- Six-year-old boy seeks smiles
1182.png海詞積累1. nightmare /?na?tme?(r)/ n. 噩夢It is every kid’s worstnightmareand sixyear-old Jaden Hayes has lived it twice. First he lost his dad when he was four and then last month his mom died unexpectedly in her sleep.“I tried
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- How many hours do top students study every day?
1534.png海詞積累1. credit /?kred?t/ n. 學(xué)分;貸款;信用3. adequate /??d?kw?t/ adj. 足夠的;合乎需要的4. distraction /d??str?k∫n/ n. 分散注意力的事In college, I encountered a rule of thumb: For everycredithour per week, you should be studying two to three hou
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- Copying WeChat,can Facebook make it?
1102.png海詞積累1. sketch /sket∫/ v. 畫素描2. commission /k??m?∫n/ n. 傭金3. innovate /??n?ve?t/ v. 改革;創(chuàng)新4. elaborate /??l?b?re?t/ v. 詳盡闡述5. ultimately /??lt?m?tli/ adv. 最后;最終As Mark Zuckerberg begins shifting Facebook to private messaging
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- Put off by US,Chinese students eye other universities
1143.png海詞積累1. chilling /?t∫?l??/ adj. 嚇人的;可怕的2. slash /sl?∫/ v. 大幅度削減3. duration /dju?re?∫n/ n. 持續(xù)時間4. recruitment /r??kru?tm?nt/ n. 招募5. pipeline /?pa?pla?n/ n. 管道;渠道Caught in the US-China trade war, Chinese students are looking
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- Why you should kick the plastic straw habit
國)州眾議院議員海詞積累The worst thing about plastic straws is that most of the time, they're not a choice. Like much of the single-use plastic that comes our way, plastic straws just appear, placed in takeout bags or appearing in cups of so
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- Michelle Obama's memoir Becoming
1298.png海詞積累1. executive /?g?zekj?t?v/ n. 經(jīng)理;主管領(lǐng)導(dǎo)2. juggernaut /?d??ɡ?n?:t/ n. 強大力量4. estimate /?est?me?t/ v. 估價;估算5.lucrative/?lu?kr?t?v/adj. 賺大錢的;獲利多的6. bandwagon /?b?ndw?ɡ?n/ n. 潮流;時尚Michelle Obama's autobiography, Becoming, is
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年11期2019-11-23
- Applications of VR
1146.png海詞積累1.astronomy/?'str?n?mi/n.天文學(xué)2.combat/'k?mb?t/n.&v.戰(zhàn)斗3.appropriate/?'pr??pri?t/adj.合適的4.scenario/s?'n?rio?/n.情節(jié);設(shè)想Many people are familiar with the term“Virtual Reality” but are unsure about the application of this tech
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- What makes her a writer
1109.png海詞積累1.motel/m??'tel/n.汽車旅館2.heroine/'her???n/n.女英雄;女主角3.delve/delv/v.探索4.sequel/'si?kw?l/n.續(xù)集;隨之而來的事Kelly Yang was six years old when she immigrated from Hong Kong to the US.As a child,Yang worked at the front desk of the
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- How does VR work
1203.png海詞積累1.stitch/st?t?/v.縫合2.peripheral vision周邊視覺3.console/'k?ns??l/n.控制臺4.plug/pl?g/v.接通(電源)5.motion/'m???n/n.動作;移動6.pan/p?n/v.追拍;搖攝7.herald/'her?ld/v.宣布(好或重要)The basis of a really good VR experience comes with a headset.A V
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- What is VR
1218.png海詞積累1.perspective/p?'spekt?v/n.角度;觀點2.immersive/?'mз?s?v/adj.沉浸式虛擬現(xiàn)實的3.simulate/'s?mjule?t/v.假裝;模擬4.generate/'d?en?re?t/v.發(fā)生;引起5.miniaturize/'m?n?t??ra?z/v.使微型化6.immerse/?'mз?s/v.使浸沒于7.visor/'va?z?(r)/n.面罩Everything that w
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- Gu Qingsheng,the guardian of Shennongjia
1137.png海詞積累1.gorgeous/'g??d??s/adj.華麗的;燦爛的2.mission/'m??n/n.使命3.veil/ve?l/n.面紗4.vivid/'v?v?d/adj.生動的5.herb/hз?b/n.藥草6.compile/k?m'pa?l/v.編制7.hypothesis/ha?'p?θ?s?s/n.假設(shè)8.multiple/'m?lt?pl/adj.多樣的The giant panda is probably one of
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- Giving up isn't so bad!
