicial practice of the Confucius Mansion.

      The adjudication of the Confucius Mansion,especially the power of handling disputes among the Kong clan by the duke of Yanshenggong,had been repeatedly granted and consistently supported by the court. It can be seen from the existing archives that the Confucius Mansion did not have independent forms such as tangyu,shenyu,or shendan as seen in local records during the Qing dynasty. Instead,most of the documents were shown in the form of zhuang. In addition,the ticket which functioned as execution can also reflect the judgments of the Confucius Mansion.

      In short,the Confucian Mansion was a semi-official institution similar to yamen rather than a typical family organization,in the Ming dynasty. There were similarities and uniqueness in the acceptance and adjudication of minor cases between the Confucian Mansion and yamen. The “dual responsibility of one person” determined the judicial characteristics of the “mixed system of family bureaucracy” in the Confucian Mansion.

      Key words: Ming dynasty; the Confucian Mansion; Civil disputes; Acceptance; Judgment

      The Establishment and Evolution of Stick Punishment as a Formal Penalty in Ancient China:Centered on the Integration and Interaction of Agricultural and Pastoral Cultures

      Zhang Chunhai

      Summary:From the Qin dynasty on,bian (鞭),chi (笞),and zhang (杖)had been three types of punishments with the same or similar functions. The Five Punishments mainly involved the use of corporal punishment to harm limbs,basically different from the “Four Punishments” of exile,redemption,bian (鞭) and pu (撲). The essence of corporal punishment was to expel criminals from the community,but those who were punished with bian,chi,and zhang still retained their membership in the community and were allowed to stay within the community. As penalties,the Five Punishments were applicable to people of other ethnic groups,while bian,chi,and zhang belonged to the category of “ritual” and were suitable for people within the ruler’s own ethnic group. Whether employed in the family or in the country,the main purpose of bian,chi,and zhang was to teach a lesson,so they were both for discipline and for official punishment. At the same time,determined by factors such as location,purpose,function,and scope of implementation,they were secondary rather than primary punishments,which were significantly different from the Five Punishments that served as primary punishments.

      Emperor Wen of Han’s reform of the penal system is widely regarded as a key turning point in the ancient Chinese penal system. This reform elevated the punishment of chi from a “statutory secondary punishment” to a “statutory primary punishment”,making it quite different from the bian,chi,and zhang that were previously used as a teaching and official punishment. However,due to lack of experience and inadequate consideration,this reform ended in failure.

      The bian and zhang punishments were upgraded from secondary punishments to primary punishments,which began with the legal reform of Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei.

      When Emperor Xiaowen personally formulated laws and regulations,he referenced the Five Punishments recorded in Confucian classics such as the Book of Documents. The Sinicization reform faced numerous obstacles,which required the clever integration of farming and nomadic traditions.

      In nomadic societies,bian and zhang punishments were also used as light punishments. Therefore,Emperor Xiaowen attached them to the Confucian classics as official punishment and disciplinary punishment,and incorporated them into the legal code,becoming two of the five formal punishments in the imperial code.

      Although bian and zhang punishments were legally defined as light punishments,under the influence of the nomadic culture’s emphasis on heavy punishment,bian and zhang punishments had gradually shown a trend towards heavy punishment and even death penalty in actual execution. In the Sui and Tang dynasties,the use of zhang punishment became increasingly incompatible with agricultural society,leading to a widespread phenomenon of using zhang punishment to kill people. In order to solve this problem,the imperial government took various regulatory measures. After the clarification of concepts and standardization of practice,zhang punishment officially entered the national judicial system and became a form of execution for the death penalty. At the same time,the system and practice of imposing zhang punishment as additional punishment during the execution of imprisonment and exile began to emerge.

      The zhang punishment as an additional punishment may seem light,but in reality,it was very heavy,with a punishment intensity far exceeding that of the main punishment. In fact,imprisonment and exile had become additional punishments of the zhang punishment. This was actually a return to the punishment system of the Han,Wei,and Southern dynasties.

      Key words: Stick punishment; Emperor Xiaowen; Sinicization; Nomadic culture

      An Examination of the News Industry in Kangshu of Xikang Province

      Wang Lüping

      Summary:Xikang Province was established on January 1,1939,with Kangding as its capital. The province was divided into three regions:Kangshu,Ningshu,and Yashu. These three regions differed significantly in their natural conditions and cultural environments,each developing distinct characteristics in their news industries. Kangshu,corresponding to today’s Garzê Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province,is located entirely on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Its residents are primarily Tibetan,who follow Tibetan Buddhism. The region had a strong religious atmosphere,with its population living scattered,impoverished,and isolated lives. A theocratic system of governance prevailed in the area,with lamas and tribal leaders serving as local rulers. In such a society,there was little communication between people,and both subjective and objective conditions for developing a news industry were lacking.