1226.png海詞積累1.distract/d?'str?kt/v.使分心;分散(思想)2.intern/'?ntз?n/n.實習(xí)生When you try too hard but you don't succeed or when despite all your efforts you don't get the results you need,give up and move on.Drop it and run in the opposite
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年10期2019-10-24
- Augmented Reality comes to the classroom
1710.png海詞積累1.augmentv.增強;擴大2.virtuallyadv.事實上;幾乎3.curriculumn.課程4.mockadj.模仿的;模擬的5.airframen.機身AugmentedReality (AR)has been around for decades.It is only recently,however,that people are beginning to recognize AR's unlimited pot
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- A watchmaker father's advice
1110.png海詞積累1.financial crisis經(jīng)濟危機2.relievev.緩解There were many ups and downs in the watchmaking business.Father loved his work,but he was not a moneymaker,and times were often hard.Once I remember we were faced with a realfinancia
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- No more ingesting lots of microplastics
1223.png海詞積累1.prevalencen.普遍性2.inhalationn.吸入3.respirationn.呼吸4.exclusivelyadv.僅僅;專門5.cumulativeadj.累積的Microplastics are everywhere in our environment.It's hardly surprising that the tiny fragments have also been found in humans.A
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Shanghai-style maths teaching in the UK could do better
1243.png海詞積累1.masteryn.精通2.peern.同齡人3.indicatev.表明4.quantifiableadj.可量化的The introduction into English primary schools of what are successful methods in the Chinese city has had little effect so far on raising pupils’test results.T
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Is$2 million enough to feel wealthy
1450.png海詞積累1.optimaladj.最適宜的;最理想的;最好的2.extravagantadj.奢侈的;鋪張浪費的3.equivalentadj.相等的;相同的How much does a person need to feel rich?A recent survey from Charles Schwab revealed that a net worth of$2.27 million would be enough.But can
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- China's express companies establish “Green Delivery Day”
1501.png海詞積累1.logisticsn.物流2.summitn.峰會3.installv.安裝;設(shè)置4.revenuen.稅收收入5.disposableadj.一次性的China's leading express companies established “Green Delivery Day” on May 28,2019,in a bid to reduce pollution caused by thelogisticsindustr
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Is it OK to eat while walking
1790.png海詞積累1.penalizev.處罰;懲罰2.violatev.違反;違背;違犯3.potentialadj.潛在的;可能的4.isolatev.隔離;孤立;脫離Street food is popular in many countries.But does that mean you should both buy and eat your food in the street?Japan is struggling to answer
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Meat-eating plant discovered in Canada
1025.png海詞積累1.bugn.小昆蟲;蟲子2.salamandern.蠑螈3.decomposev.分解4.bogn.沼澤5.predatorn.食肉動物;掠奪者6.carnivorousadj.食肉的Biologists from the University of Guelph have discovered a meat-eating plant in Ontario's Algonquin Park wetlands.Apart from
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- This ink is made from air pollution
lensack?海詞積累1.dieseln.柴油2.sootn.煤煙;油煙3.pigmentn.顏料;色素4.exhaustn.尾氣;廢氣5.markern.記號筆6.mediumn.介質(zhì)7.ink-jet printern.噴墨打印機On a trip to India in 2012,Anirudh Sharma captured a photo of adieselgenerator blowing blacksootagainst a white
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- In Vermont,small colleges are closing
1313.png海詞積累1.pastoraladj.田園的2.commencementn.畢業(yè)典禮3.bracev.(為困難或壞事)使做準備;使防備4.accreditationn.官方認證As Green Mountain College is closing its doors after 185 years,students are enjoying their final spring days on thepastoralcampus.The s
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- If every teacher at your school was one of The Avengers
建議用時 7′海詞積累1.decodev.解(碼);破譯2.charismaticadj.魅力非凡的3.tenuredadj.獲終身聘用的4.deceptivelyadv.欺詐地;虛偽地Everyone already knows that teachers are superheroes,so we wondered how it would go if actual superheroes took on the job.Here is the of
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Teacher dedicates herself to educating kids in mountainous town
建議用時 6′海詞積累spann.跨度A young college graduate has chosen to remain as a teacher at a mountainous school in east China's Jiangxi Province even though it is many miles from her home.Tu Youyou,in her 20s,officially became a teacher in
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Jeff Koons's Rabbit sculpture sold for a record$91 million
1311.png海詞積累1.auctionn.拍賣2.excessiveadj.過度的;過分的3.transparentadj.透明的On Wednesday,May 15,2019,a buyer paid slightly over$91 million to acquire American artist Jeff Koons'sRabbitsculpture at Christie's Post-War&Contemporary Art in Ne
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Tips for challenged caregiver
_973.png海詞積累1.diagnosev.診斷2.vergen.邊緣3.particularlyadv.特別;尤其Rob Lowe made a name for himself as an actor,starring in movies likeThe OutsidersandSt.Elmo's Fire.But in his 30s,Lowe took on an unexpected role:caregiver.When his mothe
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年9期2019-09-21
- Augmented Reality comes to the classroom 增強現(xiàn)實走進教室
sovskaya海詞積累1. augment v. 增強;擴大2. virtually adv. 事實上; 幾乎3. curriculum n. 課程4. mock adj. 模仿的;模擬的5. airframe n. 機身Augmented Reality(AR) has been around for decades. It is only recently, however, that people are beginning to recogniz
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Is $2 million enough to feel wealthy 有多少錢才算富
鄭紅進海詞積累1. optimal adj. 最適宜的;最理想的;最好的2. extravagant adj. 奢侈的;鋪張浪費的3. equivalent adj. 相等的;相同的How much does a person need to feel rich? A recent survey from Charles Schwab revealed that a net worth of $2.27 million would be enough. B
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Blind boy touches netizens with song of hope盲童用希望之歌感動網(wǎng)民
袁晶晶海詞積累1. emerge v.出現(xiàn);露出2. enormous adj.極大的;巨大的;龐大的A video of a 10-year-old boy named Chen Shibo singing a well-known pop song, You Are My Eyes, went viral on the Internet when viewers realised the boy was blind and felt deeply to
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Is it OK to eat while walking 邊走邊吃引發(fā)爭議
賴麗霞海詞積累1. penalize v. 處罰;懲罰2. violate v. 違反;違背;違犯3. potential adj. 潛在的;可能的4. isolate v. 隔離;孤立;脫離Street food is popular in many countries. But does that mean you should both buy and eat your food in the street? Japan is struggling
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Shanghai?鄄style maths teaching in the UK could do better 上海數(shù)學(xué)教學(xué)模式可以在英國做得更好
高雯海詞積累1. mastery n. 精通2. peer n. 同齡人3. indicate v. 表明4. quantifiable adj. 可量化的The introduction into English primary schools of what are successful methods in the Chinese city has had little effect so far on raising pupils test res
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- A class discussion:How teachers influence our life 課堂討論:老師怎樣影響我們的人生
羅躍梅海詞積累1. exaggeration n. 夸張;夸大2. prone adj. 有做(壞事)的傾向;易于遭受……的3. indispensable adj. 不可缺少的With annual Teachers' Day drawing near, a heated discussion about how teachers influence our life was held in my class. Below are some opinio
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- In Vermont, small colleges are closing 日暮途窮的佛蒙特州小型大學(xué)
高輝海詞積累1. pastoral adj. 田園的2. commencement n. 畢業(yè)典禮3. brace v. (為困難或壞事)使做準備;使防備4. accreditation n. 官方認證As Green Mountain College is closing its doors after 185 years, students are enjoying their final spring days on the pastoral cam