      Historically,Sichuan witnessed numerous wars,which inevitably affected the Kangshu area. The Qing government launched several military campaigns to suppress rebellions in Sichuan,leading to population decline and land desolation. The government thus encouraged migration to Sichuan from other provinces,leading to the influx of migrants from Hubei,Hunan,Guangdong,Guangxi and other provinces. Some Qing soldiers who entered Sichuan chose to stay after the wars. While wars caused destruction,they also facilitated extensive communication and integration. Foreign missionaries entered Sichuan in the early and middle Qing period,introducing new ideas and broadening the horizons of Kangding’s isolated population. During the Republic of China era,the National Revolutionary Army governed Sichuan,further breaking the stagnation and isolation of Kangshu society.

      When the War against Japanese Aggression broke out in 1937,propaganda activities to mobilize national resistance became unprecedentedly active,even reaching the border areas. Local people’s enthusiasm for national affairs surged. With the Nationalist government relocating from Nanjing to the wartime capital Chongqing(then part of Sichuan),many organizations and individuals moved to Sichuan,including renowned figures,scholars,and intellectual youth who came to Chengdu and Kangding. From 1939 when Xikang Province was established,Kangding experienced a population boom,becoming a military-political hub and a cultural center. The rapid development of the city accumulated abundant information sources and the number of news readers increased,creating the material conditions and talent needed for information dissemination,inevitably fostering the rise of mass communication media.

      During the ten years from 1939 to 1949,Kangshu launched over 50 newspapers and periodicals,developing a news industry with a significant scale and readership,which highlighted the unique trajectory of its news industry’s emergence and development. This uniqueness is evident in its particularly lengthy gestation process and the fact that external forces—especially the War against Japanese Aggression and the establishment of Xikang Province—played a key role in its explosive growth. However,most newspapers and periodicals in Kangshu were published by government agencies,with privately-run newspapers struggling to survive,reflecting the industry’s passivity and singularity. The imbalanced development of Kangshu’s news industry is also notable,with 99% of its publications produced in Kangding. The prosperity of Kangding’s news industry failed to create a ripple effect,leaving other areas without a comparable development in press publications.

      Key words: Xikang Province; Kangshu; News industry; History of journalism

      The Substantive Judgment Rules of the Objective Scope of Illegal Gains in Criminal Law

      Yang Jun

      Summary:The concept of illegal gains is crucial in criminal law,but there exist numerous divergences in its objective scope of judgment among the theoretical and practical circles. These disagreements primarily stem from the insufficient consideration of the substantive basis of illegal gains,manifesting in two phenomena:one is neglecting the analysis of the substantive basis and hoping to establish the judgment rules of the objective scope of illegal gains based on other grounds than its substantive basis; the other is dogmatically applying other substantive grounds outside the substantive basis of illegal gains to the judgment of its objective scope. This inadequacy determines that the judgment of the objective scope of illegal gains in criminal law cannot simply rely on formal rules such as the gross amount theory,net profit theory,relative gross amount theory,or unnecessity theory,but must be based on its substantive structure.

      Depending on the context in which they appear,illegal gains in criminal law can be divided into two substantive types:illegal gains serving as a basis for criminal punishment and illegal gains serving as non-punitive disposal objects. The substantive judgment rules of the objective scope of illegal gains in criminal law should be established according to the basic provisions of both types.

      On the one hand,illegal gains serving as a basis for criminal punishment should meet the two basic requirements of “being able to represent the infringement of legal interests” and “being attributable to the constitutive behavior.” This means that only those gains that can prove the infringement of legal interests protected by criminal law and can be attributed to the constitutive behavior can be regarded as illegal gains serving as a basis for criminal punishment. Based on this,legitimate behavioral gains,crime costs,criminal tools,gains from other crimes,incidental gains of criminals,and post-crime gains of criminals should all be excluded.