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- You can puzzle your way to happiness 通往幸福之路的“謎題”
便是一種幸福![海詞積累]1.arithmetic n. 算術(shù)2.sudoku n. 數(shù)獨游戲3.craze n. 狂熱;瘋狂4.scrawl n. 不工整的字跡;潦草的筆跡When I was a little girl growing up in the seaside town, there was nothing to do but go to the amusement park on rainy days. I couldnt play on
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- History of hip hop:5 surprising facts you might not know 嘻哈音樂史:不為人知的五件事
歷了哪些事呢?[海詞積累]1.showcase v. 充分展示2.cadence n. (說話時語調(diào)的)抑揚頓挫;起落3.spotlight n. 聚光燈4.catalyst n. 催化劑5.scorching adj. 酷熱的6.infamous adj. 臭名昭著的7.arson n. 縱火(罪)The roots of hip?hop culture can be traced back to the 1970s in South Bronx, Ne
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- The “Wandering Master” 走紅的流浪大師
人們諸多反思。[海詞積累]1.vagabond n. 流浪者;無業(yè)游民2.eloquent adj. 有口才的3.dub v. 稱……為;將……冠以4.intrigue v. 使很感興趣;迷住5.brim v. 注滿;裝滿(尤指液體)6.radiate v. 放射;流露7.deportment n. 舉止;風(fēng)度8.squat n. 偷住的房子Chinas latest Internet sensation is a 52?year?old known as
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- Healing trauma with hip hop 用嘻哈療法治愈創(chuàng)傷
特殊的功效吧。[海詞積累]1.trauma n. 精神創(chuàng)傷2.tribute n. 悼念;致哀3.counselor n. 輔導(dǎo)顧問At the New Visions School, hip?hop therapy(療法) has become part of the school culture. Students rap about being stressed about grades, tests and relationships. After
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- Hiker climbs over 2, 000 metres to hand out free water 徒步旅行者翻越2, 000米送免費用水
他們免費送水。[海詞積累]1.unforgiving adj. 不肯原諒的;難應(yīng)付的2.underestimate v. 低估From June to September, the temperature in Phoenix can be unbelievably high. But that doesnt stop 1.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?from attempting the 1.3?mile hike to the top of the
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- Hip hop takes a victory lap 嘻哈邁向勝利
歷了一段過程。[海詞積累]1.legacy n. 遺產(chǎn)2.indie adj. 不是大公司生產(chǎn)的;獨立的3.prevail v. 盛行;流行4.dominate v. 在……中擁有最顯眼的位置;占有優(yōu)勢5.nostalgia n. 懷舊;念舊6.nominate v. 提名7.resonate v. 產(chǎn)生共鳴As hip hop is declared Americans favourite, experienced musicians consider
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- A New Day 嶄新的一天
ng Jing)海詞積累1. vaguely adv. 含糊地2. tussle n. 爭執(zhí)3. fragment n. 碎片4. spout n. 水柱5. crib n. 幼兒床The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came to me. It was the third of M
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Jeff Koons?蒺s Rabbit sculpture sold for a record $91 million 杰夫·昆斯作品《兔子》拍出9,100萬美元天價
門士影海詞積累1. auction n. 拍賣2. excessive adj. 過度的;過分的3. transparent adj. 透明的On Wednesday, May 15, 2019, a? buyer paid slightly over $91 million to acquire American artist Jeff Koons's Rabbit sculpture at Christie's Post-War & Contempor
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Tips for challenged caregiver 給病人護理者的建議
彭運招海詞積累1. diagnose v. 診斷2. verge n. 邊緣3. particularly adv. 特別;尤其Rob Lowe made a name for himself as an actor, starring in movies like The Outsiders and St. Elmo's Fire. But in his 30s, Lowe took on an unexpected role: caregiver. W
瘋狂英語·讀寫版 2019年9期2019-09-10
- Asia’s homegrown hip?hop artists are ready for the world 亞洲嘻哈藝人:從本土走向世界
tells.[海詞積累]1.trio n. 三人組2.dominance n. 優(yōu)勢;主導(dǎo)3.verse n. 歌曲的段落With a population of an estimated two billion people in the 16?34 agerange, numbers alone illustrate the Asian music markets potential. At South By Southwest(SXSW) 2018
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- Floating cities above the sea 海上浮城