      On the other hand,illegal gains serving as non-punitive disposal objects should be based on the fundamental requirement of “illegally intolerable gains arising from the causal process of infringement of legal interests.” This type of illegal gains includes not only the direct proceeds of crimes and their equivalent conversions but also the value increment of some criminal gains. Among them,whether the value increment of criminal proceeds belongs to illegal gains needs to be judged according to the way in which the criminal gains are used. The value increment obtained from lending,financial speculation,purchasing labor with criminal gains,as well as the value increment obtained from the identity and qualifications derived from criminal gains,should be deemed as illegal gains. Therefore,interest from criminal gains,profits from stock market and real estate investments,gains from money laundering,earnings from employing workers,and salaries obtained from buying official positions can all be recognized as illegal gains,while gains created by criminals through normal labor should be excluded. Of course,when criminals invest significant legitimate labor in pursuing the value increment of criminal gains,the confiscated illegal gains can be partially retained according to the average wage level of urban workers in their region or the part of their production and operation activities that exceeds the average social profit.

      Key words: Illegal gains; Substantive judgment; Profits arising from illegal gains; Value increasement of capital; Labor

      Approaches to Building an Independent Knowledge System of Criminal Jurisprudence:A Discussion Focused on Criminal Law Textbooks

      Yin Yi

      Summary:The current research paradigm in Chinese criminal jurisprudence primarily revolves around “comparative research”,and most domestic criminal law scholars have invariably adopted a student-like posture in introducing foreign theoretical discourse,making it difficult for local theoretical discourse to go global. In the process of building an independent knowledge system of criminal jurisprudence,China needs to gradually extricate itself from dependence on foreign theories and establish indigenous,authoritative,and explanatory criminal law theories using its own vocabulary and materials. As an important carrier of criminal jurisprudence theories,textbooks of criminal jurisprudence mark the completeness and autonomy of a country’s criminal law theory. This paper takes textbooks from the implementation of the Criminal Law in 1979 to the present as the observation object,and employs the Delphi method to examine the theoretical patterns of Chinese scholarship in different historical development stages.

      It is found that there are still two major issues within the knowledge system of Chinese criminal jurisprudence. Firstly,the production and creation of the knowledge system of Chinese criminal jurisprudence are still limited to the path of transplantation and reference,and have not demonstrated sufficient autonomy. Secondly,it has yet to diverge from the academic path of treating the ideologies and systems of the former Soviet Union,Germany,Japan,Britain,and the United States as the standard. Although some scholars have reflected on this process,a “self-centered” value orientation has not yet taken shape. Furthermore,this paper proposes to construct an independent knowledge system of Chinese criminal jurisprudence from four aspects. First,we must return to the subject consciousness and promote the actual development of Chinese society and the construction of the rule of law,with the ultimate goal of solving practical problems in China. We must focus on building a legal discourse system with Chinese characteristics and promote the localization of legal knowledge. Second,based on the China’s national conditions,we should delve into judicial practice,extracting universal and representative issues from vivid cases. The research outcomes should provide guidance for judicial practice,solve practical problems,and promote the improvement and development of the legal system. Third,while maintaining openness to the outside world,we should actively absorb and integrate advanced concepts and practical experiences of legal studies from various countries around the world,and construct a common legal system that has both Chinese characteristics and is in line with international standards. Fourth,we should construct a self-consistent independent knowledge system and develop classic textbooks. This requires the close integration of these efforts with China’s specific reality and excellent traditional culture on the basis of critical reference,to form a criminal law knowledge system with Chinese characteristics. We should focus on the needs of China’s national conditions and judicial practice,innovate the existing knowledge system mainly characterized by transplantation,and construct a theoretical framework closely connected with China’s judicial practice,thus providing a solid theoretical foundation for China’s legal construction and legal education,and also contributing Chinese wisdom to global legal research.

      Key words: Textbooks; Criminal jurisprudence; Independent knowledge system; Localization of knowledge

      The Trend of “Sacred Labor” and the “Labor” Orientation of May Fourth New Literature

      Ren Jie

      Summary: After Cai Yuanpei officially put forward the slogan “Labor is sacred” in 1918,a social trend quickly emerged that revered the value of labor and paid attention to labor issues. The emergence of this ideological trend was closely related to the rise and development of anarchism,pan-laborism,and the New Village Movement,exerting a tremendous influence on culture,ideology,politics,and various other aspects of society at that time. Prompted by the “Labor is sacred” ideological trend,new literature authors who sought to transform society through literature began to focus on labor. They not only advocated the value of labor and promoted the labor-is-sacred idea in their beliefs,but also made efforts to depict labor in various aspects,making it a fundamental theme of new literature. The numerous depictions of labor concerned not only the lives of workers or social conditions,but also the creative concepts and overall landscape of new literature,and even the fundamental question of what made new literature new.