再高也不怕了。[海詞積累]1.prototype n. 原型2.shrunken adj. 縮小的;減少的3.hexagon n. 六邊形4.integrate v. 成為一體5.desalination n. (海水的)脫鹽6.sheltered adj. 受庇護的;不受壞天氣侵襲的A company called Oceanix is building a prototype floating island as an experimental sol
瘋狂英語·新閱版 2019年8期2019-09-10
- History of hip hop:5 surprising facts you might not know
0 ★★★ 7′海詞積累1.showcase v.充分展示2.cadence n.(說話時語調(diào)的)抑揚頓挫;起落3.spotlight n.聚光燈4.catalyst n.催化劑5.scorching adj.酷熱的6.infamous adj.臭名昭著的7.arson n.縱火(罪)The roots of hip-hop culture can be traced back to the 1970s in South Bronx,New York.Th
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年8期2019-08-21
- Healing trauma with hip hop
4 ★★★ 6′海詞積累1.trauma n.精神創(chuàng)傷2.tribute n.悼念;致哀3.counselor n.輔導(dǎo)顧問At the New Visions School,hip-hop therapy(療法)has become part of the school culture.Students rap about being stressed about grades,tests and relationships.After a girl i
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年8期2019-08-21
- Silent love
份無言的父愛吧。海詞積累1.acetylene n.乙炔2.hiss v.發(fā)嘶嘶聲3.locomotive n.機車;火車頭4.molten adj.熔融的5.swarmed v.蜂擁;涌動After Mom died,I began visiting Dad every morning before I went to work.He was weak and moved slowly,but he always had a glass of fresh
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年6期2019-06-14
- Happy Father's Day to you,my dad
兒眼中的父親吧。海詞積累1.polarize v.(使)兩極化;截然對立2.duel n.決斗;斗爭3.escort v.護送4.snotty adj.傲慢的5.evaporate v.(使)蒸發(fā);(逐漸)消失6.kohlrabi n.甘藍Dear Dad,today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Father's Day cards.They all ha
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年6期2019-06-14
- Is owning a dog good for your health?
國語大學(xué) 孟 潔海詞積累1.cholesterol n.膽固醇2.epidemiologist n.流行病學(xué)家3.substitute n.代替物4.retriever n.尋回犬Dogs really are our best friends,according to a Swedish study that says canine(犬)ownership could reduce heart disease.A study of 3.4 million
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年6期2019-06-13
- Cheese changes taste according to tunes
議用時說明文5′海詞積累1.vibration n.振動2.refine v.精煉;提純3.composition n.成分;構(gòu)成It may be sharp for some,but hip-hop is music to the ears of Switzerland's most famous cheese.According to research on the musical tastes of Emmental,cheese with a l
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年6期2019-06-13
- A city of the future
青山高中 劉豪杰海詞積累1.showcase v.使展現(xiàn)2.entrant n.參賽者3.renewable adj.可再生的;可更新的4.power grid電力網(wǎng)What will the future look like?I recently got to ask middle school students at the 27thannualFuture City Competition in Washington,D.C.Earlier this
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年6期2019-06-13
- India's newest Internet users are addicted to apps from China
海詞積累1.interface n.界面2.socioeconomic adj.社會經(jīng)濟學(xué)的3.domination n.控制4.censorship n.審查制度Some of China's quirkiest(怪異的)social media firms are signing up hundreds of millions of consumers in India,tech's biggest unexploited market,looking
瘋狂英語·新讀寫 2019年6期2019-01-11
- Mother and son embroidery team weave the threads of history
第四中學(xué) 劉恩慧海詞積累1.sachetn.小香囊2.embroideryn.刺繡3.literatin.文人學(xué)士4.embellishv.美化;對……加以渲染5.contemporaryadj.當代的6.blurv.使……模糊不清On a street in Zhenhu town,Suzhou,a studio named Me We launched a summer course recently in which Zhang Xue teache
瘋狂英語·新悅讀 2019年9期2019-01-10
- 《海詞》“熱詞看世界”個別譯文商榷
生【摘要】本文就海詞“熱詞看世界”欄目中的個別句子的譯文進行商榷,以便得出更準確地翻譯表達以及更好地認識并落實“忠實、通順”的翻譯標準?!娟P(guān)鍵詞】海詞 “熱詞看世界” 標準【中圖分類號】G633.41 【文獻標識碼】A 【文章編號】2095-3089(2015)07-0113-01海詞詞典(Dict.cn)創(chuàng)辦于2003年,是國內(nèi)第一個在線詞典,中國網(wǎng)絡(luò)詞典行業(yè)領(lǐng)航者,先后為有道詞典、百度詞典、騰訊、搜狗等提供在線詞典內(nèi)容與技術(shù)服務(wù)。本人作為海詞詞典的忠實
課程教育研究 2015年7期2015-05-30