      Within the overall ideological trend of “Labor is sacred,” the May Fourth New Literature included descriptions of the poor living conditions of workers,as well as imaginations of a new life with workers as the main body. It is particularly noteworthy that the new literature was full of tributes and praises to the “sacred” workers,which was unprecedented in the entire history of Chinese literature. Furthermore,whether adopting an enlightener’s stance to show sympathy and compassion for workers,or promoting workers from a self-deprecating mindset,new-style writers and intellectuals all regarded workers as an important force for social change. They paid attention to the situation of workers in literary creation,strongly advocated the value of their labor,and continuously elevated their social status. These depictions of labor not only revealed the hardships of workers and the poverty of their lives,but also often highlighted the moral and value-based nobility of the worker group,which became a prominent theme in later labor writings.

      In portraying the difficulties of workers’ lives and emphasizing their moral nobility,the new literature demonstrated a strong social critique. In addition,new-style intellectuals also dedicated themselves to exploring or presenting ways to overcome difficulties in literary practice,and it was in this context that the concept of class struggle widely entered literary writing from the political sphere. The numerous depictions of labor revealed the general tendency of the May Fourth New Literature:looking downward,valuing manual laborers,highlighting a populist tone,rejecting authority,and breaking down hierarchical differences. It would be more accurate to say that the evolution of new literature itself coincided with the “Labor is sacred” ideological trend,rather than being influenced by it,forming a mode of literary writing with “l(fā)abor” as its core.

      Key words: Sacred laborer; May Fourth New Literature; Laborer-oriented

      Mutual Learning Among Civilizations and Translation of Instrumental Music:Taking as an Example the Translation of Chinese Opera Elements into Piano Music

      Wang Chen

      Summary:In the localization of Western music in China and globalization of traditional Chinese music,musical instruments are important carriers for Chinese and Western music to break through language barriers,to communicate between each other,and to achieve innovations. How to use Western musical instruments for Chinese expression is also an important path for the exploration and development of Chinese music. Chinese opera and piano art are the most representative artistic quintessence of Chinese and Western music cultures,respectively. Originated from the ancient primitive song and dance,Chinese opera is a comprehensive stage art with a long history. As the crystallization of national traditional culture,it embodies the aesthetic psychology of the nation and contains profound philosophical enlightenment. Chinese composers consciously introduce opera music elements into their piano creations,resulting in the exchange,collision and integration of different artistic fields,forms and cultures between China and the West,and the translation of each other’s musical languages. This path can not only re-stimulate the artistic vitality of traditional opera,but also promote the complementary advantages of the two art forms,the exchange and mutual learning of the aesthetics of Chinese and Western cultures and civilizations,and the diversified and national expression of modern music. Based on the theory of translation,this paper attempts to clarify the theory,reasons and feasibility of the translation of opera elements in Chinese piano music as a whole,tries to refine the effective path and method of translation,analyzes the new artistic aesthetic characteristics that each of the opera elements and piano music gives to each other in the complementarity,and further investigates the internal relationship between instrumental music translation and mutual learning between civilizations,hoping to provide more references for the theory and practice of current and future music creation.

      This article consists of three parts. The first part discusses the theoretical construction of mutual learning between civilizations and instrumental music translation,and expounds the feasibility,necessity and contemporary value of translating traditional Chinese opera into piano music. The second part analyzes in detail the path of translating opera into piano music through specific case analysis and summary,that is,combining the connotation of traditional Chinese culture and the public’s aesthetic entertainment needs,and allowing piano music to create and display imitations of sound,form,and spirit in traditional Chinese opera. Finally,this paper expounds the aesthetic complementarity and mutual learning of civilizations in the translation of instrumental music,discusses the comprehensive traditional aesthetics and cultural consciousness behind the skills presented in the process of translating opera elements into piano music and arouses more realistic thinking. Through the analysis and interpretation of the translation of Chinese opera elements into piano music,this paper further explores how to better shape the concrete and material image of Chinese civilization,in order to continuously deepen aesthetic integration and cultural mutual learning in the process of constructing a localized music spiritual matrix.

      Key words: Mutual learning among civilizations; Chinese piano music; Chinese opera; Nationalization; Translation


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